
OT week one of college football

Sunday, September 2, 2018 7:19 PM
SEC flexes its muscle.... in the higher profile out of conf. games LSU whipping Miami, Auburn whipped Washington, only Tennessee laid an egg against West Virginia


  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    And Maryland put the beatdown on Texas.
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    and Maryland is in the middle of the ACC, AlwaysCrappyConference
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Big 10 now
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Tenn is in rebuild mode with a new coach that was 14th on their list. They’ll be laying eggs for years to come. I think Ohio State looked the best this past weekend. Video game.
  • ime
    6 years ago
    Tenn has been in rebuild mode since they fired Fulmer.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Yeah - Miami got bitch-slapped - I had to stop watching after halftime b/f I ripped the TV off my wall
  • sshrfrsky
    6 years ago
    Papi, I feel you. My team(UM) had a poor showing and to be honest I didn't watch in real time as I had an unexpected chance to hit some clubs last night. We shouldn't invest so much energy into something we can't control the outcome of but I guess that's what being a fan is all about. Very Frustrating.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I can't understand what the problem w/ Michigan is - I was certain Harbaugh was gonna have them contending for a national championship in no-time but their offense has been fairly anemic - and it doesn't seem they've been able to recruit big-time game-breakers on offense - IDK what the deal is - but I personally would not give-up on Harbaugh yet given his track-record.
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    joey bosa is an animal. dude already scored a TD. he's gonna be even better than his brother!!!
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    During the Ohio State game they gave a trivia-question asking which is the only set of brothers ever to go in the top 3 in the NFL draft (since Joey Bosa went #3 in the draft and many speculate his brother Nick will also go in the top-3). I switched channels and didn't see the answer to the trivia-question but I thought it was an interesting one.
  • GoVikings
    6 years ago
    I meant to say Nick lol my bad
  • sshrfrsky
    6 years ago
    Yeah papi, very frustrating. Truth is UM has been really bad for the last 10 plus years. Harbaugh was suppose to the savior but has not panned out at all. I don't understand why it hasn't turned around yet. Hate to admit it but Ohio State has made UM its bitch as well as Sparty and recently Penn state. I'M still ride or die but this is getting old. Next season has to the last straw if he don't turn it around. But don't know who else can turn this back around.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    One thing that gave me hope about Michigan is that they don't look that bad (although they kinda did last night vs ND) - under Harbaugh it seems Michigan is always competitive and they don't get blown out and in some cases are leading against good teams (most of the games they've lost have been close) - this is what made me think it was only a matter of time b/f they became dominant but last-night kinda left me wondering - but I still think Harbaugh will make Michigan great sooner than later, but we'll have to wait and see.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    "... During the Ohio State game they gave a trivia-question asking which is the only set of brothers ever to go in the top 3 in the NFL draft (since Joey Bosa went #3 in the draft and many speculate his brother Nick will also go in the top-3) ..." Had to look it up but after I did I realized I should have known this - Peyton and Eli Manning both went #1.
  • sshrfrsky
    6 years ago
    Good luck to your canes. A proud and historic program. Hopeful our teams can get shit done this year. Maybe the players and coach's have been hitting the clubs too hard and need to focus, lol.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Louisville got blowed out by alabama it was fantastic!
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    I'll withhold my comments about the SEC. Michigan is probably slated for forth in the Big Ten East based on what I saw unless there are some drastic shifts due to injuries and the old rub of not beating Michigan State and Ohio State seems to be written in ink. ( again unless something drastic happens) As a rule I root for all Big Ten Teams ( with the exception of Penn State) and they nearly got beaten by 20 point underdog. I've been saying since the draft without Barkley they were going to struggle. He made a lot of the offense look better than what they really were because so many defenses had to commit 3-4 players to stopping him. Some people had Texas going to the Playoffs this year. I think it is safe to say that isn't going to happen after losing to Maryland. Last year more than a few people thought Miami was as lucky as they were good. Some close wins and then the melt down when they had to play in the cold in Pittsburgh followed by loses to Clemson and a lowly Big Ten team Wisconsin. ( said with sarcasm)
  • whodey
    6 years ago
    "I can't understand what the problem w/ Michigan is - " The problem with that team up north is that the only good things in that state are from Detroit and even then it is a risk/reward situation. With the cars its a risk of poor reliability vs reward of high performance and with the strippers its a risk of driving/walking in Detroit vs a reward of an amazing time in the club. In both cases the reward outweiggs the risk. As for that school up north their recent problem #1 (of many) is that they haven't had consistent performance out of the QB position and it is hard to build a powerhouse team without an outstanding QB. "IDK what the deal is - but I personally would not give-up on Harbaugh yet given his track-record." As an Ohio State fan I hope they don't give up on him either, his tenure has been fun for us. "bosa is an animal." When Joey was playing for OSU I kept hearing "if you think he's good just wait until you see what his little brother can do." I dismissed these statements thinking there was no way Nick would be better than Joey, but I'm happy to say I was wrong. "I think Ohio State looked the best this past weekend. Video game." I hate to disagree but the defense got way too relaxed and too soft in the second half. No excuse for giving up 31 points against Ore St. I think Saban's 'Bama boys looked the best overall. Tua Tagovailoa is going to be scary to face for the next few years. Oklahoma also looked pretty good and their new QB has a hell of an arm with 200+ passing yards but only three 11 passes so I don't know what his consistency will be like.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    It's scary that Bama's offense looks to be as good as their defense.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    LSU with an offense looked pretty good last night. I did not expect them to put it to the U like that.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    After this weekend my biggest observation is Jalen Hurts should have probably transferred. Feel bad for him. I’m gonna laugh my ass off if Pitt beats Penn State next weekend.
  • Texas gonna kill all of yall
  • ime
    6 years ago
    "After this weekend my biggest observation is Jalen Hurts should have probably transferred. Feel bad for him.'' Read some article and it basically said if he plays less than 4 games he can redshirt and transfer. He should just get on that now Tua is just a better QB. Which is kind of fucked up to say as Hurts has only lost 2 games and won a national championship.
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    If Saban had not played Tua in last years championship game, the dawgs would have won and the entire state of alabama would be packing for hurts.... as it is there is a QB controversy. Tua is better and should keep the job.... we let eason go after fromm proved himself
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    Papi, I think of two things about The U last evening, and both relate to last year. Early season games they scraped by to win and Rosier 's late season. He was supposedly "dinged". If he was it showed, if he wasn't, he should not have been #1 going into this year. That said, the "defensive" effort was abysmal!
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    @Clubber The Hurricanes were outplayed in every facet (offense, defense, special teams) - it's gonna be a mediocre year
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Jalen Hurts is a very good athlete, but he's never been able to be a good passer - he went 26-2 bc it was Alabama not bc it was Jalen Hurts.
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