Going to a strip club before work?

avatar for theDirkDiggler
For those of you who work later in the day or evening or better yet have a long lunch break, do you ever go to a strip club before working? I can't say that i ever have. I feel i might be too distracted later on to really be productive. Even less if you work with a lot of women, particularly attractive women. I guess those that have gone during a lunch break might have the best frame of reference for comparison.


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
When I'm in the club, I wanna forget about everything - e.g. I don't wanna be having to look at the time and having to leave the club b/f I'm-ready/I-want-to
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
My go to club has breakfast on Friday - called Leggs and Eggs. I’ve gone - and been in work by 9 am. I didn’t eat the food, but the coffee was pretty good.

I got in - had some coffee - found a dirty honey - took her to the back room - fucked her - and was cleaned up and on my way in before the rush hour traffic died down.

I was nice and relaxed at work too. It was cheaper than a lunch or evening trip - as the dancer knew I wanted to fuck and leave - and she provided a very good service.
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
I use strip clubbing as a smoke screen for drinking too much. When the entertainment part of my day starts, the responsible part of my day is dead and buried.
avatar for nicespice
6 years ago
I went to a club in Ft Worth, TX during the day. A lot of the patrons there were construction workers who had limited time there.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
Definitely, i don't want to be distracted by the thought of having to work sooner or later that day when i go to a strip club, which is probably a large reason why i never have gone before working. Yet so many TUSCLers swear by the day shift, so do they just mostly go on their days off, or do they work shifts (later in the afternoon/evening or very early morning) that allow for it?

And i definitely didn't even factor the heavy drinking aspect.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
I've never been to a club that opened at breakfast times (10:30-11am is the earliest around here), although several clubs near me open as late as 6 am, mostly on weekends, although one club opens till 6 everyday. That's still not the same though. I'm not going to wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning to drive to a club and spend a couple hours there and head off to work or go home and get ready to work (assuming i work early in the day).
avatar for skibum609
6 years ago
When i strip club the day shit i only do it on days i start working by 5 am. By 1 I have 8 hours in so a shower and a bone cruise gets me there by 2:15.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Dayshift in Miami clubs lasts till 8pm - I often have the flexibility, and prefer to, try to make-it there by 5pm if I can to avoid the crowds since I hit small-dives which are actually a pretty-popular happy-hour spot.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
6 years ago
Around here, 6pm to 8pm (probably 7pm really) is technically day shift, as almost none of the night shift girls have arrived, but that's also generally considered the shift change and the worst times IME to go to those clubs and it doesn't really get better for another several hours. If i don't make it there by 4 pm at one particular club with an excellent day shift, i find that my window is very small before the club activity comes to a screeching halt.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
In the Miami clubs, 8pm - 10pm is usually when it's slow - shift-change does not occur till 8pm which is the time beyond the dayshift girls can't stay w/o having to pay a nightshift fee - i.e. in the clubs I hit it stays pretty-strong till 8pm, in some clubs there may be a slight drop-off starting at 7:30 pm - the $$$ for the girls in the dives I hit is not super-great and it's considerably slower pre-4pm b/f the after-work crowd starts arriving; so it's usually in the dayshift girls' best-intere$t to stay as late as possible on dayshift in order to try and make some decent $$$.
avatar for K
6 years ago
I assume you stay up north for leggs and eggs. Have you ever ventured south to nibbles and nipples?

avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
I thought it was Tits n Grits down south - lol!

Yes, it’s in Paterson. Sometimes it’s not great to see Paterson in the harsh light of day.
avatar for Vantablack
6 years ago
I work a normal 9-5 and most clubs around me don't open till noon at the very least. Whenever I go to the club I don't want to worry about anything afterwards! Nighttime only for me!
avatar for K
6 years ago
In burlington it is nibbles and nipples if i recall correctly.
I do a lot of over night work , some of the breafast sessions are after work for me
avatar for Cashman1234
6 years ago
I wasnt sure what I’d encounter - but it was quite a good experience. The dancers really don’t dance. They come to the guys they know - and then they chat for a minute before going back to get it going.
avatar for chessmaster
6 years ago
I do work later in the day overnight shift but i like to drink at the strip club...
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Going before work, I think that is a bad habit to get into.

But on the otherhand, I started sessioning at AMPs by taking an early lunch. But that was when I was with a company which was known to be sinking, and I could not care less what happened.

Had some real good GFE-FS experiences.

But for most people I would not recommend such.


I'll have this book about the opera Carmen in hand soon.
Georges Bizet : his life and work / Winton Dean. (1965)

Carmen, full opera

Okay, this Indiana University version is playing now. It is from their 2015-2016 season.

Better way to get to it:

Part 1

Part 2

And here, program with some commentary:

So lets see how some of this sounds when played fixed pitch, i.e. organ:





Hal Ashby


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Mason, 1971

Hypercapitalism : the modern economy, its values, and how to change them / Larry Gonick, Timothy Kasser. (2018, graphic novel)


HEADSTONE CIRCUS - Headstone Circus - 1968 (FULL ALBUM) [Psychedelic Rock]
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 years ago
Alcohol is always bad, but any before work or before driving is just an absolute no no!

avatar for JeffTUSCL
6 years ago
Any place I'm willing to go to would be far from work and don't open early but I've been tempted to make an excuse of a long lunch and skip out and come back.
avatar for DandyDan
6 years ago
I did once way back when I had an overnight delivery job. I was late by 30 minutes. That was the first and last time I did that.
avatar for two_bits
6 years ago
"...the responsible part of my day is dead and buried."

Kinda like your legal career.
avatar for two_bits
6 years ago
"Alcohol is always bad, but any before work or before driving is just an absolute no no!"

@Family_Man would beg to differ.
avatar for Clubber
6 years ago
When I worked a night schedule, a few times I did venture into a club before. Not often, but a time or 3.
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