
Review Metrics

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
In the recent Vegas thread, Nixur68 wondered why the popular Vegas clubs were rated highly if mileage was low - it made me "think all up in my skull" Juice-style that there isn't a review metric/rating for mileage and perhaps there should be.

What does the PL-gallery think?


  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    it's the thrill...
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    believe me.
    i was caught up in it wayyyy tooo long.
    butt ridiculously EXPENSIVE.
  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    I'll repeat the answer I gave there:

    "The high reviews I give Vegas clubs are in relation to the other clubs. The way I've been reviewing clubs is imagining if my wife worked there. Which clubs would let me fuck her the cheapest, for the longest time, and with the most privacy."
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    This would mean nothing for vegas specifically. Theres hm strippers and just as many robs/gps strippers at the other end of the spectrum that give airdances in vip. Ymmv.
  • Electronman
    6 years ago
    We currently have three rating metrics, one for the club, one for the value and one for the dancers. I don't put much stock in these ratings when I'm researching a club. Nothing substitutes for reading reviews about the club and the dancers.

    However, I would find a "mileage" rating to be at least as valuable as the other ratings. I acknowledge chessmaster's comment about ymmv but that very same issue also applies to the other ratings that can vary from visit to visit (e.g., ratings of value and dancers will vary between visits to the same club).

    The only down side to a mileage rating would be if the reviews linked dancer names to very explicit mileage ratings. I would want to protect the identity of dancers who provide exceptional service from management (especially if it was a no extras club and the dancer was pushing the club rules).

    By the way, I have a policy of not identifying dancers by name if I provide much detail about the level of service in the club. If I do mention a dancer by name, I only provide vague details about the level of fun that was provided, unless the dancer has actually asked me to include details in a review. I do make an exception to this general privacy policy. I will identify ROBs and very poor performers as a service to fellow mongers.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    I though the mileage rating was implied to in the value rating (bang for buck). Generally low mileage clubs didn't get good value and the converse as well.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    ^ thought...
  • 623
    6 years ago
    I used to equate mileage and value but too many reviewers don’t. They bitch about having a shitty time then give a 10 value rating because beer was only $3. For me, value = mileage.
  • datinman
    6 years ago
    To me, mileage is the prevalence of extras and value is the costs of services.
    Admiral in Chicago has a mileage of 2 vs Dollies in WP has a mileage of 10.
    Diamond Dolls in Pompano has a much higher value than Tootsies because the same level of service from a 7 out of 10 Cuban dancer is at least twice as much at Tootsies.
    Mons Venus has poor mileage, but good value.
    Nevada brothels have good mileage, but poor value.
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    Some reviewers just don't understand the difference between value and cheap.
  • Warrenboy75
    6 years ago
    From everything I have heard about Vegas clubs, including staff, dancers, visitors and locals who go there I can't imagine why anyone would want to go knowing that basically you're looked at as an ATM machine with a penis attachment.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    I guess value thus coincide with mileage - but how about a club with good mileage dances that are $30 or $40 a pop, would one give that a high-value score? Although perhaps this is just s corner case.
  • FTS
    6 years ago
    I think, for some people, mileage is IMPLIED in the value rating. But because some people don’t abide by that, or some people don’t interpret it that way, I agree it would be nice to have an explicit mileage rating. A rating of 10 could be labeled “plea the 5th amendment” and a rating of 1 could be “I get more action in my church bible study.”
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    High mileage + looks + low cost + value. Strip clubs are usually compared to their local competitors. A $40 lap dance, no matter the mileage isn't worth it, from a value perspective. A $140 15 minute room at Desires from an 8 with a hand job and great mileage = value.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    I don’t look at the ratings numbers at all really because I think it’s so subjective. I do read reviews for the content and get my sense of a club that way. So I’d probably ignore a specific mileage rating if there was one. It’s not that the numerical ratings are a bad concept but I just haven’t found them all that helpful and I think that value is all relative to local clubs anyway.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I think that the review metric that is most important is the amount of reviews a particular club gets, the rest of the categories are all over the place, I mean really value, or campiness, are so subjective and interpreted differently by everyone. I think the number of reviews a club gets possibly compared to others in the same general area is most likely the best indication of how good or bad a given club is satisfying it’s cust.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    ^^^25 made a good point. I look at that too and put quite a bit of weight on it.
  • mjx01
    6 years ago
    1. Overall the ranking are only meaningful for a relative comparison within the same metro area. Most reviewers don't 'travel' enough to accurately rank metro vs. metro. My favorite example was the time SOH Harrisburg PA was #1 in PA and near #1 in US. Total BS. It is by a wide margin the 'best' club in Harrisburg, but can't compete with Pittsburgh/Erie and certainly not Detroit/Florida/etc.

    2. Vegas is going be be heavily influenced by 'tourists' who don't necessarily frequent clubs the way true hobbits do. Also, add in a lot of 'conention-ers' who normally would club (wife/etc) but are there and exploiting the opportunity. If it's the only SC you've been to... you can't tell how good or bad it is.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Maybe it could work if there was a template provided. That someone could refer to while typing the review.

    I got curious about the scale, and do you guys agree with this?
    I would have thought the stuff listed in ultra high mileage to be extras?
  • IHearVoices
    6 years ago
    I think 25 has the right idea with the number of reviews being the most important metric. The number of reviews, and the positivity therein, will likely have me give Playhouse Lounge another chance next time I'm in Philly even though my experience was subpar.

    I have to laugh about the Savannah's mention in mjx01's comment, though. I can't imagine a time in which that place could be #1 in anything (and it's not the best club in HBG: Adult World is). To the larger point, I have a similar thought that clubs are compared to those within their areas. I think someone gave AW a 10-8-8 and I almost lost it. As mentioned above, I like AW...but there's no way anyone who's experienced clubs in various regions could ever consider AW a 10-8-8. I don't even consider my favorite clubs to be that good across the board.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Yeah Harrisburg pl's need to get out to other cities.

    # of reviews is the best metric but specifically # of reviews in a certain time frame(last month/6 months/year).
  • FTS
    6 years ago
    # of reviews is definitely a good metric, that’s why I used it in my excel spreadsheet. I specifically used it as a measure of uncertainty. E.g. a club with a rating of 7 with 2000 reviews will have very tiny error bars, but a club with a rating of 9 with 20 reviews will have huge error bars. I then ranked the clubs based on value of the bottom of the lower error bars, I.e. sorted simultaneously by decreasing rank and increasing uncertainty.

    Not surprisingly, TJ HK is considerably higher than even the best US clubs.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    The metric I have found the most useful in practice is the Dancers rating. If it's 5 or lower, that's a pretty good indicator to maybe try other clubs first (or, depending on what you're looking for...)

    The problem with a Mileage rating would be that the customer might not have chosen the right options to get a true idea, it was his first time in and he got the newbie edition, or HE WAS THERE FOR A BACHELOR PARTY WITH HIS HOMIES AND BEST CLUB EVAR!!!!!!! THERE WERE NEARLY NAKED WOMEN AND IT WAS CHEAP PBR NIGHT WOO!!!! AND DIAMOND LET HIM PUT A DOLLAR STRAIGHT IN HER G-STRING !!!!11 MILEAGE RATING: 10 !!!! VALUE RATING: 10 !!!!

    The same guy could probably spot a 5 pretty reliably, though ;)

    That, and how it went for a guy who dropped $2500 in Vegas would probably not reflect what I would get on a somewhat lower budget...
  • Nixur68
    6 years ago
    I’m not sure if I should feel honored that Papi quoted me...

    I’d it were up to me the clubs would just have one rating - have more than one just dilutes it too much making the top 10 list worthless.

    I wouldn’t say extras make a dance high mileage.
  • Nixur68
    6 years ago
    If anything a bar graph of rating over time would be the most helpful.
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