
Urban Liar

Wednesday, August 1, 2018 7:39 PM
If Tressel got fired for lying about tattoo's then Urban is out for good not just administrative leave. I'm glad it happened to him, I always hated that cock sucker


  • flagooner
    6 years ago
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Who, what, when, where?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I think Urban is gone for good. My guess is administrative paid leave means his lawyers are negotiating an out to his contract - where he can exit with a nice lump sum payment.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ That's the take from what I heard on ESPN as well
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    If that’s the case then way to go Ohio State. They strike gold twice back to back in the coach department and lose both coaches to relatively minor scandals when put up against most other coach scandals. Yeah, Urban seems like a real asshole but as a fan of any college team does it really matter what the coaches personality is to you as long as he keeps cranking out quality wins like that?
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ So long as he coaches your team.
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    I don't like Saban however, he does not have near the scandals around him that urban has. Remember Urban was Aaron Hernandez and Riley Cooper's coach. He set a record for arrests while he was with Florida. He is a piece of shit
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    twentyfive, Urban is the Ohio State football coach. But on a different note, I think it is bad for the coach to look the other way. Arguably not as bad as Penn State and Paterno's behavior with Sandusky but still non-brilliant. Winning without being an evil rape enabler = brilliant Winning with being an evil rape enabler = fucked up a hell
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I don't know the particulars or severity of the abuse. But put yourself in Urban's shoes. You hear that one of your employee's had an argument with his wife and hit her. What do you do ? Do you put yourself in the personal lives of your employees ? You didn't witness anything. You heard it third hand. Again, I don't know the entire story here.
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    I think what you do is discuss it with the employee, determine if he needs help. It is not about putting yourself in the lives of your employees, it is about protecting your brand and your employer. What Urban did by ignoring it is put the wife at risk of being beaten, put his career at risk, and put Ohio State at risk.... all for the sake of a relationship with a friend, stupid...
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    This is a very difficult situation. From a simple PR perspective - he should have had a talk with the assistant and determined if he needed help. That’s not an easy conversation to have. But, things get out, and by doing nothing, it can appear to condone the actions. That being said - the assistant coach is an adult - and his wife is an adult too. So they should handle their lives privately. It’s not Urban’s fault the guy hit his wife. Shitty timing for this to come out.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    ^ Would there be good timing?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    ^ true. Never a good time for this to come out. However, I think the team opens practice on Friday - that’s why I mentioned it’s bad timing.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    Yeah better time if would have been in late January versus less than a month before your first game, major distraction
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    This is why it is Urban's problem... Courtney Smith said that Hiram DeFries, who is the special assistant to the head coach at Ohio State and has been a confidant of Urban Meyer's for years, told her in 2009 not to pursue charges against Zach Smith after an incident in Florida. Meyer was the Gators' head coach at the time. "[DeFries] said, 'If you don't drop the charges, Zach will never coach again,'" Smith told McMurphy. "'He's never hit you before. He was drinking. He'll probably never do it again. You should think about giving him a second chance.'" She did not press charges in 2009. Zach Smith was investigated in 2015 for suspicion of felony domestic violence after an incident that resulted in unspecified injuries and showed evidence of sustained abuse. In the Powell, Ohio, police report regarding that incident, Courtney Smith said she had been a victim of habitual domestic abuse. [view link] on Wednesday identified nine reports from Powell police involving domestic disputes between the couple from 2012 to 2018.
  • pensionking
    6 years ago
    This is why it is Urban's problem... Meyer "had a legal obligation under Title IX to report the allegation to the university. The federal gender-equity law prohibits discrimination, including domestic and sexual assault. Schools that do not comply risk losing federal funding." Bullshit -- schools that do not comply risk 5,000 students protesting in the Quad instead of going to class televised on every channel in the country for a week. As much as Meyer is a douche, the snowflake country we live in requires Meyer to report THE ALLEGATION of abuse to the University! Just the ALLEGATION -- no evidence, no witness, just the allegation. Failure to report (and lying about what he knew and when he knew it) will likely cost him (and his wife, another University employee) his (her) job. I have no issue with Zach Smith being incarcerated with Bubba to get what he has coming to him, but does anybody else think firing Meyer is a bit draconian?? Because we hate him and he is a douche? Snowflake USA -- everyone is responsible for everyone else's fuckups.
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    I'm not saying I agree with the law, I was merely reporting what the law said. Now, when Urban sent his goon to lean on the wife to encourage her not to press charges he became part of the problem
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    When I first heard the story, I thought it was an isolated occurrence in 2015. Now I am hearing it was a regular thing at the Zach Smith home. Urban had a responsibility to do something if he knew.
  • pensionking
    6 years ago
    Yeah, Urban's responsibility was to be moral, ethical AND legal. He failed at all three, it seems. In the USA today, especially if you are high enough up, you get fired for failing at any one of the three.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    If Urban knew about the abuse - then he should have spoken to the assistant - and suggested the assistant seek help. In my view - that’s the only responsibility he had. There’s nothing criminal that I’ve heard about Urban so far. An employee of Urban abused his wife. Two adults actions that are separate from coaching. If this special assistant was instructed by Urban to keep the wife quiet - that would be a problem. However, the wife is an adult, and it’s still an issue between her and her husband.
  • pensionking
    6 years ago
    The law is bullshit -- it doesn't apply outside of the education system. But it is a law. Meyer "had a legal obligation under Title IX to report the allegation to the university. The federal gender-equity law prohibits discrimination, including domestic and sexual assault. Schools that do not comply risk losing federal funding." At a minimum, they probably have him violating his employment contract. Will he fall on his sword to save his wife or will she fall on her sword to save his ass? More to come . . .
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    TheeOSU is going to lose his mind over this one
  • whodey
    6 years ago
    As a lifelong OSU fan and an OSU graduate it breaks my heart to lose a second great coach to scandal. However, this scandal is much worse than the tattoo scandal that took down Jim Tressel. Athletes trading on fame and merchandise is relatively minor in my opinion, but the Meyer situation is worse for a number of reasons. 1) He allowed a person that he knew to continue to be physically assaulted for an extended period of time. Regardless of legal duty, he (and his wife) had a moral duty to help prevent his wife's friend from continuing to be abused. Would you stand by and do nothing if a woman you were friends with was getting the shit beat out of her. 2) I think we can all agree that college athletes, especially top teir football players, often lack good judgment and often lack good role models throughout their life. Why would you want someone that physically beats his wife to be a role model for these kids? 3) Whether you agree with the reporting requirements under Title IX or not, both of the Meyers knew (or at least should've known) they were required to report the abuse. Why did they risk their jobs over protecting this abuser?Did they really think OSU woulld have had any trouble finding another wide receiver coach? 4) For those saying he shouldn't have had to act on "allegations of abuse" no one is saying that he should have fired or disciplined the assistant over allegations. His duty was simply to report it to the school so that they could conduct an investigation. Not only did he fail to report the allegations, he covered them up by lying about the situation. If you don't think he should've been required to report on the accusations, would you're opinion be different if it were accusations that one of his players was abusing his girlfriend? What if it were accusations that one of his players being abused by their father at home?
  • pensionking
    6 years ago
    Whodey probably ended this thread. Extremely well stated -- perfection, really. For Meyer, nothing but a self-inflicted fatal wound -- misplaced loyalty. Next stop -- NFL or retirement?
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    For me it will still be fun to kick urban around...... As for OSU, it gets old punching the fat kid. They have not been relevant in college football outside their conference in years, looks like we will add a few more years to that and keep moving. We all know there are 3 conferences in football AFC, NFC, and SEC
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Sadly, with the NFL raising domestic abuse awareness - Urban might find it difficult to get an NFL head coach job. Too bad the XFL isn’t around anymore. Lol!
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    "For me it will still be fun to kick urban around...... As for OSU, it gets old punching the fat kid. They have not been relevant in college football outside their conference in years," Lol that's funny! Dadillac, Urban's 5-1 record kicking around your bulldogs certainly explains your glee regarding his downfall but Saban is still around to kick their asses. :D And it's your right to perceive things anyway you want but your perception of relevance is just a fanboy pipe dream. The Buckeyes won a championship in 2014. When did your team last win one? Oh gee it was all the way back in ancient history, 1980 they actually lost their bowl game that year but were "awarded" the championship by default. Albeit it was voted before Meyer's issues came up but this year's pre season coaches poll has the Bucks rated #3 which happens to be higher than your puppies. There's that relevance thingy again. So you can color the facts anyway you'd like but your facts are as fake as your perceptions. OK buddy, you can put your rose colored fairy tale glasses back on and revel in your pipe dreams. I'm done with the history lesson and I'm certainly not going to argue with an unarmed delusional fanboy.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Let's be clear ----first Tressel got fired technically because one of his players sold his own pants--traded for the tatoos referenced and the real issue with the NCAA is the concern that a kid in school sold something valuable and the NCAA didn't get their cut. Plain and simple as much as I love college football the system is messed up n how they judge what is acceptable and unacceptable. I'm guessing dadillac is a Michigan Fan on some level and unless I missed something last year the Big Ten had the best bowl record of all the conferences. Had Michigan not had their meltdown it would have been even more a runaway. As for Meyer directly I'm not sure what it is exactly he should have done? Get involved because his wife received a text from another coaches wife? Why did the coaches wife not contact the university directly? (in my mind that is the question) I see Georgia is going to flex it's out of conference schedule muscle again this year against the powerhouses of Middle Tenn & Austin Peay and of course the idea of ever coming north to play in all types of weather to play someone significant is about as likely as an SEC team not getting the advantage of playing every bowl possible on their home field............dating back to the Liberty Bowl being founded so Tennessee could make it to a bowl game every year.
  • TheeOSU
    6 years ago
    ^^^^^^^ Great post buddy!
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    I think we took a freshman QB into Southbend last year and beat Notre Dame, so I think you can quit whining about out of conference schedules
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    I dislike Michigan just as much as I do ohio state.....
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Nice answer which addresses nothing.That was what your first trip North since 1960 something? And you played an extremely young ND team ranked basically on the ND name. When you coming back --say this time in November---and playing someone of your own caliber.......or would you rather play Austin Peay hype up the AP lemmings, hide in the weak SEC east and come out for a Peach Bowl or Gator Bowl game in January......
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    So osu had the 3rd toughest schedule last year UGA had the 7th toughest.... and you really want to split hairs over strength of schedule..... get rid of Tulane.
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    Interesting that Georgia is 10-4 against the big 10.... ohio state is 4-11 against the sec..... I would love for ohio state to join the east, we need another Vanderbilt
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    Lol.... Georgia is the big 12 champ last year
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    Playing LSU in the Sugar Bowl or Florida in the Gator Bowl will do that to your record.......... Like I said come north sometime and play a bowl game --love to have you. As it is if you notice even when the weather is colder than normal by a few degrees ( last year being a prime example) a funny thing happens to those bowl games winners.........
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    I love college football... I hate urban but actually have a lot of respect for ohio state and Michigan to some extent both are storied programs
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    Should have a comma after extent
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I like TheeOSU, but I can't think of a college sports program I hate more than Ohio State University.
  • Daddillac
    6 years ago
    We still lead the series against the gayturds however they narrowed the gap with spurrier and meyer. I have missed 3 cocktail parties in 25 years. We played a home and home with them while the alltel stadium was being renovated. Spurrier put a huge ass whipping on us in Athens. At the end of the game he faked a kneel down and threw a touchdown pass, total dick move. After the game in interviews he explained that he needed that touchdown to make the largest margin of victory at Sanford stadium. So a shitty thing to do but he was honest. Fast forward to the year we broke the streak against meyer and we got an excessive celebration penalty. Meyer got all pissed and said he would remember it. The next year he was up 3 touchdowns and had the ball with 2 minutes left. Meyer used all of his timeouts in those last 2 minutes, did not coach at all, just stared down mark richt. After the game interview they asked if it was payback for the previous year. He said no, he just needed his 2nd team to get some practice with 2 minute drill. So I hate spurrier but at least he was honest.... meyer is just a lying piece of shit
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