

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)

As I enter middle-age, I find myself with less and less patience and harder to just let shit slide (not to say I've ever been a super-patient person but have def gotten worse now in my late-40s; especially living downhere in Miami where it's often a banana-republic with people bringing their way of life and implementing it while living here in Miami).

Anyway, a combo of inconsiderate aholes and non self-aware people downhere often has me wanting to move from Miami. There are several things that particularly get under my skin and today about an hour ago one of them happened.

I was trying to put gas at a small gas station w/ few pumps and it was around 5pm and all pumps were taken - the shit that pisses me off is people that park at the pump then go inside to buy shit in the convenience store even though there are spaces off to the side; and sometimes they don't even pump gas - fucking-a that pisses me off (I assume most do it out of not being self-aware and not noticing, and some just don't give a shit); but either way it gets under my skin - anyway that is my "GET OF MY LAWN" vent for today - more to follow since I have a few that get under my skin.


  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    If you look white, there’s many options for you to go elsewhere instead of sticking to densely populated areas. You could fit right into Anytown, USA and lead a simpler, lower cost of living life and paying less taxes.

    The best retirement plan is to work as long as possible, then make the move.
  • Get off my lawn @papi chulo
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago

    I have an 88 y/o mom, and an 81 y/o aunt whom didn't have children - they depend on me for pretty-much everything and they will never move from Miami b/c it's the only thing they know other than Cuba and Miami is of course very Cuban - when the day comes they go to heaven that is when my pale-white Cuban ass is bailing Miami.
  • Mate27
    6 years ago
    Best wishes to your elders. May they hold out long enough for you to save a large bank roll N get the fuck out of the rat race.
  • loper
    6 years ago
    In my limited experience, though I've thoroughly enjoyed visiting both Miami and St. Petersburg, on average Florida has the dumbest people in the states. Wherever I am, I too have a lot of Get Off My Lawn moments, my sympathies.
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    Chulo...you know what really grinds my gears?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ white people?

    Can't blame you

  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Just took a peak at my TUSCL-profile and noticed this is my 999-th Discussion - what am I doing w/ my life LOL
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I do that, but only when pumping gas. First come first serve. It's why they call it a convenience store.
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    Where will you go papi after they die?
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    that happenes everywhere dude. once you accept the fact that no one gives a fuck about you, youll be happier. im talking outside of your family, but sometimes family doesnt give a fuck about you either
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Being inconsiderate and non self-aware are not characteristics of people in Miami only. You see those same people in every city across the land.
  • Icey
    6 years ago
  • two_bits
    6 years ago
    @Papi_Culottes - feeling old and grouchy before your time? I believe the medical term for that is flagooner syndrome. See a doctor ASAP. Hopefully you've caught it early while it's still treatable.

    Have you felt the urge to attend a Trump rally yet?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago

    I was born in the Caribbean and raised in Miami; thus can't see myself living up north since I hate cold-weather - the day I move it'll probably be somewhere in the South where's it's warmer and cheaper than up north - I lived in Dallas for about 10-years and found the quality of life there and COL very-good; and pretty-good SC scene - but Dallas felt a little too-slow for me; kinda felt more like a big-town vs a big-city - IMO Dallas is a great place to raise a family but as a single-guy I found it a bit too-slow (they also have lots of good restaurants).

    I could live in Dallas but would prefer Houston - and ATL b/c I love chocolate and ATL has the best chocolate I've seen of the cities I've traveled to - I would probably pick a city to move to w/ a good SC scene but it's not a given I'll still be as big into SCs at that time since lately I've lost my luster for SCing but not sure if it's just temporary or my "new-normal" - if I was to move today it'd be a choice b/w Houston and ATL mainly b/c I like the SC scenes in both areas and I feel it'd be an upgrade in quality-of-life over Miami, and COL (especially if I'm able to live more in the outskirts).
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Sorry papa chilli but i want stop doing this.. Its just easier to do it like that
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    w.r.t. other areas/cities not being a panacea, i'm def aware of that - but Miami is def a different animal - Miami is the most Latin city in the US (by far) - the Cubans dominate EVERYTHING here from politics to business and w/ that comes the "Cuban style" of doing things which is def not all bad but plenty there not to like (just see how many on TUSCL feel about dealing w/ Cuban-dancers - that is a microcosm of living in Miami).

    In the last couple of years I would drive 200-miles north to Cocoa Beach to hit Inner Room when I just needed to get away from Miami even if just for a day; but unfortunately Inner Room is not to my liking post ownership change a year+ ago thus I don't go anymore (plus flagooner goes there and IDK what may go down if I'm f2f w/ that patronizer) - anyway in my trips to Cocoa Beach I instantly felt relaxed as soon as I was past South FL on my aay north to Cocoa Beach - and I felt super-relaxed; almost like a different country; when I was in CB compared to Miami - I literally/physically felt a difference.

    I also travel from time to time to other cities and yeah no city is perfect by any means and some are worst than others, but pretty-much every city Iv'e gone to I find things to be better (customer service, less rude people, etc) than Miami.

    Growing up in Miami from age 9 (when I immigrated from Cuba w/ my family) to age 30 when I moved to Dallas, I didn't know anything other than Miami and Havana - I would have family come down to visit from out-of-state and they'd mention how bad Miami was and how they liked to visit but wouldn't wanna live here - I had NO CLUE what they were talking about b/c I had zero point-of-reference - also growing-up in Miami I'd hear people moving down-here or visiting complaining about how bad it was; and I again had no clue what they were talking-about and always thought it was something wrong w/ *them*.

    It wasn't till I moved to Dallas that I saw the stark difference almost everyone outside Miami would mention to me - my family was down here in Miami so I'd come down from Dallas ever year 2x/yr (summer/christmas vacation) - the first-year I came down I was still in "Miami mode"; but by the 2nd-year I started to be taken aback w.r.t Miami way of living and after the 2nd-day of vacation I'd be in a bad-mood w/ the horrible drivers and rude people and horrendous customer service - by the time I moved back to Miami full time after 10-years, it literally took me a year to sorta get used to living in a banana-republic again.

    Again - no place is perfect - but in the places I've visited and lived, I don't feel as in Miami (even other parts of central and northern FL are way different than Miami (but I didn't like Tampa; reminded me too much of Miami)) - almost everyone I've known that has moved from Miami (mostly Cubans) say they don't wanna return and they've actually prospered outside Miami (a while ago I saw a study reported in the news where they ranked Miami as the worst US city w.r.t. COL vs avg-salary; mainly housing expense: and I believe it).

    Miami-Dade county is the 7th-largest county by population out of ~3000 counties in the US (CA holds 3 of the first 6 places) - Miami-Dade is thus very populated and its demographics are 65% Latino; 20% black; and only 15% Anglo - that kinda white-flight out of such a large metro area tells you something - and although the county continues to grow in population the white/Anglo population actually continues to shrink (and in absolute #s just not just as a percentage).

    Not trying to say Miami is N Korea in terms of livability nor that other cities are gonna be stress-free living; but IME and the experiences of others I know, there is def a difference in quality of life and thus the joke I heard a comedian once say - "I went on vacation out of the country - I went to Miami" - LOL.

    Not trying to harp on point via the this long-ass diatribe; just describing my experiences - and yeah part of my issues w/ Miami-living is my personal-wiring; but it's just part.
  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Get off my lawn or I will dump. Load in your basement
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    Move south to Redland. Still have the good of Miami close by, but not the density. That said. they are working their asses off trying to F it up out here! Most land id for 5 acre sites, but there are some grandfathered in for acre sites.

    BUT, we don't allow Cubans, so forget about it! :)
  • Array
    6 years ago
    Papa, move to Houston. I lived there for 15 years and loved it, and not just for the SC scene. If it wasn’t for family I’d still live there.
  • Array
    6 years ago
    Papi, not papa!
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    Papi did live in Texas, but I've forgotten where. Dallas?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    ^ yes it was Dallas

    SCed in Houston once in early-2013 and I liked the city and the clubs but can't say I have extensive knowledge w.r.t. living there but have heard good-things
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    I believe all you wrote about Miami. I've heard similar from many people. The place sounds fucking nuts.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I'm still hoping to move to Mexico after I liquidate out of Arizona. (butt just a day drive to all my kids and families.)
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    @Papi, regardless of when your mom and aunt pass, you aren't going anywhere until we finally meet up and spend some money on strippers.

  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Damn that was meant to be a :-)
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Papi, we might be sharing the same lawn. That bugs the hell out of me.

    I have no interest in Florida. I'm a cold-climate guy. If I go anywhere, it'll be north.
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    That bugs the hell out of me, too. However, starting a stopping the engine just to move 50 feet seems like needless wear & tear on a car's engine mechanicals, too, and it wastes fuel. So I see it from both sides.

    "Look, you can't take away people's right to be assholes."
    . . -- @Simon Phoenix addressed to Dr. Cocteau from the film Demolition Man (1993)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    >Anyway, a combo of inconsiderate aholes and non self-aware people downhere often has me wanting to move from Miami. There are several things that particularly get under my skin and today about an hour ago one of them happened.<

    Solution-move to Palm Beach County all of the good stuff, weather, restaurants, shopping, close to your mom, access to high value strip clubs, with less crowds, and an easier standard of living, costs about the same but I leave the stress behind once I get home.
  • gammanu95
    6 years ago
    I don't think you're being a grouchy old man. Rampant lack of social grace and consideration for others is probably my biggest complaint about contemporary society. No one thinks about the folks around them, no one is aware that they are being selfish or rude and causing completely unnecessary problems for others. Jackasses taking up pump spots is one of my peeves, too.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    Haven't spend a lot of time in WPB, but I think your "with less crowds" is open for discussion. One person is "less". :)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Club once I get out of Miami it feels cleaner and I hate cold weather so I want to stay in the tropical zone, I was in the keys beginning of August Traffic was for shit right through and well past the Redlands, plus it is so full of construction you can’t get out of the mess.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    Papi my brother loves North Palm Beach and when we were kids we lived in Hollywood and dad worked out by the airport in Miami, so we're familiar with the entire area.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    Yep, still dealing with irma. I think your statement about "cleaner" rings of truth. I doubt you were in Redland as you were likely on the turnpike, US1, or maybe Krome Ave.

    BTW, if my grandmother was still alive, she'd put you over her knee and pound your butt for saying "the Redlands"! :)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Turnpike , don’t you worry club I always listen to grandma. ;)
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    So late 40s is just entering middle age?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ get off my lawn punk ! ;)
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    I thought i clearly heard 6 shots...
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Was it five or six do you feel lucky punk ;)
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    I'm 40 and consider myself middle aged. Unless dirk is hinting that late 40s is PASSED middle aged. Damn, Dirk. He's not AARP age yet!! Dirk's over here trying to put Papi in a home with flagooner! Help, help!!!
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    I'm in your demographic and thought i was already there, so that would be a pleasant surprise knowing i have a little bit of time left to enjoy early age. Don't they start giving senior discounts in your 50s at a lot of places?
  • Clubber
    6 years ago

    Used to hunt where the turnpike goes through what is now considered Homestead. BIG changes out that way. West is still about the same as it was when I was a kid.
  • minnow
    6 years ago
    Interesting perspective, Papi C. I can recall in the early 80's when I lived there for a short while that several people in adjoining county (Broward) Ft. Lauderdale commenting that they felt like taking the US flag with them when they left Miami.

    When choosing alternative places, it seems that you're looking for a place with fewer Hispanics (esp. Cubans) than Miami, and a plenty of good strip club options. Additionally, TX like FL has no state income tax.

    Another thought is high number of tourists may be lousy drivers. One pet peeve of mine I've noticed more so in FL vs other states is the left lane hogs (people that drive slow in left lane totally oblivious to the PO'ed drivers behind them. FL is a popular tourist spot for the British who normally drive in the left lane back home. Additionally, they drive on the left side of the road in the Bahamas. (I haven't seen too many Japanese, who also drive on the right side in their country.)
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Per Google middle-age is 45-65
  • orionsmith
    6 years ago
    I prefer to live in a smaller city area without lots of traffic or congestion but not too far from bigger cities with strip clubs. I usually only stop at gas stations with lots of empty pumps. It doesn't bother me if I see a car parked at a pump. I just pull up to another pump, get gas, and go. What irritates me is you pull up and the pump isnt working or out of gas. Had that tonight. Please put bags over the pump handles rather than displaying pump stopped.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago

    Not sure I would necessarily like to be in a place devoid of Hispanics/Cubans, just a place where they are not the majority and thus things are not overwhelmingly done the "Cuban way".

    w.r.t. bad drivers - Miami routinely ranks at the top of worst drivers surveys and it's mostly the locals mainly immigrants and mainly Cubans that didn't grow up driving and respecting traffic-laws - many are bad-drivers from lack of experience, and many just treat traffic laws as mere suggestions that they feel don't apply to them - kinda the Cuban life in Cuba of doing things on the sly and spending most of your life trying to get around a totalitarian system and its rules in order to make-it/survive, and they continue their learned behavior in Miami and it's reinforced by so many other Cubans (of course not to say that all Cubans are like this; most Cuban have very redeeming qualities of hard work and very-strong family ties and helping one another thru tough-times, it's just that what the Cuban people have lived thru has given birth to nasty side-effects, for lack of a better word).
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    The grass is always greener in my lawn so get the fuck off.
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