"Not Enough Details" in Unpublished Review voting
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Am I nuts, or are about 75% of the new reviews simple two-liners that offer literally nothing beneficial to the review database? I figure I'm an experienced reader (and writer!) of reviews here, I should do my part to help out, so I often go look at the Unpublished Reviews link. And I'm surprised at just HOW MANY of those reviews I choose to "Reject" on the basis of "Not Enough Details"! Am I being too picky? Should I let some of these two-liners through the screen? Generally I won't down-vote a review that seems to have a new detail, or specific information (I will approve, for example, if there are only two lines but they are taken up with information such as "all the past reviews say that there's a VIP but they just closed the VIP section and are adding a ping-pong table") and I hesitate to reject any review of a club where I've never been. But generally these two-liners that I'm rejecting are such pointless drivel I don't feel too bad about voting to "Reject" them.
(Ooops! Sometimes I click "Not Enough Details" as my "reason for rejection" but then accidentally click "Publish" instead of "Reject". Doh. That's a different issue. My spastic fingers.)
(Ooops! Sometimes I click "Not Enough Details" as my "reason for rejection" but then accidentally click "Publish" instead of "Reject". Doh. That's a different issue. My spastic fingers.)
If all of the reviews written for a club focused on the "primetime" shifts, you wouldn't have any information to guide whether or not it's worth visiting on, say, a Tuesday afternoon.
I do agree wholeheartedly with the OP's point that there are too many reviews being published that are completely lacking in substance (to some extent regardless of length).
Maybe it’s just when I log on, but I really haven’t seen too many overly detailed explicit reviews but I’d reject them if I noted one. Naming names and specific gory detailed sex acts is poor taste and only going to get people in trouble.