Are dancers ever good people?

avatar for _Constantine_
I strongly suspect NO


last comment
If this is Trucidos, then yes, def. troll.
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
I am not jaded as much as being honest.

Ever known a dancer to truly be trustworthy or capable of a relationship?

Always a motive.

I’m not saying I don’t respect dancers but I never could trust one as a person.
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
Ok fine maybe I’m being a fucking dumbass.

Maybe I’m just being real though.

Dancers focus so much on being amazing lovers but never seem capable of being amazing at love.

These women are very smart. Do you ever see them wind up improving the lives of others they come into contact with with all the money they earn?

These girls are masters of Samsara and almost always love the example that the wages of sin are death.

I don’t judge. I have my own countless sins.

Sometimes it’s simply sad to see girls like that.
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
Live the example*
Troll or not, when you ask such a question, you've already lost in the strip club game.

I would be willing to challenge anyone on here that's my age, if they've had more stripper relationships than me.

At first glance most PLs would accuse all strippers of being blood sucking leeches. Why not? They're in sales. Does anyone look at car salesmen or insurance salesmen in a favorable way? No, not really, but that's doesn't make them all bad people, and strippers aren't all bad either. I've met many genuine ones before, who are stripping because they money is too easy or they can't find another job that pays as well. They'd rather be a nurse, I've met several who left being a teacher because they couldn't pay their bills.

You've mentioned balling, and bottle service at the club, that's just going to drive the leeches to you quicker. That's like flies on shit when it comes to $$$
my sex life has been improved by many strippers!!!
I have had two friem\nds in my life who were very good people. learned about them being strippers about 3 years AFTER becoming friends. Thus, I say yes, strippers can be good people.
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
I have a sales history I totally get it

Here’s the thing I sell a commodity.

A lot of these girls sell emotional poison and manipulate their customers into very bad places.

Much like comparing a commmodity salesman to a drug dealer to Phizer.

All three are varying degrees of asshole in an imperfect world.

See what I’m saying?

You have to admit it’s not human beauty at its intended positive frequency. It’s the commercialization of affection and beauty which in many cases in weaponized.
You have to sell your soul if your going to be good at the type of sale that a stripper has to make. It comes with the territory, and the PL can choose to stay away from the environment and pick a different landscape. Buyer beware, always.
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
Ok so saying this open philosophy discussion allows us all to admit that of course in theory a stripper is capable of being a good and even strong positive person?

What would you say the percentage is that would constitute a dancer being evil?

Seems to attract a lot of evil women.
avatar for K
New Jersey
6 years ago
The OP doesnt ask anything. It is a declaration damning all strippers. Follow up posts are no better. I could discuss several strippers i know that disprove your OP but i don't think you are here for discussion. I discussed some in previous posts.
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
I didn’t have a bad experience at an SC lately quite the opposite I had the best SC experience of my life recently.

It’s just once we get past all the Trucidos trolling and facade the reality is I am heavily involved in religious studies and very reflective.

We’re all capable of evil and I don’t think I’m exempt (the Trucidos shit was disgusting)

A lot of things I have done are wrong.

I just wonder how many of these girls are spiritually healthy positive operators. How many focus on buying the homeless a meal. Focus on being kind to the crippled. Focus on animal welfare. How about focusing on not hurting vulnerable people?

These same girls don’t want to be seen as pieces of meat but isn’t it required not to be considered a mark?

You can’t trust someone who proudly puts money over human life and love while wearing it like a badge of honor.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
I don’t speak for all dancers. Some are better people than me, some are worse. But I’ll be a good person starting at $300/hr :)
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
I dunno maybe I’m just in a sour fucking mood but I think humanity was meant to love each other in healthier ways.

The human heart wasn’t meant to run around the concept of anarcho capitalism
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
Here’s a question Spice.

Do you ever have the urge to make the people around you better or help others?

Or is it always about the next dollar?
"Ever known a dancer to truly be trustworthy or capable of a relationship?"

I don't think most humans in general are truly trustworthy, and many are NOT capable of a relationship. I hold my integrity in high regard, and while I get shit here sometimes for it, my principles and values come first. I am extremely loyal, and will cut someone completely out of my life if they fail to be loyal/trustworthy. When you find a loyal human, hang on to them, because there are few.

Yes, strippers are capable of the things you ask about. However, many people do get jaded from the job which makes them harder to have a relationship, as a lot of women will push people away because they're afraid of trusting and getting hurt. Working at a titty bar can do that to people.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
“The human heart wasn’t meant to run around the concept of anarcho capitalism”

Judging from Tumblr (might not be the most accurate way to guess), most dancers seem to left wing Sanders types. Not anarcho capitalist.

Do you ever have the urge to make the people around you better or help others?

Make people better? Nope, I don’t make anyone do anything. As for helping others...that’s only for me to know

"I strongly prefer women with a violent streak."

Well, why didn't you say so to begin with.

I have just the dancer for you.
avatar for K
New Jersey
6 years ago
I see the problem. You are judging modern women by standards set down by bronze age goat herders or some other primitive society.
You make several assumptions. None of which are proven. For example, you assume we are here for a purpose. You assume the relationship is unhealthy. You mention love. I assume you mean agape. How is a p2p relationship with a stripper contrary to agape?
"I have just the dancer for you."

Why, who on earth would that be?
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
Let me explain something in my defense and perhaps to the demise of my logic.

I have been seriously and heavily involved in theology studies the occult and demonic for many years.

Some people don’t want to believe that stuff exists and some people don’t have a choice they know.

I have been in close proximity to death and violence and perhaps my first true adult love was with very dark spiritual violent energy.

I haven’t had a sincere night with a woman since I got heavy into this.

I appreciated what that person did that night. It was mechanical for them however.

I like to see the mask break and stare into someone’s soul.

There are lots of forms of sexual magic and practices and energy. Tantric is a good example.

I prefer to see a woman’s violence. Not her Americanized capitalist armor or idiotic stripper persona.

I hardly consider consensual violent sexual energy evil or wrong. When studying the sexuality of a lot of animals it’s in some cases the most honest interaction a male and female of their respective species,

I guess I like that sacred violent warrior ritualistic sex dude. I apologize to God but not anyone here or society for it.

Some of the best women Ive known have been strippers. Their whole being isnt reflected by their job.

The people at work aren't the best. They run into socially awkward or nasty men who pay them to grind on them and make them feel good. A lot of these men are potential weirdos stalkers and are looking for sex. its not a wholesome work environment. They're there to make money. Men are buying a fantasy, if they can't realize reality from the fantasy they're paying for, its not on the stripper. Its the man.
welcome to the TUSCL discussion board. Cheaper than a psychiatrist.
Not every dancer is good and not every dancer is bad. If you're meeting a new person, you don't automatically just assume they're out to get you. IF you do that, then that's fine too. However, it could severely limit how well you interact with people. The same goes for dancers. Sure they are a little more money motivated than your average Joe, but at the end of the day they are people just like you and me. There are always gonna be good ones and bad ones. Let's hope in the future you only run into the good ones.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
Stripping isn’t the same as it was 5 or 10 years ago. Instagram and Facebook have made strippers into celebrities and brought this job into the mainstream. It’s not a taboo so much anymore, especially for yournger people, both sexes are intrigued by the glamour and the fame and the noteriety of being a baller—the lifestyles of being on both the customer and dancer sides of the coin.

So, because of this, a lot of “normal” girls dance. All kinds of people do all jobs. Priests molest kids, attorneys steal from the naive elderly, doctors abuse prescription pills—and all of those jobs are highly regarded. All kinds of people do all jobs.

I know fucked up liar stripper bitches and I know a lot of really decent girls.

I volunteer at the humane society, and I also used to volunteer with illiterate adults who were learning to read. All kinds of people do all jobs.
@phatboy99 i don't pay for the fantasy lap dances are for chumps
i have definitely met and enjoyed some good hearted stripers.
"attorneys steal from the naive elderly"

I see you've heard of TUSCL's crack legal staff.
Most dancers are 'good people'. Some may not be good for you though.
The initial question is flawed. The proper question is below.

Are most dancers good people?

By adding ever to your question - it becomes very difficult to prove true.
No, the addition of “ever” actually makes it *easier* to prove. Once single instance of a stripper who is a good person answers the question with a “yes”.

Revising it to read “most” makes it harder, since now you have to show that at least half of them are good people.

The answer to the titular question is a definite yes. I’ve met several.
Jeez DC9428, you’re such a humanitarian defending the honor of strippers! Maybe you can join SJG’s organization and double his membership?

Let it be known nobody ever stated anything about being “sexual” means selling your soul, except you. Just to clarify most sales people have to sell their soul if you’re going to be good at it, because there is no such thing as being altruistic, especially when it comes to pretending to be sexually interested in customers like strippers have to.

Glad to see we still have a strong contingency of white knights around here. You may want to go back to the hospital and Have your head re-examined for possible brain damage done to you by your “girlfriend” stripper who choked you out. Fits of rage and hostility are signs of long term effects from brain damage, much like what happened to former NFL convicted felon Patriots Aaron Hernandez. We wouldnt want to see a repeat of his symptoms that spurred jealousy.
^^^Cool, does this mean I'm no longer the Tuscl resident white knight? #YEESSS.

I'm glad @nicespice cleared it up in my mind. I just needed to read it one last time: "I don’t need any customer to care about me (and would prefer they don’t unless they are spending several hundred dollars to do so) I just want them to respect my boundaries, respect my time, and pay me fairly." Also lookup the logical fallacy of the "noble pervert."
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
I respect Nice Spice.

I doubt she would ever be capable of being a good girlfriend or wife though.

Everyone knows the whole lye on your hand example here on TUSCL.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
I didn’t. I had to use the search bar, lol…
Let's ask the reverse question are mongers ever good people?
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
6 years ago
I believe *most* of my regulars, the men I have gotten to know a lil better than the average customer, are decent guys.
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
Nice reverse psychology now own your shit and explain to me in a thousand word essay why I should ever trust an extras stripper.
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
Nice Spice needs a king in her life to set her sweet Texas ass straight
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
Hm, are you sure you’re not this infamous dougster?

It’s a shame. Flagooner said this dougster poster was a hoot.
My ATF (TUSCL gridget) was an EMT and I personally saw her attend to 2 ill customers ITC until the paramedics arrived. She kept a kit with her all the time.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
^holy cow, that’s awesome. I just searched her profile. She didn’t post much, but she seems to have made a huge impact.
Customers think a stripper is bad when the customer cant distinguish the fantasy he's paying for from reality. Saying a stripper is using you for money is ridiculous for example, is your dr, mechanic, grocery clerk, etc using you for money??? As long as your relationship is professional and a business transaction of course money is the main factor!

As for trust, that really depends on what you mean. It has nothing to do with her being paid for what she does.

You gain anyone's trust by being real and consistent. Strippers included.
I think the customers get confused because strip clubs are a pseudo-social environment. Back when it was stage shows or just wannadance clubs, this wasn't an issue. But once dancers started sitting, talking, and connecting to customers: I think we ended up with a problem. The problem is the needy customer (vulnerable?) using a strip club or dancer for emotional fulfillment. The other side is dancers using elaborate romance hustles (a/k/a head games) on vulnerable customers. But it is hard to say the dancers are at fault. I understand why they play head games ... else they wouldn't make any money. Grown ass men set themselves up for it when they connect with a dancer while in a vulnerable state.
some take advantage of the men and that is malicious, but I haven't personally known strippers who do that. The ones I know make it as clear as possible the feelings arent there on their part
Tl,dr DC9428

I got the wrong person who was choked out, becUse o don’t want to read about that. Sorry i mistook you for Constantine.
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
You got a problem with me ?
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
If Mice Pisse wasn’t such a bad person why did she invite me to a longhorn steakhouse bathroom to fuck behind her boyfriend MGK Jrs back?
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
I’m sorry it was the floor of a roadhouse.

She said her boyfriend has a peanut allergy and she wants to fuck on the floor before they sweep up to make him sick because he wants her to quit dancing
Find a lowest-common-denominator definition of "good person" that we can all agree on, and then the debate has legs to stand on.

PLs are the worst people to judge dancers and, conversely, dancers are the worst people to judge PLs because each group seeks to maintain a predominantly superficial relationship.
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
But I’m special Ishmel they owe me.

I’m King Trucidos
None of that is true.

You're just another guy on the internet.
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
With a very expensive camera
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
Your a bully and mean spirited individual though.
* You're
avatar for _Constantine_
6 years ago
Wow you didn’t hear? My first decree as king was to make official grammatical changes too the English language.

On average, dancers are WAY better people than

Computer nerds/geeks tech people - the most evil weird malicious creeps antisocial creeps out there
and other degenerates
and definitely better than strip club management
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