Testimony: Working at a strip club does not deserve a stigma

avatar for jackslash
College student's summer job is in a strip club. Wise choice.



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avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
nice! hope to see her soon!
avatar for Electronman
6 years ago
We need a T shirt: "Helping college students pay tuition, one BJ at a time."
avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
She never talked about her experience "private" dancing though. Again, reads like another one of those generic articles...
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
She went to TX state? So I’m assuming she went to a club in Texas?

Where did she find her ballers during the summer? I’d believe it if it was a few times, but she made it sound too consistent.

And the bottom part of the article said she’s a journalism major. Oh fun.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Did she get the stigmata on her hands from pole work;)
avatar for April9424
6 years ago
didn't read, but i'm sick of all these girls saying they want to "normalize" and "destigmatize" stripping and other forms of sex work. if being a stripper were as normal to society as being a barista, we'd be making as much money as a barista. i'll take my stripper money and the stigma that comes with it.
avatar for goldmongerATL
6 years ago
No stigma, but a fake byline. My guess is Bayley Bogus is not her name.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
That's what white people do though. They think they discovered everything and once they get involved in it they think its up to them to save everyone and bring attention to shit.

There shouldn't be any stigma to it. The real stigma should be on the pathetic tricks.
avatar for Jascoi
6 years ago
stripping is an honorable profession. and serve a valuable service for society.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
Zoey I think that all the time. Abnormalize stripping, please.
avatar for blahblahblah23
6 years ago
^ agreed
avatar for jackslash
6 years ago
Zoey +++
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Zoey doesn’t post often, but when she does she makes it count.
avatar for flagooner
6 years ago
Being a Pee Troll deserves the stigma it gets.
avatar for ei8ht_Ball
6 years ago
"One man would come in about three times a week to see me and spend around $1,500 every time. Rarely did I have a bad shift; on average, I would make an upwards of $400 a night."

Okay, either the house is taking a ridiculously large cut or this girl needs to work on her math skills. If her regular spends $1,500 three nights a week, and we pretend she works six nights a week and makes $0 when he doesn't come in, then her average before house fees would be $750 per night. So the house would be keeping roughly 45% of her earnings. I'm guessing she exaggerated how much the regular spends and then tried to give an honest estimate of what she makes.
avatar for ei8ht_Ball
6 years ago
I also hope she declared $400/night on her income tax return, because her name is on the article and this could be used against her if she didn't pay her taxes.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
She was a waitress. 20% of $1500 is $300. Plus other customers. I don't think the average SC waitress makes anywhere that much per average shift even at 8 hours. Maybe half of that.
avatar for ei8ht_Ball
6 years ago
Yes, she **was** a waitress, then started dancing. I don't think the regular was coming in just to see a waitress. And $1,500 is a hell of a bar tab. The gentleman needs some serious help.

My favorite line from the article: "There is nothing wrong with this type of work, especially given the large sums of money I was procuring."

Not to suggest there is anything wrong with stripping, but procuring large sums of money should not be presented as justification for why the work is morally acceptable. Drug dealers procure large sums of money. So do hitmen. And politicians. I respect the stripper above all else, unless she's a drug-addicted ROB.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
The article is basically saying its OK cos middle class white girls are doing it
avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
She could have been a VIP waitress as well. Some of them might expect a tip for the total VIP price as well which to that i say go pound sand...
avatar for ei8ht_Ball
6 years ago
"The article is basically saying its OK cos middle class white girls are doing it"

I interpreted it to mean the middle class white girl says it's okay because it's what she chose to do with her summer, and anything that pays her money is okay. And she needs to work on her math skills.
avatar for TrapBaby304
6 years ago
If they interviewed poor women or minorities the tone would have been very different
avatar for ei8ht_Ball
6 years ago
That's probably true about most topics.
avatar for Dominic77
6 years ago
@TrapBaby304 posted, “once [white people] get involved in it they think its up to them to save everyone and bring attention to shit.”
“The article is basically saying its OK cos middle class white girls are doing it”

There’s some parallels to be drawn to prostitution and why it’s illegal in the U.S. of A. For most of this country’s history prostitution was LEGAL because prostitutes fit the mold of indigenous women and minority women.

In the early 1904/1907 this country experienced “The White Slave Panic” and we’re been in there ever since. Once white women started prostituting themselves, we’re had a sudden morality crisis, which gave us the “White-slave traffic Act of 1910” (a/k/a The Mann Act) and what eventually became the F-B-I.

And even today, do our politicians and civic cruisaders not equal prostitution and stripping with slavery? (trafficking) It’s 1904 all over again.

But Dom, what about 1940s - 1970s? Ah! But that’s when immigration was also curbed. See, it’s latent guilt. White men lusting after black women (for centuries) assume that immigrant non-white men lust after white women, that’s really the source of the guilt and moral outcry. Just no one will say it.
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