
A club with a surplus of 10s?

Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
This guy must have found the strip club jackpot based on his review.

"It was about seven girls working all of them was at least very decent looking with four being a 10 out of 10." https://www.tuscl.net/rev.php?id=336504&…

I don't think I've ever seen 4 10s working at the same time, especially not in a club with only 7 dancers.

Have you ever seen a club with 4 or more perfect 10s on duty?


  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    yes. butt with a whole lot more dancers on duty.
  • NJBalla
    6 years ago
    Only in Vegas. 10s in a strip club rarely happen. These women are usually swept up by a simp or sugar daddy or gets off on findom. (Dont know what findom is? look it up) Most strippers are 6s that got knocked up by the wrong guy and too flaky to get a regular job.
  • TJ Lee
    6 years ago
    That guy posted club ads.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    10s are relative. When he said 4 10s, maybe he meant 10/4s. You know, 10 from far a way and 4 up close. Don't drink so i'm not that familiar with the other way, 4 before beer goggles and 10 after, although occasionally a girl will look hotter up close. Anyway, i've seen more than 4 9+s and a few 9.5+s (which should round up to 10) in a single club. Usually the count is over 30 girls when this happens. Probably seen less than 4 true 10s ever though.
  • Cowboy12
    6 years ago
    It all depends on the PL, a 10 to me could be an 7 or 8 to someone else.
    I don't think I've ever seen a 10 in a club...several 8's and some 9's.
    My regular club has several 8's at times, someone else may consider them to be 10's.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Guys are idiots. Obviously many raviewers have very low standards. I remember this one moron that posted here on the discussion board all the time bragged about this one club that had all these 9 and 10s regularly on a Sunday night. It was a club I had been to several times and I had never, EVER met a girl that was hotter than a 7, and me saying a 7 is being extremely generous.
  • JackAstor
    6 years ago
    Especially that place. Believe me .
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Ratings are highly subjective. When you add a few drinks - some pl’s see more perfection as they imbibe.

    I’m not sure I’ve seen multiple 10’s even watching the Miss Universe pageant.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Ratings are definitely subjective, but that guy is either blind or an idiot, in order for a girl to rate a 9 or a 10, there’s little doubt that she is indeed, now whether or not she’s your type that’s debatable, but there is can be no doubt that a 9 or a 10, is indeed a 9 or a 10.
  • 623
    6 years ago
    ^^^ there can be huge differences and everyone does not agree - a BBW lover would not be interested in Miss Universe and I doubt Papi Chulo’s 10 would register 6 or 7 with me.

    You can’t even get concesis on what a 10 is, is it top 10% or is it top 1/10th of 1%?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Meh. It's all very relative. Also, I regard the perfect "10" to be a mythical creature, and not something you see traveling in herds.

    But, unless it's a club ad, if this guy thinks he's surrounded by 10s and having fun, then more power to him. Sometimes lower standards are liberating.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    I’ve been clubbing for 15+ years and I’ve been in probably over 70 clubs in 5 counties and I think I’ve seen 4 of what I would consider 10s.


    Let me spell it out for Juice, FORE

  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Hell, at most clubs, if there's only 7 girls on shift, even seeing four 8s is pretty shocking. If there's only 7 girls, it'll be a slow shift, or it's the beginning of the shift, and the hotter girls often don't come in during those times. A few years back, I walked into a strip club at the beginning of a swingshift, there were only 5 girls on shift, of whom one was a 7.5, the rest were solidly in the 8s. I remember being so incredibly impressed that I remember this, years later.

    Four 10s out of 7 girls? Well, bless the guy for having low standards -- he's probably really enjoying himself!
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Subra is onto something here. Can we magically lower our standards on everything and be happy?

    Just imagine, a 5 is now a 9, a 6 is now a 10. Imagine going into a club and viewing that?

    Motel 6 just turned into a Ritz Carlton.

    McDonalds now feels like a Michelin Star Rated restaurant.

    A Ford Focus is now like driving a Ferrari.

    Clothing shopping at WalMart is like hitting up Saks.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE someone give me that drug!!!! Lol
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    I have a couple of buddies like that, at least with respect to women. The rest of us all make fun of them, but you know what? Those guys have insane fun, any strip club we go to, no matter how dismal. One of my favorite conversations from some years back. My buddy and I are sitting in a strip club, 15-20 girls, but the lineup is incredibly weak. He asks me how many of the girls I like. "There's one or two girls here I'd think about. What about you?" He tells me, "Every one. I'd fuck every single girl here." "Even that one over there?" "Yeah, even that one over there."

    And he proved that over and over, he was just turned on by women, period. If she was over a 5, he seemed to be fine with it. And, on the one hand, I'm glad I wasn't touching or letting some of those beasts dance on me. But have to admit, in some ways I envy how much fun he had, at rock bottom $, at every club no matter how weak
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ I’ll agree that standards are being lowered, but guys, discounting for type a 9 might be a 10 to some of you and vice-versa, a beautiful woman that really stands out is not as subjective as you are making it out to be, I mean really most women have the potential to make themselves into a 6 or a 7, but damn guys a 9 or better is super unusual, even in a strip club. And it’s not something that is really debatable.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    That was all too obviously a hamfisted club ad.

    But putting that aside and addressing the broader topic, I've always felt that, if one's rating system is calibrated correctly, finding a true 10 is a rare event. IMHO a 10 is supposed to be that girl who is so sexy and so beautiful that it is difficult to tear your eyes off of her. Now preferences do differ, but the few that I've seen in clubs over the years made me flush just looking at them, which is a tall order given how desensitized I've become after visiting clubs for many years.

    Anyway, just my two cents fwiw.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Having very high standards is not only over rated, it's limiting.
  • sinclair
    6 years ago
    I apply a numerical rating to every dancer I come in contact with at a SC. I run into an average of about two 10's annually and some years none at all. That is just my take. If a girl is that beautiful, she can be making more money by doing things other than stripping. If a girl is that perfect, does she really need to be getting money from smelly guys that look like George Costanza that want to finger her and manhandle her tits for $25 a song? The single moms and drug addicts are in the SC because they do not have the options of a 10.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ Uh, try $10/song. I have a hard time seeing the value in $25 per.
  • K
    6 years ago
    It is entirely possible he went into the club while I was there. All women become 10's when my dick is in their mouth.

    Putting aside my feeble attempt at humor, an attractive women paying attention to him might make her a 10. The more likely answer is he wants it to be a great night.

    Some of these guys go so infrequently they don't dare go and have only a good time. It must be an amazingly great time. The women were tens and wild. You wouldn't believe what they got away with.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    "Uh, try $10/song. I have a hard time seeing the value in $25 per."

  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    so... what would you rate my avatar as?
    (i rate her a nine.)
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    MW: from the neck down, if she looks as good from behind as she looks from the front, her body is 9.5+ for me. I can't tell if her face pic is rastered a bit or not, but it's possibly not the most flattering pic, that's the only thing pushing her down below 9.5 and anywhere close to 9 for me
  • 3LeggedMan
    6 years ago
    If I considered all the women I count as CFs I don’t think that list would include 4 10s. We’re talking about the Holy Grail here, guys. 4 in one club? Don’t think so.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Am I stupid?
    No, don't answer that.

    By definition, how can anyone have more than 1 CF?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    My standards are always low. I will fuck anything.

    So - when I hit the club I’m looking for a 5. If I get a girl above a 5 - it’s a victory.

    If I get a 4 - and I can hit it from behind - it can feel as good as an 8 (without the GPS complaining).
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @Cashman1234 That’s always been the problem with bankers their standards are low ;)
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Twentyfive - some bankers are overachievers - that’s never been my problem.
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