
Favorite dancer quotes

Avatar for 79terrier

Had a dancer day this to me today "why don't take that thing out so that I can work on it better?"

Might be my favorite quote from a dancer of all time. Thought it would be a good topic.


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Avatar for northwest101215

Once met one in Vegas who said "I've been doing research on orgasms from inside and outside masturbation." Then she went into detail about hand positions. Later in the VIP, while I was fingering her, she was really turned on and said "you might get raped here." I'm just quoting what she said. That didn't happen but overall it was a memorable experience nonetheless.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

The MILF, panting and sweaty on the bed: “Jeez, it’s not enough you got a magic tongue, you gotta have magic fingers too?”

Avatar for JuiceBox69

My favorite one is evertime I take Mr happy out

A a a a www it's so adorable

Avatar for TheeOSU

There was the time I was getting a dance from a Hungarian dancer and she suddenly blurted out, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall"!

Reagan went on to steal her line and the rest is history. :D

Avatar for houjack

When dancing, she said "I like it when you whip your dick out."

Avatar for Mate27

79terrier, they usually tell me to “fix him” when they want access to play with me.

Avatar for Cashman1234

“You want to do what? You are a sick fuck! No fucking way! Oh - that much? You’re making me wet - you hot freak!”

Money seems to turn me from a filthy perv into a hot kinkster!

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

Before we went to VIP, “I need to go to wash up so when I take these pasties off you don’t taste glue.”

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