Ssrious question : how likely is it for someone to use meth if their S/O does it

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
I guess thsir is no answer ? I mean , while a person is more likely to use these kinds of substances if someone very close to them uses them, I'm sure many of you have had close relationship ships with strippers who have used coke or meth(I know I just put the 2 drugs in the same category.) But haven't used these substances yourselves? Thx
last commentNot a good situation.
I don't go along at all with the Recovery Movement perspective on drugs. I say that if someone does not want to use them, then they won't.
But why would they have a spouse who does use them? I certainly would not.
I know if I was your significant other I would be doing meth just to be able to tolerate you.
I had a SO who was a dancer and was with her for around 8-9 years. I did crack because she did and got to where it was a big problem for me. I solved the problem by getting rid of her
I’m guessing it’s pretty likely as far as spousal use given the amount of meth out there being used. Even though meth isn’t in the news like it used to be and is imported rather than cooked in the back woods, meth use is way higher than it was at the peak it hit 10-15 years ago. In other words, lots more people are using it than ever before. I assume plenty of folks got on it through a spouse or significant other rather than just by random choice, given the number of users.
It's not a random thing. Does the primary want to use drugs?
If the answer is NO, then why do they have an SO who does?
Breaking Bad taught Nicokey NOTHING!
With coke, its possible not to, depends on how they use it. If its just as a party drug or to get by at work it can be okay. If it gets to be an everyday thing itll be very hard not to. you'll be in two very different mindsets, I doubt it would work
With meth, I don't think its possible. you cant be with someone under that kind of influence and be on a completely different level and have a connection.
A non user is unlikely to stick with a user too long
A lot of people pick up bad habits from the people they associate with whether they are acquaintances or a S.O., and those bad habits can be cussing, drinking, smoking, drugs - so yeah it's very possible to do drugs depending on who you hang with but by no means inevitable IMO.
I'd want to get rid of someone using either. They don't play those public commercials anymore showing eggs frying saying this is your brain on meth. Don't get your brain fried. You could end up being a troll here as your proud achievement in life. On the other hand, what do I care, go for it. Venezuela is your role model for economic success. Vote for Bernie. Raise everyone's taxes 23%. What could go wrong?
The avg hardcore SCer seems is older, fairly-conservative and not a hardcore party type, pretty-much established, and sorta set in their (non drugs) ways, thus I assume it's unlikely a stripper that has little in common with them and little influence on them, is gonna turn them onto drugs; not saying it can't happen but I assume not that likely.
Ok so..if I know thos person that is dating, someone ..and their SO uses meth .Nd this person is obsessed with their loves them to death. ..I mean I think it is a 50/50 that they could be hooked on it too
Like y'all prob think k it is more than likely that they started to use meth like their SO, bur nth I think it.could be a 50/50 chance .
Just cuz how many ppl do we know drink smoke or do cocaine , but their wife/husband does not ???
And why are y'all acting as if cocaine is safe to use??
"Don't get your brain fried. You could end up being a troll here as your proud achievement in life."
Orionsmith, you are absolutely correct!
Nicoke, why do you care???
It’s more likely. Like the phrase goes “you are most like the five closest people around you”
Question: How does somebody make the same misspelling in an "accidental" double post?
I get juicebox69. He has his own way of spelling words and many of his special words are brilliant. But Nicole1994 misspelled "there" in this post and its sister post. Plus "thsir" isn't a funny typo. At least "they're" would be kind of a weirdo substitution.
Does Nicole1994 write her posts offline and then paste? If so I have to things to say: 1) aces trolling strategy; but 2) work on some better trolling content.
In the late 70's when coke was huge, meth was just as huge in our group, but only because it was the drug of choice for truck drivers. Cocaine was for partying and Meth was for driving to California alone in 3 days. Meth keeps you up and while cocaine does as well its, like comparing 3.2 beer to pure grain alcohol. Both were snorted back then and looked similar, but you could tell if someone was snorting coke or meth by their reaction to snorting. The cocaine people would tilt their head back and inhale hard to make sure no granules got away. The one who snorted meth would grab their nose and go oowww, arragh, I am burning up, I am on fire, please god make it stop. It hurt like you would not believe so when I see my meth clients and their teeth I understand that the meth dissolved them.
Nice pooper Nicole.
"The cocaine people would tilt their head back and inhale hard to make sure no granules got away. The one who snorted meth would grab their nose and go oowww, arragh, I am burning up, I am on fire, please god make it stop. It hurt like you would not believe so when I see my meth clients and their teeth I understand that the meth dissolved them."
That sounds disgusting.
I can't say I personally know anyone who has done meth. I've known plenty who have tried coke once or twice, and people whose vice it is. Business professionals come into the club and ask me where I can find coke. Apparently they think it's a prerequisite to become a stripper, but I don't hangout with any of the cokeheads at my job. I only accept cash payments (and that tuition check my customer once wrote me). I do, however, accept weed as a tip.
^ lol I've had a guy once ask if he can pay for my lapdances with coke.
Yeah, everyone asks me where they can get some "white" I guess I look like a coke whore or they just assume all strippers use it lol.
Yeah. I've had guys offer that, too. Wrong stripper! It's annoying.
And I'm sure you don't look like a coke whore lol. Some customers seem to just think that any stripper will have the hookup on coke. Apparently it's a stereotype.