
Power of No-Fap

came across this posting on another site and believe in it:
That guy who posted about the power of no-fap is so right! I go a week or more and feel like a king, extremely horny, but every woman is within my reach with enough effort and balls. And the women sense it and either respond positively or negatively very quickly - but I've scored with hot women who I'd never have a chance with or never even would have approached in my fapping days. Stop fapping and live your sex life to the fullest.


  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Good idea
  • rattdog
    6 years ago
    this idea is both good and bad.
    if a guy already has a good track record of getting girls then yeah he could score higher level ones.
    if a guy has no game and a real shitty track record then no this idea would be a major disaster. all this would do is piss of the guy and only the lord knows what this guy might do.
    fap is good i say. releases built up tension, enables a good night's sleep, and i believe doctors have documented that is good for a healthy prostate.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    Earlier this year I spent a while doing no-fap. For me I had probably masturbated once a day for decades so it was a big change. I do think there are some positive benefits to a reduction in masturbation but after trying it I am not in favor of going to zero, an occasional fap is fine.

    At this point for me I LDK a few times a week with strippers in addition to a regular sex life. Then I might look at porn a few times a month.

    The main benefit for me seems to be rewiring my brain to seek sexual release from women instead of the instant gratification of porn.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    For me LDK has become my alternative/upgrade to looking at porn
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I tend to agree with the benefits of not-fapping in that it kinda makes you more-driven and energetic; but also agree there needs to be a release at some point - I think a healthy-male is designed to have intercourse (and thus release) on a regular basis and should only go so long w/o release - w.r.t. fapping less is probably better but in-lieu of intercourse seems it's not a good idea to hold out indefinitely.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    I've been doing this for several years as part of my pre-sugar-date ritual (along with low-fat diet and plenty of aerobic exercise). Makes for an "explosive" evening when the date finally arrives. Otherwise, no-fap is completely counterproductive if you don't have a sure thing planned.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    OK. I admit I’m too lazy right now to research what ‘no fap’ means.
    what the heck does it mean???
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @misterwonderful - No fap is a group of guys who decide to completely stop masturbating. Basically you are only allowed to orgasm from sex with a woman. They get really into it, there are all sorts of rules and difficulty levels. Some (but not all) of them are religious and anti-porn.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    Man. that’s dedication.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    and thank you Paul for helping me.
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    Oh great, another TUSCL clique to keep track off - the "no-fappers"

    Nicespice - you getting this?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I think some of the no fappers will explode soon .........hmmm maybe that’s a good thing, I hadn’t thought about it that way ;)
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I would have been Kramer in their bet.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    I tried it before and liked it. id rather fuck anyways though
  • bubba267
    6 years ago
    Hate to admit it, but once again I agree with Random Logic.. I’m not “sugaring” but his pregame routine is spot on for me and my current situation. If you think about it ,the drive and sense of needing to seek and mate would make sense from a basic biology perspective. I can guarantee I would have gotten laid more if I hadn’t taken the edge off on a daily basis in college. Years later, as I ran into some of the girls I was attracted to, several asked me why I didn’t “go for it” back then. Too much fapping took the drive away.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    I'm am of the mind and experience that the right amount of drive can push a guy to do things. Testosterone is a wonderful hormone that can fuel all sorts of productive things. Also just looking at or admiring an attractive woman, visually when testosterone levels in the body are sufficient can trigger all sort of good feelings and other positive benefits. I think that excess self gratifying can negate that. That's the wrong release/reward system. But this assumes the guy has plenty of confidence and skill in chasing women and using normal sex as the his main release. Used naturally, testosterone creates a sort of self catalyzing reaction.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I hate to support anything that involves less jerking off. However, a bit of less spanking the monkey might not be a bad thing.

    I’m not whacking my bag several times a day anymore, but since pornhub offers such a multitude of content, it isn’t easy to not enjoy a daily jerkin of the gherkin.

    Maybe I will try to watch less of those Dirty Garden Girl videos - and beat my meat a bit less - and then improve my mood - and feel like the master of my domain!!!
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I actually started slapping-the-monkey less since I read this thread, went about 4-days clean but last night was having trouble falling asleep and had to let it rip (one napkin wasn't enough for the clean-up) - also haven't watched any porn for several days - it's been a nice change of pace
  • Lil_Baller100
    6 years ago
    my maid jerks me off every morning in order to wake me up.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    The volume of the semen ejaculate seems to build up for a max load in about 7 days. I read the body starts to recycle it after a week. I guess the balls can only get so blue.
  • FTS
    6 years ago
    This is easy to explain by comparing the extremes. Begin with the assumption that man has some level of sex-drive which is natural. Then, on one end of the spectrum, he locks himself in his parent's basement and does nothing except 1. masturbate to porn, 2. eat chicken wings and waffles, 3. emit waste, 4. sleep. Obviously, at this end of the spectrum, his entire sex-drive is being spent on the porn-assisted fabrications of his imagination. None of it is spent on the pursuit of real intercourse. On the opposite end of the spectrum, he never masturbates or watches porn. If he has some psychological problem that prevents him from pursuing real intercourse, then he will only be metaphorically fucked and will only experience ejaculations involuntarily. If, on the other hand, he is mentally healthy, then he will be driven to pursue women and will experience intercourse as often as is allowed by the circumstances (e.g. the time of day, the balance of his bank account, his physical attractiveness, his game, etc.). The frequency with which he experiences intercourse will be altered according to the degree of his masturbatory habits. The relationship between the two might be non-linear, but the boundary conditions are [chicken-wings-in-basement, no sex] and [never masturbate, some sex].

  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Per WebMD:

    Male Masturbation: 5 Things You Didn't Know

    If there's one thing that almost every guy is an expert at, it's masturbation. After years of extensive, hands-on experience, you think you know everything there is to know. But according to the experts, maybe you don't. Here are some that may surprise you.

    1. Masturbation doesn't have the health benefits that sex does.
    "It appears that not all orgasms are created equally," says Tobias S. Köhler, MD, MPH, an associate professor at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine in Springfield.

    Study after study shows that intercourse has all sorts of benefits for men -- for your blood pressure, heart and prostate health, pain, and more. You'd think that masturbation would, too. But it doesn't.

    Why would it make a difference whether you ejaculate during sex or on your own? No one's sure. But your body seems to respond differently. Even the makeup of semen is different if you masturbate instead of having sex.

    Still, does it really matter? Have you honestly been masturbating all these years only because you wanted to boost your prostate health? Didn't think so. But one study, Harvard’s Health Professional Followup, showed that Masturbation may help lower risk of prostate cancer.

    2. Masturbation is not risk-free.
    Sure, it's low-risk. It's the safest form of sex possible. No one ever caught an STD from himself or made himself pregnant. But like other low-risk activities (chewing, walking), it still has some risks.

    Frequent or rough masturbation can cause minor skin irritation. Forcefully bending an erect penis can rupture the chambers that fill with blood, a rare but gruesome condition called penile fracture.

    Köhler has seen guys with it after vigorous masturbation. "Afterward, the penis looks like an eggplant," he says. "It's purple and swollen." Most men need surgery to repair it.

    3. There's no "normal" amount of masturbation.
    Guys can get hung up on whether they masturbate too much. But it's not how many times you masturbate in a week (or day) that really matters, says Logan Levkoff, PhD, a sexologist and sex educator. It's how it fits into your life.

    If you masturbate many times a day and have a healthy, satisfying life, good for you. But if you masturbate many times a day and you're missing work or giving up on sex with your partner because of it, consider seeing a sex therapist.

    Even then, there's nothing specific about masturbation that's the problem. Compulsive masturbation is like any behavior that disrupts your life -- whether it's compulsively playing poker or checking your social media every other minute.

    4. Masturbating doesn't reflect on your relationship.
    Levkoff says the most damaging myth about male masturbation is that it's a sign something is wrong in your relationship.

    The fact is that most guys masturbate. They masturbate if they're single, in a bad relationship, or in a great relationship. It's just something they do that has nothing to do with their partners.

    Masturbation isn't only about sex, Levkoff says. For many, it's a routine way of relieving stress, clearing your head before work, or going to sleep.

    5. Masturbation is almost certainly good for your sex life.
    Masturbation can help your sex life, since it's how guys learn what they like during sex. "I think women would be more satisfied sexually in their relationships if they masturbated as much as men do," Levkoff says.
    Are there exceptions? Some guys do get so hooked on a certain amount of pressure during masturbation or the stimulation of porn that they can't perform with a partner, says Ian Kerner, PhD, a sex therapist and author of She Comes First.

    Still, Kerner says those guys are the exception. "For the vast majority of men, masturbation is a healthy thing," he says. "I'm usually more concerned about a guy who's stopped masturbating -- which can be a sign of anxiety or health problems -- than a guy who's doing it regularly."

  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... The premise being that if you become desperate enough you will get laid ..."

    Yeah - not getting laid will def make you desperate; but not sure it works the other way around LOL
  • FTS
    6 years ago
    I invoked /Thread. The problem is solved. Yo, why we still be talkin?
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    Who came up with the idea of No Fap, and how is his life going?
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