
$4 left in my wallet guess what I spent it on

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Bubble tea !!!:))))

Sucks that u boring ass white guys only stick to ur beer and sausage and dont know what bubble tea is lolol

Queen poosche out


  • Icey
    6 years ago
    get thai icead tea and an eggroll.
    some deoderant
    something off a dollar menu
  • I alternate between Queen troll and Queen poosche ok lolol
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    That’s cool. I had a coconut tapioca flavor last night
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    Once in awhile, I will get one in avocado because I like the smoothness. I typically don’t enjoy bubble tea. Too cloying for my tastes.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    All white guys drink beer and eat sausage? You're fucking whack, but not as pathetic as the guys here who kiss your ass, so be of good cheer.
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    Sausage can be tasty. Not too much into beer though. Many of my favorite foods were created or popularized by white people, and the best part is that we can each choose to eat and try foods we like from cultures all over the world.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    I don't drink beer
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i don't drink beer either.

    however i have had cervesa.
  • No..most of y'all have only talked about beer and sausage so. Lol
  • Not stereotyping lol ok bye
  • crazyjoe
    6 years ago
    Good choice
  • Icey
    6 years ago
    i love beer and sausages
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Hey lady, you lady, cursing at your life. You're a discontented mother, and a regimented wife. I've no doubt you dream about the things you never do, but I wish someone had talked to me like I wanna talk to you. I've been to Georgia, and California, and... Anywhere I could run. Took the hand of a preacherman and we made love in the sun. But I ran out of places, and friendly faces, because I had to be free...
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    I've been to Nice, and the isle of Greece, while I sipped champagne on a yacht. I moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo and showed 'em what I've got. I've been undressed by Kings, and I've seen some things that a woman ain't supposed to see...
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Nicoke, you know what truth is? It's that little baby you're holding, and it's that man you fought with this morning. The same one you're going to make love to tonight. That's truth. That's love
  • ime
    6 years ago
    9 inches of giant saysages for you nicole
  • jester214
    6 years ago
    Why do you only have $4?
  • blahblahblah23
    6 years ago
    Bubble tea is wonderful happiness
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