Ssrious question : how likely is it for someone to use meth if their S/O does it

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
I guess thsir is no answer ? I mean , while a person is more likely to use these kinds of substances if someone very close to them uses them, I'm sure many of you have had close relationship ships with strippers who have used coke or meth(I know I just put the 2 drugs in the same category.) But haven't used these substances yourselves? Thx
I don't go along at all with the Recovery Movement perspective on drugs. I say that if someone does not want to use them, then they won't.
But why would they have a spouse who does use them? I certainly would not.
If the answer is NO, then why do they have an SO who does?
With meth, I don't think its possible. you cant be with someone under that kind of influence and be on a completely different level and have a connection.
Don't get your brain fried. You could end up being a troll here as your proud achievement in life. On the other hand, what do I care, go for it. Venezuela is your role model for economic success. Vote for Bernie. Raise everyone's taxes 23%. What could go wrong?
Just cuz how many ppl do we know drink smoke or do cocaine , but their wife/husband does not ???
Orionsmith, you are absolutely correct!
Nicoke, why do you care???
I get juicebox69. He has his own way of spelling words and many of his special words are brilliant. But Nicole1994 misspelled "there" in this post and its sister post. Plus "thsir" isn't a funny typo. At least "they're" would be kind of a weirdo substitution.
Does Nicole1994 write her posts offline and then paste? If so I have to things to say: 1) aces trolling strategy; but 2) work on some better trolling content.
That sounds disgusting.
I can't say I personally know anyone who has done meth. I've known plenty who have tried coke once or twice, and people whose vice it is. Business professionals come into the club and ask me where I can find coke. Apparently they think it's a prerequisite to become a stripper, but I don't hangout with any of the cokeheads at my job. I only accept cash payments (and that tuition check my customer once wrote me). I do, however, accept weed as a tip.
Yeah, everyone asks me where they can get some "white" I guess I look like a coke whore or they just assume all strippers use it lol.
And I'm sure you don't look like a coke whore lol. Some customers seem to just think that any stripper will have the hookup on coke. Apparently it's a stereotype.