
Carrot Cake at Hotel Cascadas (Restaurante Azul)

If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
Has anybody else tried it? Do you agree it's the best carrot cake you've ever had or am I wrong?


  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    For me it would depend on who I was eating it with.

    I love how guys talk about eating at that taco place, alone.

  • Dblednmike
    6 years ago
    Eating anything on the Azul Patio, overlooking the action in the alley below is an experience. There are almost always some HK girls in there eating too. Sometimes with a guy, or another girl, but I don't think I've ever seen any girls eating alone there. I'll be back in about two weeks, so I will have to have some of the carrot cake and see just how good it is.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^ Awesome!

  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Have not had the carrot cake. But anything that I have had there was awesome. Enchildas, Tacos, steak. I had breakfast one day and the omelet was fabulous. And Dbledmike is right, there are always HK girls in there in their black robe.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Everything i ate at azul was good and chicas everywhere. Two chicas from los chaveous ate dinner with me because it was packed lol
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    My girl orders from there all the time but she east it upstairs in the dressing room
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    I ate there one night facing the alley and watched the mexican marines shake down down some drug dealers
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Ever engage with the Las Chevallas girls?

    Playboy Bar?

    El Fracaso, reportedly the only one which complies with TJ's indoor smoking ban?

    Ever try to take a Street Girl to lunch, or maybe into one of the bars, like Las Chevalles, for getting to know each other, and for that preliminary makeout session?

    Want a better solution than sex tourism?

  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ sjg taco place you couldn't be any more vague! You know how many places in mexico sell tacos? I'ts not your mom's basement. Till you have been there will you please shut up!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Countryman, everyone is posting about a particular outdoor taco place, eating alone and between girls. I think that is hilarious.

    Sex tourism has its limits, are you still not able to see this?

  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    That taco stand is always busy your never alone fool!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So you go to TJ to be with people at the taco stand?

    I can do that every day here in San Jose.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Anyone ever take a street girl to lunch, or into one of the other bars, like maybe Las Chevallas? I am assuming that you are giving her money. Its to get to know her and get that front room makeout session going, before arriba, and even TLN arriba, and then regular visits.

  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    I will be there sept 20 and 21 come on down sjg! Flight should be cheap for san jose! I will buy you a street taco hell i'll buy you a fisha drink come out of your basement, leave your goat, and come on down!
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ sjg pick your chica and get down like a big hairy ape in a cave!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    No, I am tied down, and my affairs are private. And so I am not going to be baited by you're repeating of things posted by trolls.

    When I travel to new places it will be to expand a business, and in each place I will start out by bedding a stripper or street girl regularly. She will be my first new recruit for that metro.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    No shortage of awesome girls here in San Jose, 1 million people, and less than 45% white.

    Not a fan of sex tourism. When I go to other places it will be for a broader set of objectives, not just consumer recreation.

  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @sjg your affairs are private! Like what fucking your goat in your mommas basement? Spend hours and hours typing and saying a damn thing lol! Why your doing that like usual i will be dick deep in latinas! You want to mention trolls what the hell do you think you are? Everyone else experiences and reports! All you do is type a bunch of useless crap! Sjg when is the last time you been in a club? When's the last time you got laid? Your goat don't count! You are probably a virgin! You will type a bunch of useless crap in response to this! Why everyone else lives life!
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @sjg he is typing useless crap at the moment! Be patient his response is coming!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Countryman, you've already once bashed you head against my steel and concrete privacy wall. You might have gotten a concussion. But now you've gone and done it again.

  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Yes i have because i am going to get you out of your mommas basement! What the hell does getting laid have to do with privacy? I will buy a tj street taco i will pay for a ficha with a chica of your choice and i will get you arriba! Cpme on sjg no one else on here has ever given you this offer! Sept 20 or 21 come on down! It will permanetely change your mind on sex tourism!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    You have made a blood and lymph fluid stain on my privacy wall. Now that means I will have to come out there with a bottle of Clorox and a wire scrub brush and clean it off.

    Oh well, at least you did not touch the 5kV wire above the concrete. If you had, you would be just like those carbonized squirrels lying around.

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