
I heard a great line today. Not a direct quote but this is the gist.

LeBron's remake of Space Jam could win the Oscar, but MJ's fans would still argue it's not as good as the original.

They are delusional.

LeBron is the GOAT.


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Avatar for Plassi

MJ is the GOAT. LeBron would have struggled to get one ring in the 90s.

Avatar for flagooner

Have you been smoking the devil's lettuce with Bambimbo?

Avatar for TheeOSU

The only true goat authority that I'm aware of here is that creep from San Jose.

Avatar for twentyfive

LBJ is the G. O. A. T.

DJT is just another character in the Space Jam ;)

Avatar for crazyjoe

Goats eat everythibg

Avatar for RandomMember

I don't know all that much about basketball, but I grew up in southern CA and was a pretty big Laker fan growing up. I went to lots of games. Comparing Magic to Larry Bird to MJ there's just no comparison: MJ was just a way better athlete -- fluid, acrobatic, effortless skill. Larry Bird was a hero to white guys who needed a white hero in the NBA, even though he was vastly inferior to Magic and Jordan. I've hardly watched LeBron but I get the feeling that he's taller, stronger, but maybe less fluid and acrobatic than Jordan.

Avatar for flagooner

If I told you LeBron was a libertarian would you agree he is the GOAT.

Avatar for ime

Sanjoseguy fucks and gets fucked by goats.

Avatar for RandomMember

"If I told you LeBron was a libertarian would you agree he is the GOAT"

I'm just about the opposite of a Libertarian, dipshit. But maybe your Alzheimers is getting worse

Avatar for twentyfive

^All I can add to this seriously is MJ had amazing skills, Bird was probably the best playmaker of his era, but LeBron has skills to rival MJ at his best, and he is the best playmaker, as well.

On balance I give it to LeBron (King) James.

Avatar for shailynn

I have a SUV that has a 520hp engine. They also make a 2 door sports car with the same 520hp engine.

LeBron is the SUV

Jordan is the sports car

We can argue all day which one is better. One is better than the other considering your needs, just like each player is better suited depending on who you put around him.

Avatar for flagooner

^ No, there is no argument.

Avatar for flagooner


As you can tell I don't pay attention to much of anything you write.

Avatar for londonguy

There's someone in southern CA that is an expert in this field apparently.

Avatar for RandomMember


As you can tell I don't pay attention to much of anything you write"

Actually I get the feeling that you're just dumb as fucking brick and don't understand basic concepts that a fourth grader would comprehend. Or maybe it's just your feeble geriatric mind.

Avatar for shailynn

Flagooner if I was picking up pizza I’d take the SUV, as for picking up pussy I’d take the sports car.

Avatar for RandomMember

"There's someone in southern CA that is an expert in this field apparently"

You should go back and read my initial post. I went out of my way to state that I'm not an expert.

Avatar for Warrior15

Lebron is not the GOAT. Is he in the discussion, maybe. But not the best. Not in the Top 5 for me. He has played his entire career in an inferior league. That will be exposed this year as he has moved to the Lakers. I would not be surprise if they don't even make the playoffs in the West. Then will you stop about this nonsense about LeBron as the GOAT ?

Michael Jordon

Bill Russell

Magic Johnson

Wilt Chamberlain

Larry Bird

Maybe LeBron is sixth.

Avatar for shailynn

How do you not have Derrick Coleman in your top 5?

Avatar for Mnaz

No way LeBron is even close to goat. Goats don’t leave to find better players to play with in Miami; plus he’s a bad teammate; he’s boring; and he was in trainwreck. He’s basically a boring Shaquille O’Neal.

Avatar for flagooner

Haters gonna hate.

There is no debate.

LeBron is the GOAT,

He just doesn't showboat.

Avatar for Icey

He;s no Kobe. MJ admitted Kobe is the only new player who could probably beat him. But its a different game now. Labron is a bitch

Avatar for Warrior15

flag, You keep redirecting the debate. Anyone that says he's not the GOAT must hate him. That is not the case. I respect LeBron. He's a very good player. He will end up in the Hall of Fame. I would have been OK with him going to the Rockets which is my team. But that is much different than saying he is the "Greatest of all time". He's just not at that level for a lot of reasons. I put him at #6 above, but actually I think he's more like #8 or #9. That is not a criticism. I actually think that is a incredible compliment that I am putting him that high.

But he is not Michael. MJ with 4 stiffs would still have won the championship. LeBron with 4 all-stars couldn't.

Avatar for flagooner

^ You're right, he's not MJ. He's better.

Avatar for Dominic77

Chili Palmer = GOAT.

You're all wrong. That statement is FACT. He's a monger among mongers. I'd like to just live out one of that guy's stories -- like his 40th (??) birthday party. Just. Once. Source: /discussion.php

Avatar for Cashman1234

LBJ? Wtf?! Is this b-ball or politics?

If it’s bball - Jordan is the GOAT.

Politics - either G Washington or A Lincoln - will be the GOATs.

If it’s SJG - then the goats are scared!

Avatar for twentyfive

^LBJ is the goat

LeBron James=LBJ

Avatar for Cashman1234

No matter how you abbreviate his name - he’s still not the goat.

Unless SJG’s girlfriend grows a beard and starts losing her hair - that’s the only way LBJ will resemble a goat!

Avatar for Dominic77

LBJ was actually America's last great president.

"Mr. Hagger," as in Hagger Slacks, Lyndon B. Johnson's balls weigh two-hundred pounds a piece and need room to swing, so fix that up and send the new slacks over to the White House.

audio proof LBJ=goat: www.youtube.com

Avatar for twentyfive

^ everything flagooner says is a fact ;)

You really can’t argue about that.

Avatar for Cashman1234

Dominic77 that’s incorrect. Reagan was our last great president. LBJ was far from great.

Avatar for GACA

Bill Boy Clinton was the last great president.

LeBron is Goat

Avatar for Cashman1234

Even if I enjoyed cigars - I wouldn’t think Clinton was a great president.

Avatar for Dominic77

Cashman1234, proof. Or it didn't happen. ;)

I'll give you Reagan was the last great president I remember. But he's the first president I remember.

I loved that he seemed to fall asleep at Summit Meetings. That's almost too-gangster for words! if the POTUS can be too-gangster, that is!

Though I am sure the LBGT community has plenty of criticism for his slow reaction and public response to the HIV crisis. But he did respond. The criticism was he didn't do enough and soon enough.

I also criticize him for trying to out-spend on defense with the USSR. It seemed everyone should have treated socialism & communism like we do trolls, today. Ignore them. and let them just run out of existing capital because socialist societies fail to re-invest or add capital. It just took them a VERY long time to exist the Tzar-ist capital they they had from prior to 1917.

It would have just collapsed until its own weight. Eventually, given enough time. Reagan, Kennedy, LBJ all failed to see that. Even though we all are taught to memorize the saying that, "the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." It's my pseudo-intellectual TUSCL answer, that the people leading the US should have followed their own advice. :)

(this is a humor piece).

Avatar for Dominic77

^ VERY long time to *exhaust


Avatar for Cashman1234

I don’t agree with your views of socialist/communist economic systems, and the cause of their eventual decline. Those economies would have remained viable for a long time. Those economic systems would make useful hedges against capitalist ups and downs.

Avatar for flagooner

Seriously, for all of you that eat MJ's ass, what part of the game does he do better than LeBron?

MJ was a showman. He was flamboyant, and could dunk while wagging his tongue.

What was he better at? I'm not going to allow winning as there are to many factors outside the player's control.

Avatar for Dominic77

Okay you got me there. That's what I get for not thinking about market investments in capitalist economies.

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