
Smells like weed in my apartment

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
we only allowed to smoke outside, not inside

I found out one of my roomies smokes cigs..
But she does it outside

Walked into apt and whole apt smells like weed lolol if I smell it two more times I'm gonna tell management ..lolol


  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    I wish we could tell founder on you...
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Nicole, if you were in the organization I am building, you would never have to deal with such problems.

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Your organization doesn’t allow drugs!?

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Anyways back when I lived at a college apartment, it would smell like weed at random points. No idea where exactly because there were a lot of people in the building.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    Nicole, if you were in the organization I am building, you would be filled with semen, which has psychoactive properties so you wouldn't need to smoke any weed.

  • ime
    6 years ago
    SJG's organization has unlimited Chlorophorm, all you can inhale whether you want to or not.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Rohypnol is actually a benzodiazepine, just like Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, etc.

    I was roofied before, idk what with. Luckily I was OK and not sexually taken advantage of.

    I'm sure if I took Rohypnol responsibly, and in a lower dose, it may be pleasant.
  • Bruh. If I can smell it and dont want solely out of health concerns , then it is ok.lol
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    I was serious about engorging Nicole1994 with semen. She doesn't seem to have much life experience but as soon as she gets started on the good stuff, everything will work itself out.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    My organization is one of people always seeking deeper experience and understanding. We are not 'lame', we are scalp takers.

    Clean living situations will be one of the financial benefits. You won't have to worry about problematic room mates.


    Steely Dan Live 2008 - Cincinnati, HQ Video
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    My organization is primarily a semen-based economy. When you sign up, you are entitled to the psychoactive regime and additionally the skin-clearing benefits inherent in the good stuff.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ sjg organization? Shut up! The only organization your ever going to have is when your mommy comes down to the basement and forces you to clean up all the goat shit you freak!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    People who have no need for chemical mood alterants.

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @DC We should do acid and spam the heck out of this forum one day
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    DC, you think what you think. Had enough arguments about this.

    In my organization they will be absent. It really would have a hard time functioning other wise, too many people engaging in escapism and trying to glorify it, like you are, and then people who can't be trusted to act responsibly. It will be absent

    Women will be given a little time to learn and understand, a little more tolerance shown. But to get to full membership, they have to comply.

    Men will have to comply from day 1.

    Invitation only.

    And we have zero tolerance with people who are 'In Recovery'.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    We have quite a few people already posting on this forum who seem to be going on and off of drugs and alcohol.

    My organization will never have anything like that going on. Everyone always as straight as an Air Traffic Controller. We only take people, who dispite what ever their past was, they are completely done with chemical mood alterants of any type, and done with Recovery, Healing, Psychotherapy, Motivationalism, or anything else like that.

    Street Drugs and Alcohol are real bad. But so also are Recovery, Christianity, Healing, Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, Psychiatric Drugs, and Motivationalism.

    We will not have any of it.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "Drugs aren't always about escapism, sometimes its just fun to get high."

    You are contradicting yourself right there.

    "Weed makes sex feel a lot better you know."

    Lots of people say things like that, but that is because they have got themselves wired up that way.

    My group will have zero of that.

    Getting into governing rank will take as long and be as demanding as the formation for getting into a Roman Catholic or Buddhist monastery.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    That is what people mean when they say 'fun', escapism.

    And then just like you, they don't seem to understand that escapism goes no where.

    I have never said one word about hedonism. Do I sound like a hedonist? Hardly.

    I can actually be an extremely mean person.

    Not telling people what they can or can't engage in. But only people who want to live clean will ever be invited. And they will know this.

    Like I said, a little bit of tolerance with the women when they are in the Attrium, but to get beyond that they have to convince us that they want what we want. With the men, they have to accept that right off. They are held to a very high standard from the start.

    This will never be advertised, invitation only, and 0.2% of the population would exceed my wildest expectations.

    There is nothing boring about my life. You know nothing whatsoever about my life.

  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Another pretty reasonable member trying to have a debate with SJG. Trollwarnbot's posts go unheeded.

    Welp, let me grab the popcorn. Who wants to bet on how many posts it takes from DC9428 until SJG starts talking about F2F he would be dealt with?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    TFP, my F2F life is firewalled from my online life.

    It makes no difference whether you approve, or even understand.

    Do you question the CIA about its affairs?

    Well I protect my affairs just like they do.

    There is no such thing as a reasonable member trying to question me about my f2f life. Such a person is a troll, and likely they are suicidal.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "So the descriptions about being saturated in sex and being drained dry every night are somehow not hedonistic?"

    No, some people may see it as hedonistic. I don't see it that way at all.

    "Cause anybody making sex a major priority in their life is a hedonist. Not saying its wrong to be a hedonist, but that is what it makes you."

    No I do not agree. Sex does not have to mean hedonism.

    Just looking for something which might give a different view to you:


    And yes, fun is used to mean escapism. My group will be about creating the exact opposite of escapism.

  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I barely ever do drugs. I’ve had opportunities to try coke at work. But because it’s work, I don’t want my first time to be there since I don’t know how it will affect me.

    Weed can be pretty nice. But I also haven’t learned how to curb the munchies. And I don’t want to risk getting fat. So I will only have an edible every once in a while.

    Acid is definitely something to only do once in a while when you have no obligations that day. I’ve only tried it once and it was incredible.

    I have a legal prescription for adderall. And I’ve taken it for its intended purpose before. I don’t like the side effects though :/
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    But anyhoo...

    Drugs! Drugs! Drugs!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    People who are totally straight, as room mates, as vehicle drivers, holding responsible positions of employment, and always continuing to educate themselves, and with a well developed meditation discipline is only part of what my group will offer and only part of the advantages it will have in everything it does.

    And never any thing to do with Recovery, Therapy, Healing, Christianity, or Motivationalism.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Not about moralisms either, its really just practicality. We need to be able to depend upon each other, and we need to be able to face serious threats when they occur.

    And we want people who are operating at their full capacity.

  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Doctor tried to prescribe me Adderall, I said no way. I weighed like 100 lbs then, wtf did he want me to lose even more weight? I planned on selling most of it.

    Now I DID try it, not to help with my "ADD" but in a recreational sense to see how it affected me. I enjoyed the feeling. This was swallowing it orally (hehe) as prescribed.

    Then I took it again a few times during midterms and finals. As a matter of fact, I crushed half a pill up and snorted it in the bathroom at school. And is anyone familiar with "blue books" that are used for exams where you must write an essay? Ok, well after I cut down the Adderall into powder and snorted it, I went to buy some stuff from one of the stores on campus, including the Blue Book, because I needed it for my exam. Went to go pay, gave the cashier my debit card and he slides it through and it sounds like two pieces of sandpaper are rubbing together. Oops. I gave him the same card I cut the Adderall with! He tried to slide it again then looked at it and was like, trying to dust the residue off his hands and off the card. Then he tried it again and it worked.

    But it was college, exam time, and he was a student there too so I'm sure he knew what time it was! I scurried on out of there asap lol.

    But that was years ago and one of the few times I did Adderall. I did help me focus on my exams, but I ain't taking a drug that has a side effect of lowering your appetite. No. I like food.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "Well 99.99% of people are going to consider ...."

    Never advertised, actually quite secretive until it is so big it can't be hidden.

    Not everyone sees sex as primarily hedonistic. Sex Magick, Tantic Sex, not this way.

    American neo-tantra is not tantra. Tantra is not hedonistic, or about 'better sex'.

    Not everyone takes a hedonistic approach to doings in strip clubs.

    You DC are really talking about an escapist approach to sex and strip clubs.

    "The fact that you're trying to find hot girls who are ready to fuck the male members of your organization on demand means"

    You are putting words in my mouth. I never have talked like that.

    Lots of highly sexualized girls, but that does not mean that they take an escapist/ hedonistic approach to sex or to living.

    My people will be going through a formation period of at least a decade. For men the min age for governance authority is 50 years, and for women 40 years.

    You believe people need drugs, or are deprived without them. I could not more strongly disagree.

    I don't say this in malice, but there is so very very much about which you know nothing.

  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    My organization has patented semen psychotherapy, so beware of imposters who will be hearing from our lawyers f2f.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    When my people handle something they will be as reliable as Sikh Military Commandos.

  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Latinas are my drug!
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    better than smelling like feet. yucky
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Well so obviously that will not be the case. No drugs in my organization.

    On this board I talk about the sexual component, but that is not a membership offer. It is just showing people that maybe sex does not have to be scarce.

    Tantra is not really about hedonism, some appearances maybe to the contrary.

    Most of the women who work in strip clubs will not be suitable for my organization. Others may come to see that what we are doing is better and that maybe they don't have to continue the way they have been. There will be more tolerance with the women, but that is only temporary.

    Not everyone goes along with hedonistic approaches, in strip clubs, or anywhere else.

    FWIW, the Black Panthers were anti-drug, and they trained with semi-automatic rifles. Lots of movements have been anti-drug.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    If I wanted to do what others are doing, then I wouldn't have any need for building a new organization.

    New counter culture movements are usually formed by drawing from multiple and seeming disparate sources and putting things together in some new way.

    And training from Sikh Military Commandos is not out of the question.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I do see much in the Black Panthers for us to learn from.

    Most people seem to see things like drugs, sex, and hedonism, as being the opposition to things like Christianity and moralistic living.

    I am opposed to drugs and Christianity equality. And I really don't support a moralistic or a hedonistic approach to anything.

    I am pro-sex, and that will be a central axis for my organization.

    Things will go easier when people can come as guests into our environment and see that the people really are going a new way. This will convince people who don't really go along with what i say.

    And again, a little more tolerance is shown with the women, and they will be easier to recruit. For the men, we really are looking for the brightest of the brightest.

    I only talk about any of this here as people talk about exactly the kinds of problems my group will be completely without.

  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    When my people handle something, semen will be involved. Faster than you think.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    A time for semen, and a time for weapons.

  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    When my people are handling semen f2f, Mossad is like damn, them motherfuckers was hardcore.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Maybe you are starting to understand. In the ways in which we do things, sometimes we will be on par with Mossad.

    I'm still a card carrying member of the Zealot Party.

  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    Maybe y'all motherfuckers haven't gotten the point.

    My people will suck your brains out through your penis.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Sounds funny, well sort of, but that is not true.

    But we will take the best and brightest of the men, and then your women will be the one's we don't want.

    Civilization and religion have always put things together in certain ways. We will be putting them together in some different ways. The changes will go very deep.

    I only mention this here, because most of the problems people post about are things which will be completely absent for us.

  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "My people will suck your brains out through your penis."

    What would happen to the semen?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    The conflicts between religion and sex, and then what to say about drugs and 'hedonism', are things I have thought about ever since I was in elementary school.

    So based on decades of study and reflection, I do have my own ideas.

  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > What would happen to the semen?

    I was hoping you would ask.

  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > But we will take the best and brightest of the men, and then your women will be the one's we don't want.

    You heard that Agnes, Antonella and Damiana? Troops, move out!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Aleister Crowley went along with hedonism and drugs. His Thelema is not really the same as libertarianism, but it still draws lots of people who do support libertarianism.

    Suffice to say, I don't go along with Crowley. But then consider, to me it seems like he was just rebelling against his ultra conservative Christian parents.

    Any rebellions of mine are at a much deeper level.

  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    Agnes, Antonella and Damiana have a philosophy that includes vanilla shakes. Also, they know how to handle a machine gun.
  • TrollWarnBot
    6 years ago
    WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

    san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    DC9428 I hope you are starting to see the contradictions and flat out lies by SJG. You posted:
    "The fact that you're trying to find hot girls who are ready to fuck the male members of your organization on demand means"

    To which he responded: You are putting words in my mouth. I never have talked like that.

    But anyone who's been on this board for even a short amount of time has seen SJG post this same statement a shitload of times:
    In the organization I am building, you would be getting drained dry by stripper grade hotties 365 days per year, and no charge above the existing membership dues.

    That was taken from a post of his on June 4th. But he's posted that same statement so many fucking times it's ridiculous. I was able to find this post of his just from searching 'drained dry by stripper grade hotties'.

    Basically, SJG is full of shit. Don't waste your time debating with this dude.

  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    "In the organization I am building, you would be getting drained dry by stripper grade hotties 365 days per year, and no charge above the existing membership dues."

    Lmao it's just too funny.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago

    If only you could learn to read.


    It might be funny if it were not true. That is what I and a handful of others are building. In counter cultural groups, sex usually is abundant and free. The 1880's brought us Oneida. In the decades since, its been on counter cultural group after another.

    The only problem is, most of them do not last beyond the life of the founder.


    Thinking about what you have said, we have had lots of girls in our local clubs who live by nothing whatsoever resembling a doctrine of hedonism. No alcohol or marijuana, nothing of the sort.

    Now, I have to made the caveat though, there are soft core clubs, these are not 'off-the-hook' girls, for the most part. We have had booking and politically aware girls in our clubs. The best was the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger. I told the manager that they always have the smartest girls, and that probably the reason for that is that being set up with the girls behind the bar, it is more of a talking job.

    We have had nursing school students, corporate HR Heads, and Cororate Accounts Receivable Heads, looking to be made controller.

    Now of the off the hook girls, that has been in our Latina underground, and in San Francisco. We have had totally straight girls coming from there too.

    Over all though I think it is more Latinas and Blacks. See, when they go into sex work, its because they see it as acceptable, but it is also because they want to earn a living.

    When you find white girls there, they more likely than not are the scapegoats of the middle-class family.

    And as they do not understand this, they are more likely to adopt chemical tune out strategies.

    If they could face the pain and become politically conscious, then they could fight back against the middle-class family.

    But they don't, so they are like what was in high school called, 'Burn Outs'.

    The guy I helped put into San Quentin was like that. He started out his adult life, on drugs and alcohol. Then later he replaced drugs with Born Again Christianity. 1st big mistake in his life. He listened to campus evangelicals.

    Then later her replaced alcohol with psychiatric medication. 2nd big mistake in his life. He let white coats convince him that he had a ~~ Brain Chemical Imbalance ~~.

    See, a day or two clean and someone can be legal to operate vehicles or machinery. But they're still just a shadow of what they could be. If they are regularly using chemical mood alterants, then that is blocking their development of self-awareness and political consciousness. Those are not the kind of people I am willing to waste time dealing with.

    Like I wrote of the Pentecostal Molester to the Prosecution and Court, learning to live in one's skin is the project of a lifetime. But he is part of a church which is committed to denial and escapism.

    Having said this, people can change. If someone can show them a better way, some will follow. So I know that we will be able to build a very strong base, people who can undertake long periods of study and preparation, and then be entrusted to do the most challenging of things.

    And I only mention this in response to the OP, talking about roommate problems. I just wanted to show that other people have also looked at such situations, and the problems can be designed out of existence.

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