
Front room makeout sessions

I entered the dragon and was never the same
Sjg theory works but only at honk kong! Ime fisha drinks will tell you all you need to know bout the chica! I found 3 who kissed and acted like gilfriend in club the were all gfe upstairs! Especially my last which was my dreamgirl lol .i am working on a total 3 and a half day review of tj. I frequented hk streetgirls chicago club las chaveas and adelias i have info on each. Thank everyone who helped me by answering questions before i went. If anyone has any questions about tj they can message me i can tell them what i know


  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    do you think most of the info posted accurate?
  • Trish_Club_Lust
    6 years ago
    Did they turn you into a donkey and then continue to fuck you??
  • Trish_Club_Lust
    6 years ago
    Um Mr Wonderful ofc SJG’s info was accurate
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    Due to the high mileage of customers girls see in jersey this is a rare occurence. The last girl had I saw making out with a custie a forehead the size of an alien. She just seemed happy to find a PL to sit with her for the night.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Country, Now that I have met you in person, I just crack up when I see you type honk kong !!! It was a pleasure dude. Glad you had a good time there. Long live the ficha !!!
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    Man that's awesome that you guys met in person.

    Warrior15 does Countryman actually pronounce it the way he spells it? Lol.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ warrior 15
    It was a pleasure man! Long live the hk fischa lol i definitely won't be buying 25 dollar drinks for chics in louisville clubs that's 2 and a half fischas
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @ mister wonderful alot of good info on here the starfish thing i was hearing never happened to me with any chica i think it has alot to do with how you treat them
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Food absolutely fantastic in tj change the way you look american mexican food i never got sick in 3 and a half days all that shit about the water is bullshit everybody has bottle water people bitchibg about the merseros i dont understand excellent service everywhere you dont get wonderful service like that in us the key is you gave to be able to say no! The number one thing is walk around the clubs and find your chica then get a mersero! I took a 9 off a stage and found my 10 on 2nd level steps
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    Most fun i have every gad in my life i will return every chance i get
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So I'm glad you had a good time. I hope you imbibed a sexual aesthetic and can find ways to recreate it where you live.

    1. Front room makeout sessions are not unrealistic. I can personally attest to front room DFKing occurring sometimes. Others her have attested to it being regular in some places. It makes what follows awesome. Always worked like this for me in AMPs.

    2. Girls can be bedded, if not immediately, then sometime not too much further on. We had a place that had done front room FS, but after being busted it was mini-van and motel FS. Girls could come and go as they please.

    It would be more like this more US places if guys would stop being chumps and paying money to exacerbate their own sexual frustration buy the idiotic practice of 'purchasing dances'.

    Be polite, open, honest, and generous. Either she gets GFE on your lap in the front room, or another one will take her place.

    But better to do it in a metro you plan to be in regularly, so that you can be seeing the girl outside.

    As great as that TJ HK bar seems to be, can be better seeing a girl you know outside.

    So Countryman, Adelitas, Chevalas, Chicago Club, as front room GFE oriented as the HK Bar?

    And with Street Girls, anyway to get preliminary GFE going? Invite them at cost of course into one of the bars or a restaurant?

  • MackTruck
    6 years ago
    Did they turn you into a donkey and then continue to fuck you??

    LMFAO hahahahaha
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^ So are there strip clubs where the dancers are lot lizards?

    Front room makeout sessions?

  • Trish_Club_Lust
    6 years ago
    Making out with a lizard??

  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    @country. Remember you also were spending good money and tipping well. I think the people that complain the most about Hk are the cheap bastards, or the ones who dont read the reviews ahead of time to get the tips and tricks. You were all in, 100%, thats why you had such a good time. I saw it with my own two eyes and you made my night even better because of your awesome attitude!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    So Galiziabob, can we get it more like that here if guys stop buying dances and instead approach girls and show generosity and some charm, and get a front room makeout session going?

    I say that in many places the answer is yes, and that buying dances is a chump's game.

    Also, Country was not near home, not able to see those girls again. But if he made it work like that close to home he could be having great GFE - TLN's with them in his own bed.

  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    SJG - Your whole theory is nonsense and anytime you are willing to man up and accept my offer of a public debate I will easily rip you to figurative shreds. But since you will never agree let me pick apart one tiny part of your twisted worldview.

    Let's say for a minute that you are right, that if guys would just try to kiss strippers that suddenly we could magically have legal brothels in the USA. Even if your theory was right, your implementation is never going to work. The audience here is too small and non-influential enough. And you have been spouting the same line here for 4 years with exactly nothing to show for it other than becoming the whipping boy of the forum.

    Next what's up with the chump insult? If you want to change peoples minds insulting them isn't going to do any good. And you know that so since you are the only person with this magical knowledge it would be arguable that the person holding back the movement is you...

    Maybe you could argue that you are trying to reach casual lurkers on the forum. I could see how your repetitive posting might achieve some of that goal. But lurkers aren't influencers. And now with TrollWarnBot around it sort of neuters your "spam" based strategy.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    @Countryman, glad you had a great experience and look forward to reading your reviews of all those bars.
    I know how you feel. I've made two trips to HK in the past 15 months and now TJ is the only place I want to go for vacation. I spent a few days in South Florida in May and kept thinking "Why the fuck did I come here when I could be at HK?"
  • TFP
    6 years ago

    Yet all he'll come back with is some shit about his privacy wall and dead squirrels.

    And TrollBotWarn is doing God's work warning newcomers about this delusional dude.
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    @galiziabob you were fun to. When your in a place like hk i could not possibly belueve how anybody could not ve having fun!
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I am sure you people have heard of the Central Intelligence Agency. They protect the security of their operations, just like I protect the security of my own operations. And we both use exactly the same methods for doing this.

    Online is not f2f. I have disclosed all sorts of things that I have done. The reason I can do this online, is that I can and do deploy a privacy wall where I deem it necessary. As such, I do not accept questions about myself, and I never submit to anything like an interrogation. Either take what I post, or leave it. I am interested in constructive discussion, but I will never do anything to set a precedent for compromising the privacy of my f2f life.

    I you do not accept the concept of privacy walls, or you don't understand the idea, then you are probably someone who likes to suck on shot gun muzzles. And you probably actually believe that White House Aide Vincent Foster actually shot himself, found still holding the untraceable Mafia drop gun in one hand, still in his mouth.


    Factors which tend to prevent front room DFKing in US Strip Clubs:

    1. LE, will say it is illegal, or at least will say it suggests that what goes on in the back rooms must be illegal.

    2. Club Management, does not want above trouble.

    3. Individual Girls, don't like the idea.

    4. Collective Girl Rule, "Actually its the women's rule".

    Reasons that none of the above would be binding if guys were not on the whole, CHUMPS!

    LE does not play fair, they bust people and these plead guilty and clubs get closed even though no one was every convicted of anything by a jury. But, there are still practical limits, large numbers of stories about anecdotal front room DFKing, and places where it is the norm. Places where front room FS and darkened corner FS are the norm, not everywhere, not most places, but some places. So LE is not the reason. On the whole this is a very political area and LE has more important things to worry about.

    2. Club Management, in dives it is no real privilege to work there. Management does not have much of a whip to crack. They have to in large measure let the girls do what they want, if they expect them to keep showing up. In real dives, there is not really any looks standard. If the girl has the guts to do the job, she is hired, no matter what she looks like. Story about a Follies girl doing BJ in a men's room toilet stall, before the bathroom troll shows up. Cheaper than the VIP Room. At a dive, you want some girls like that. Guys say they don't like her looks and consider her too aggressive. But a club needs such girls For myself, in recognition of her forwardness and attitude, I would try to give her what she wants, action plus money.

    3. Oh yeah, for a lot of girls, this is the final line. They post all kinds of angry stuff on stripper web. And here most of the women do not like the idea. But contrast TJ. So I say that this is mostly circumstantial. And even if they wouldn't do it very often, they will still do it with some guys, even if they said they never would. Some will be seen kissing a BF when they arrive.

    And on Stripper Web they also talk about escorting, and then they all kiss, accepting that it is an expectation.

    And then there are just some girls that are by nature very friendly. If a guy wants to kiss them, that fact alone gives them sufficient motivation to comply. These girls generally will do very well and be very happy in high mileage environments. And the free form nature of the front room of a dive strip club will suit them just fine.

    4.."The Women's Rule", I have heard that and then enjoyed girls who disregard the rule. Such rules will only work if you have got the women convinced that that protects their income. These are Show Clubs, Clip Joints. In wilder clubs with more experienced dancers, they know that talk does not get the results which physical friendliness do.

    So at our local above ground clubs, kissing is 100% prohibited, but it still does happen. It is how girls set up immediate OTC. Now, I will concede that these very restricted clubs, having no booths or back rooms, the kissing will more likely be in the front room because that is all the have. When the girls don't kiss, they will still do what is also prohibited, and press forehead to forehead and nose to nose.

    The wilder girls generally want to kiss. They don't need any special inducement.

    One time, at T's SJ, now closed, strict no toucing, collective VIP Room, one guy came in and two girls changed from stripper attire to mini-skirts and high heels and they were sitting on opposite sides of him, taking turns getting up right in front of him and DFKing him. So he left with both of them. Known big spender I was told.

    Girls do it, some of them. So do it very broadly. It gets them whatever it is they want.

    And so, if it is in the front room, it encourages others. So if one girl declines, very likely, in some kinds of places, that another one who sees the interaction will jump right in and take her place.

    But most guys still let girls lead the interaction, they do not select and go after a girl, they are chicken shits, guys cheating on wives and other SO's. It is actually a very small minority what want to be dicking the girl OTC. A smaller minority that wants regular TLN's. And an even smaller minority that wants regular home TLN's. They girls fully understand this, and it makes some of them want to hold back and just suck money out of wallets. Chumps do not deserve anything better than that.

    The more accustomed a girl is to doing FS with clients, the more likely it is that she will be very happy to do lots of DFKing too. This is one of the reasons that SF AMPs are so much better than South Bay.

    Our strip clubs could be very different, if guys would stop buying dances, stop accepting clip joint protocols, and generaly treat the women like they would any other woman, and if they were not just going to the strip club so that they can cheat.


    Symbolic Dimensions of the Gnostic Mass
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Front room makeout sessions, not for free, but before there is any commitment of any further time or money.

    If one girl won't engage, don't argue with her. Just let another one take her place.

    From start to finish, assume that you will be waking up with your girl in the mornings, regularly.

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