
Maxing out value at the tip rail

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Thursday, August 16, 2018 2:28 PM
This was learned back when I didn't have much and I needed to make a dollar stretch I so lots of visits was $100 or under and I focused on the stage only because I've always enjoyed going from open to close. I quickly learned that their was two kinds of dancers. One kind would prompt you to tip at the frequency she desires and usually it's a lot and fast.. you know lifting up the string lol... I quickly avoided those girls because I'd go broke fast back in the day Group number two never seem to prompt you... from these I found Max value... I figured out that if I held a dollar out but never let it go with a small knot in the other hand the girls would hang all on me and for free damn near.. later I added moves like conversation to distract them from the fact they needed that dollar along with pushing boundaries in kissing and or touching all I can. This later on became my litmus test of how I'd figure out the extras girls from non just from the stage. Hope this helps someone Juice


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Juice !!! Juice !!! Juice !!! SJG Led Zeppelin 2 [view link] Catholic Church Cover-up: 300 Priests Sexually Abused 1,000 Children in Pennsylvania [view link] “This Church Is a Criminal Enterprise”: Former Priest & Survivor Speak Out on PA Catholic Sex Abuse [view link] “I’m Bringing My Bullhorn to Congress”: Rashida Tlaib Poised to Become First Muslim Congresswoman [view link]
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    I guess this board is just full of Pro's
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I'm glad your into kissing strippers! SJG
  • Smalltowncpl
    6 years ago
    I'm a lot like you. Early in my SC career I would go with $50 or sometimes less. That was for cover(usually $5 if I couldn't use my badge to get in) drinks and tips. I would only tip the girls that I really liked . At the rail I would hold on to my single until she was "done" dancing in front of me. I'd usually opt for putting it in my mouth and letting her take it with her tits. The club I went to was famous for "the ride for five" . So often I'd save my tips for a girl I liked the most and give her a 5. She would have you lay on the stage and rub the titties in your face then turn around in the 69 position and rub the kitty in your face while blowing through your pants or doing the mouth vibrator thing they do.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Good lord man... that's the perfect budget club I'd be doing a ride for five all day LMFAO
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    And yes dude I'm all about making out with strippers and kissing all over them I tell them how fucking hot they are and how hard I am Usually ads that with heavy neck kissing then they with deep French you right on stage then back at the table in the front room Don't believe me must message go Vikings and john Smith and GACA.. they witness this shit first hand
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    In a general audience travel book about Mexico, they explained that Mexican's cannot understand the American style of strip clubs, no touching. I'm sure that they would not understand buying dances or the extras mentality either. The book explained that in a Mexican club if a guy likes a stripper, the first thing he does is kiss her. Kinda sounds like this could even be right at the tip rail. Have video of that from the TJ HK bar. Front room is always the way to stretch the money. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Actually its even worse, what goes on in many strip clubs, when guys buy dances. Really just comes down to an ejaculation service, though maybe with the girl using her pussy instead of hand or mouth. The girl is not opening up to the guy. Instead she is dissociated. They don't seem to go for that in Mexico, and with our local Latina underground they don't either. Here they even send their guys off with goodbye makeout session, fully clothed and standing up under a stair case at an apartment. These girls are beloved. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Though 100% prohibited, we have had girls at the Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, seemingly wanting a 2am date, who were lying on the bar, going from one guy to another, giving fiery DFKing, for $1. SJG
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    ideally at least an hour should be taken with a girl.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I agree with you. For women, sex with a new guy is a big deal. So letting woman open up and submit is a big deal. Usually kissing and talk are how that happens. Escorts is screwed because you can't fraternize with them in a non-committal way. Strip clubs have the greatest potential, because of that front room makeout session. Then after your first arriba / TLN, you can be seeing your girl regularly by appointment. SJG
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    but I've had some epic moments in 15 minutes.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    ( shit. I even had a epic five minutes in Tijuana. see my 0-100 hk review. )
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Talking with a girl, kissing her, front side massage, pussy massage, really getting to know her, for a full hour? That would leave a puddle under her for someone to clean up. :) :) :) But the basic idea is right. And this is why I say that someone who buys dances, instead of just handing her money and getting friendly with her right there in the front room, is a chump. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    About 15 min of front room makeout session and talk should really have her primed, and make it time for that first load. after that, more talk, more loads, food, Jacuzzi, sleep, nocturnal entry, morning romp. But you gotta keep seeing her, and there has got to be a place for the relationship to go. My organization is just a handful of people, but when it expands, if you were in it, you could just hand your girl over to our people, and she would be introduced. You could keep giving her mistress maintenance and seeing her. But eventually she'd decide to be one of us, so she would be getting career, educational, social, and long term financial benefits. She would not be pressured to retire. But she would be fucking you and all of our guys regularly, and for free. Relationships have to have some place to go. What our society has offered is only the death trap known as marriage. SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I try to tip at the end - some girls come up to you on stage and if you tip them right away they just leave as soon as they get their tip - I expect a little more attention if I tip at the stage but also realize I should not expect much for a buck thus if I want a bit on-stage attention I usually tip a few bucks and the longer I stay at the stage being entertained the more I tip - i.e. I don't try to milk a buck.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i'll tip a dollar during the first song. then if she gets naked on the second I'll tip a little more. I might go five dollars... oh gosh... I might pull out all the stops and go seven. one time I even went eight dollars!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ It's all relative. Lots of stories about big stage side cash flows some places. And then of guys getting their wallets sucked dry by buying dances. SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I tip on stage at times but for me it's more the exception than the norm. Back in the 2000s, there was a small Deja Vu mixed-club next to the old Baby Dolls Dallas location - the club was small so instead of having individual tables they had a couple of rows of long continuous tables like one would see in a college auditorium - the stage-set consisted of the girls dancing table to table on the table right in front of you - you had the choice to tip or not tip but if you tipped she would usually get off the table and on to your lap and give you a mini lap-dance.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    At our underground circuit, usually it is table dancing, meaning dancing at your table. Really just dancing for you right at your chair. So the girls just start, they don't ask permission. They if you like you give them money. An interaction ensues. Lots of rules not really followed. Maybe they indicate they want more money, maybe you just give it. When done you send her on her way. Party tape, no gaps between songs. No agreed to pricing scheme. More flexible that way. Maybe OTC talked about, maybe titty sucking or pussy grabbing. Maybe kissing if she wants you for OTC. I would usually do open tongue kissing only, unless I knew I would be walking her right out the door. But flexible is key, no fixed time or money formula. In principle anything could happen. Was place they were doing front room FS, but there was BJing too. And of course if you and she got along, lots of DFKing. The booths and back room system, with no front room makeout sessions, is total bullshit. This is now what lap dancing originally was. Buying dances is for chumps, even in the stupid US excuses for strip clubs. SJG
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
    Totally agree... if she ant kissing then I'm not going to fuck... I've had a few non kissing sex events and it is very awkward and uncomfortable... hated it... never again Thus why I try and sexualize the visit as fast as possible to find the girls that kiss... then I try and see if they fu K... then it's on
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "Totally agree... if she ant kissing then I'm not going to fuck... I've had a few non kissing sex events and it is very awkward and uncomfortable... hated it... never again Thus why I try and sexualize the visit as fast as possible to find the girls that kiss... then I try and see if they fu K... then it's on" AWESOME words from no one less than Juice! And yes it really is that simple, no kiss, no nothing else, and try to get her loosened up and kissing right away. At the tip rail is not too early. Had girls make it go that way themselves. And DC9428, understand that with the booths and back rooms, strip clubs are well oiled machines designed to separate marks from their money. Lap dancing used to be front room only. You can make up any reason at all to be handing your girl money. If you want her in the front room sitting with you, I would suggest that. All kinds of ways to talk to the girl to get her thinking outside and of civilian styled intimacy. And if you have selected and approached the girl yourself, all the more likely that she will follow you in her thinking. Generosity and respect, and just learning to lead it, and you should have a makeout session going. Worst case, if above is impossible, then don't buy ejaculation services, instead set it up so you can DATY her in the dance booth. And have you ducks lined up to offer her all manner of outside date. If nothing else flies, then ask her when her next shift is and tell her you will be there at the start of it, and do so. maybe another DATYing. But have something to offer her, some kind of outside date. Dates: 1. Just go fuck, the best 2. Car Keys and Wallet, dinner, something 3. The safe date, lunch, just before she starts in the morning. Best would be close to the club so she does not need to move her car to go to it. Then she knows she can cut it short if she needs to. Make sure she gets your contact info right off when you first meet in the club. She needs to know all about you. SJG
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Again, take her home with you, or to a motel, and pump loads into her regularly. Strip clubs are great, but they are not a long term regular solution to anything. SJG
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    dang San Jose guy. you don't seem to understand the excitement of doing something totally illegal and against the rules in the friggin club.
  • JuiceBox69
    6 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    "you don't seem to understand the excitement of doing something totally illegal and against the rules in the friggin club" Are you serious? Stage side and girl on top of bar DFKing? Open tongue kissing when the girl is at my chair, floor dance turned into nuzzling and talking, then kissing? Then covered pseudo DATY as girl gets on all fours face up over me on my chair, her way of acknowledging the open tongue kissing, seeking same night OTC. Front room makeout sessions w/ front side massage and pussy massage? Front room preliminary BJ and then FS in same chair? Mini-van FS? Dance booth DATYing? Taking a girl into a cleaning closet for up against the wall FS? And sometimes, though totally prohibited, we have had our own version of the tip + feel up. I prefer the underground and totally clandestine activities, because the San Francisco total privacy version is priced so high and so controlled by the house that it compromises it. Now no, in our above ground local clubs it usually cannot be like this. But once in a while, and then commonly in our underground clubs. And it is these latter which I have always loved. Outlaw girls. Juice is right on point in his thinking that it starts at the tip rail, making it happen right there, or where you are seated, not with "wanna dance". And Mr LDK82 is starting to think the same way too. SJG Aretha Franklin Greatest Hits Best Clasic Soul Music Of Aretha Franklin Aretha Franklin Playlist [view link] Aretha Franklin - Respect lyrics [view link] Compare the above with the opening of below. The musicians have really got to be good at following her. Aretha Franklin - Full Concert - 03/07/71 - Fillmore West (OFFICIAL) [view link] Tribute, Offering to Bail Out Angela Davis [view link]
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