Do you have a place this bad near you?

avatar for knight_errant
A recent review of Kuma Charmers in upstate New York:

Horrible State Of Affairs Here

Somehow they've managed to lower the standards even further at this place from the lows last time I was in. They seem to have done some minor redecorating of the "suites", one of which is now a folding chair in the room the size of a closet with this weird horse wallpaper. I'd think someone was having a laugh if I didn't know how weird and cranky the old guy is who owns the place.

There used to be an occasional 4 or 5 dancing here, but they are gone and what's left is a collection of the most frightening hags I've seen on or off a stage. They all look like they are far past their prime, if they ever had a prime. If you have any minuscule amount of standards for physical beauty, you will be utterly revolted at what you find here.…


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avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
To answer your question there are many places that bad in Akron, probably around 70% or more and many of the dives in Cleveland are just as bad if not worse because many of them don't even have any type of private area to put a folding chair and put up horse wallpaper. Actually many of the Cleveland and its suburb Brookpark dives have closed although around 3 or 4 are still open but they are definite bottom feeding clubs.

Front room makeout sessions?
Back room FS?
Okay then to walk your girl out the front door with you?

Never visited this place (as it is WAY out there, though I have visited even more remote spots) Ithaca has Cornell and Ithaca College, so the prospect of some college girls, but apparently not for a long time here.

In general, NY clubs do not have front room make out sessions, walk your girl out, or back room FS (unless you want to drop 8 or more yards in a few NYC clubs, and even then it's rare)
avatar for NJBalla
New York
7 years ago
I think wallpaper like that would be a nice touch. Imagine if you are about to LDK and avert your attention to the wallpaper. You may laugh or cry but your rod will be soft in no time.
avatar for NJBalla
New York
7 years ago
@knight errant, what is the allure of a girl that allows you to do front room make out sessions? I get the fun of DFK, but wouldnt that mean she had her tongue down someone else throat before you arrived?
avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
Or around some guys dick.
Buck's, Trophy Club, Club Lust Greenville, SC
I've never been there, but I hear Fantasy's Island in Duncannon, PA is plain awful. I have never seen a review of that place that described it as better than average, and I've never seen a dancer even described as average. That's why it's the only club of the six in the Harrisburg area I haven't gone to.

Of clubs I have visited, Club 22 in Harrisburg is terrible with its Goodfellas (think Henry's house during the Christmas scene) setup and unattractive girls wanting to be tipped the price of the dance. No if...and no VIP. Best dance probably comes from the robot. It's the only club in the city that stays open past 2 and I still won't go back there.
That club would fit right in with all of the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky clubs around here. That's why I haven't been to a local club in almost 2 years. Thank god I've got a few decent areas that I go to for work once or twice a month.
@NJBalla @TheeOSU - SJG asked. I just supplied NY common knowledge (have never seen it in NY)
All the good hoes left with me a long time ago.
So did I understand you, you can walk a girl right out the front door mid-shift?

Your OP describes a dive. But a dive is likely where they let the women do what they want. So it is where the odds are greatest for a front room makeout session, back room FS, then walking her out the door to continue in your own bed.

In a dive the bosses don't really have much of a whip to crack. So if they want the women to dance there, they pretty much have to let them do what they want.

Fantasy’s Island here in Louisville is in the same boat as that club. Body Shop used to be, but I haven’t been in there in so long, I don’t know about now.
^^^^ Dives and Shit Holes?

Front room makeout sessions? Back Room FS? Okay to walk your girl out the front door mid-shit, to continue with her in your own bed?

avatar for NJBalla
New York
7 years ago
@knight errant, why pay attention to SJG, this is why he continues to troll. Its like the guy who gets lap dances from the 50 year old woman who should have retired years ago. You may think you are being nice to her, but you are ruining it for everyone
Front room makeout sessions are the Philosopher's Stone, its how you get a girl opened up to you, and likely end up waking up with her in the mornings. In dives this will generally be easier to do.

But buying dances, that is a chump's game. And ejaculation services is just paying money to exacerbate your own sexual frustration.

WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this forum member is usually mocked or ignored, his comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate

Daddy_Tricks - definite troll account
avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
"why pay attention to SJG, this is why he continues to troll. Its like the guy who gets lap dances from the 50 year old woman who should have retired years ago. You may think you are being nice to her, but you are ruining it for everyone"

So succinct and on point!
avatar for orionsmith
6 years ago
I didn't read how bad it was but I remember visiting Godivas once about 20 years ago.
A number of places i have only been once but saw all i needed to.

1. Agree with ihearvoices fantasy island is terrible (as well as the other 2 imo).
2. Cellar, joliet il
3. Classy chassy, Indianapolis
4. Some dive in west Virginia i forget the name of(jills?)
I think all clubbing areas have had a club like that at one point. And at some point, each of us have inadvertently (or on purpose) walked into one. I know I have.
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