Currently I am in Salesforce.Making more than average salary. I am planning to be in the elite group in salesforce. Salesforce Technical aarchitect is the pinnacle in Salesforce. Is it worth to achieve it? It takes lot of time and
energy.How are the prospects compared to other
architects.Is it highly paid compared to other architects?
Need some thoughts.
last commentWho me LE?? LOL
That's true. Guys with just admin certification with no exp can make 65k min..with 2 to 3 years of exp , they can demand 100k..I crossed that level.Looking for more..have several certifications under my belt
If you have something meaningful to say,post on my thread otherwise dont post.
One way locking down a dancer for a night saved me from spending me too much on average girls. Now I am going only for exceptional girls and reduced the frequency of visits..Its good for me.
As for reducing the frequency of your visits, it sounds like the only reason your visits are less frequent is because you blow all your money in one visit and have to wait a bit to build up enough to blow it all again. That doesn't sound like a preferred scenario.
I have enough money but the girls I want to lock down are not available due to their schedule does not sync with my availability .
When I have time all I can get are average girls.I used to get couple dances from average girls but stopped doing that.
Oddly enough, if I got into something like that, I'd probably need to club less. So the irony!! But I'd likely go more often as a reward or treat more than a real need.
I say look into it!…
How many times did one strippers grandfather die? The same number of times you asked her out.
Btw - asking for career advice here is not a good idea. Our strip club advice is marginal! Lol!
OP is seeing that but is too stupid to get it. People have their limits as to what they'll put up with for money.
The truth is, every woman wants money spent on her, but if that's all you have to offer it won't go anywhere. The most important thing is how you make people feel.
That's not something to be proud of.…