if a dancer is mega hot..which of the following would u prefer?

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
a) she automatically vouches to give u a dance
b) she strikes a good or decent, but short convo first?


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avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
It all comes down to front room friendliness, letting that front room makeout session ensue.

Then the back room, then outside contact, going to photo sessions and overnighters.

Buying dances is for chumps.

avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
I think Nicole and San Jose Guy should have a front room makeout session together. :)
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^^ That's how it works.

Works great in AMPs when you can get a makeout session going, makes it all awesome. Though it doesn't happen in the front room.

Works great when local club girls violate the rules to set up immediate OTC, via front room DFKing.

Well documented in US Dives across the country. And then the black girls who want the guy to lead it, so they are licking his neck and nibbling at his ear lobe.

And then of Tijuana, as written everywhere, it is standard. And in some places the girls really do not even give a guy any chance to refuse.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
I think SirLapdancealot and nicespice should at least have a drink together.
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
I was raised by wolves so I don’t bring any money to clubs but like to start with a front room hump her leg session and then go from there.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Perhaps. I’m still holding out for Nicole’s love though. Even if she might head out to San Jose and leave me.

(BTW most customers would prefer short chit chat first instead of “wanna dance”)
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ LMAO "DHL" (Deep Hump Leg). DHL them bitches, Huntsman!
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Well Nicole1994, you are neither a customer nor a "mega hot dancer" so this discussion is not even one you can relate to and the fact that you started it once again shows you're just a troll.
avatar for Huntsman
7 years ago
Sirlap, DHL hasn’t quite worked out for me yet but it’s bound to, sooner or later. I’m convinced of that. Or at least it’s the only technique that occurs to me.
avatar for crsm27
7 years ago
I mean i expect a dancer to just get down and start sucking... no "hi" or "how r u"... just straight to your knees.... LOL

If you have any clue as to this game known as the strip club scene you should have your answer. It is a social thing. Be it looking for extras, looking for contact, just looking to chat with a beautiful woman. It is social and human interaction. So if you are not social.... you will not do well. Period.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
And the front room, right where you are seated, is where it starts. "Wanna Dance" is just clip joint stuff.

avatar for johnsnow123
7 years ago
I hate girls who just ask for a dance no matter how hot. It takes no effort and is a turn off. Part of going to the club is about building the fantasy and a girl just asking for a dance does the opposite. Def go with the conversation first.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice FYI I am holding out for you too. Well, maybe I'm actually holding "in" for you, but I don't like to make assumptions.

I hate to tell you but san_jose_creep is perfect for Nicole according to his posts. He knows law, he's always respectful in treating a woman like a civilian, he's not a misogynist PL. I think it is fate they met through TUSCL...just like us!
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@nice spice ive made it clear i would never pay you lol and am not going to..if I can still call u my little stripper bby that would be fun hehe.just saying .

I want a skilled debator not just someone who knows the law ..i.g. Someone who will kill it in the Senate floor just like i will.

...anyway. would like to hear from that rare person who prefers automatic dance as well as reasoning-thx
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@Huntsman I think you just haven't found the right club for DHL. Just like san_jose_creep goes to the underground Mexican hat bars in the Bay Area, you may need to hit the underground "dens" in the Alaskan wilderness to find the right bitches. Keep mongering, my friend.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Who will murder the Senate floor **
avatar for GeneraI
7 years ago
I'm a master debator
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Best is not to wait until a girl approaches you. Rather you select the girl. Identify the one you want to be waking up in the mornings with, and approach her yourself.

Turn on some charm and come on to her verbally and demonstrate generosity with her, and get a front room makeout session.

Do not even consider booths or back rooms until the front room makeout session is proceeding.

avatar for laplap1974
7 years ago
I rather see her in action than go by her word of mouth
avatar for NJBalla
7 years ago
The best is when she gives mr happy a handshake for 5 minutes enticing you to get a dance never breaking eye contact. Then you know shes a pro.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
^^^^^ People have posted about girls doing it exactly that way. Once the hand shake starts, it does not stop until insertion, and there is only talk about money afterwards.

But still best if you can select and approach the girl youself, the one you want to be waking up in the mornings with. And best if you can get that front room makeout session going before even considering back rooms.

Probably with such full tilt girls, there will be no problems.

avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
If there would be an underground wilderness strip club for DLH, I feel like Portlandia would create it first.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice we local PLs and strippers call it Striplandia out here. And LMAO yeah and it was called 'Safari'. Personally I'm thinking Bend is the city for an Oregon DLH club if there is gonna be one.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Put Bend into google image and wow, that would be an amazingly beautiful location!
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
sjguy. quote "And then of Tijuana, as written everywhere, it is standard. And in some places the girls really do not even give a guy any chance to refuse."

it all depends on the tj girl. most in MY experience don't do it automatically.
but then again most of my experience is with 8s and above in Hong Kong bar.
the minus 6s may tend to do that more to tempt the customer.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
I’d prefer you you stuck a red hot poker wrapped in rusty barbed wire up your ass.

avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
nicole. i usually prefer a conversation first. (butt not always.)
avatar for Jascoi
7 years ago
george you sound like desert scrub.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
The accounts of girls who lead with DFKing are, among other places ,coming from Dr. F. Cause he asked the waiter to send him girls. I would not do this. But he accounts girl by girl. They jump on his lap, sometimes roughly, and some of them start ramming their tongue into his mouth right off.

That is serial line up. I would not do that with the waiter. But I understand why the girls would be super aggressive.

But people post that there is more tongue in BT and LC. And then in the Playboy Bar, they give a guy no choice.

Really, I think it just depends on the guy and on what he wants and on his own developed style of engaging with girls.

Super aggressive girls is not a bad thing. If they are that aggressive, then probably if you try to lead it, they will let you lead it however you want. But if you ask the waiter to send girls, you know what to expect.

But some guys post about HK bar and wonder why they don't get DFKing.

For myself, long ago I learned that kissing is usually the way to open a girl right up. That and selecting her yourself will always go a very long way with her. Done well, and with tipping, it will have a huge effect on a girl. At our underground circuit, I've not been shy about showing them that I like them via kissing, usually open tongue.

avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
One guy on TJA was asking about "the secret to getting DFKing".

I told him that it is real simple. If you want to kiss a girl, just kiss her.

How you do it will have a lot to do with the odds of success. But if you don't even try, then don't expect much.

I think it just has to be learned. Eye contact, tone of voice, what you are saying to her, etc.

Had lots of such experience in AMPs.

You try to minimize telegraphing to her what you are going to do.

avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
@SJg when and if u are ready to kill the US Senate floor with me after i.graduate law school with flying colors..then we can date ok. Ok cool thx
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago

avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
You just completed your freshman year of undergrad (or at least that was your initial troll persona), you are far from being accepted to a law school, let alone graduating, passing the bar, being sworn in, and (LMAO) being a senator.

Never going to happen, troll.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
If she is as successful campaigning for senator as she has been making friends here, she’ll never get elected, just imagine how many votes she’d get.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Idk, if Trump got elected I think that Nicole and SJG can make it as senators.

Troll politicians are in fashion right now. xD

(Disclaimer: yes I know there’s some of you who think he’s good, or at least better than liberals. But you have to admit his campaigning was straight trolling with bragging about dick size and whatnot)
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice Bend is a great little city in a beautiful area. It is in the high mountains of Oregon and is a great vacation destination. And there is even a strip club, Stars Cabaret Bend. I have never been to it.
avatar for georgmicrodong
7 years ago
Desertscrub wasn’t always wrong.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
SJG as a senator, I could not even imagine such a scenario as a SNL skit, with Pee Wee Herman as SJG. Nicole would be played by Tina Fey. That would be hilarious.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
@SirLap: I’ll have to go at some point.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Sounds about right.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@Huntsman BTW fuck front cave DLH. LHKing in the VIP den is where it's at!
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago

Your insights are too good for this thread. And you are completely right, most customers below the age of 35 irritate me. And yeah I hate the aggression.

Before I started dancing I would go to regular bars/nightclubs with friends and the dudes there irritated me. I started thinking to myself “why am I not getting paid to deal with aggressive assholes instead”

And then it turns out strip club customers are on the whole leagues above night club customers as far as likable, hah.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
I think DC9428 is right. No reason to make it go fast in a strip club, more talking time always better.

But, in a strip club where full service is on the menu, there is another issue. Good FS is a good way to get the girl OTC right away. But then also, she will be hammering your for dances. Usually a compensation is just feeding her front room money.

So you want it to go slow, for more talk time. But she is hammering you for dances.

Once you agree to a 'dance' then you pretty much have to let her lead it. That is why I say confidently "Buying dances is a chump's game".

So better if you can keep feeding her front room money, and keep talking to her, and get that front room makeout session going.

Best also if you want to see her outside, better if you let her know that. It puts you into a completely different category than most of the people she deals with. They like business cards. Let it escalate as fast as possible without pressuring her.

More talk always better. But she wants money and she usually pushes that via dances. Takes some skill to get her to lighten up on that. But you want her generally agreeing to outside dates and fully GFE right there sitting with you, before you go with the ITC back room trip.

Even at DV's SF Clip Joints, girls who have recited to me the "I don't kiss" speech, have been demonstrably reversing themselves not too much further on.


Led Zeppelin
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Remember, the nominal thing, say at DV's "higher volume" biz model club, Centerfolds, is just "Wanna dance?". It will be an awesome looking hottie high up on her stripper shoes.

But you have to find a way to deflect her offer. You can give her money, but you do not accept that offer.

So yes, in night clubs guys try to go fast, too fast.

In a strip club more talk time is better, but she is there to make money so you can't really take up her time for free. So you have to learn to work it.

And most of all, make her deliver right in the front room. Makeout session and generally you and she knowing each other and she tentatively agreeing to outside regular contact.

They you say thank you to the house by paying all fees and getting your first load into her in the back room. Arranged that way, it will be mind blowing.

Then maybe she can leave with you, maybe not. We had a place where the answer was yes.

But you have exchanged all contact info, you try to set up your first outside meeting, and at a minimum she knows when you will contact her and when you want to meet with her. She has nothing to worry about. Worst case, she knows you will be there at the start of her next shift, for more of the same. But eventually you will have her in bed.

Most of the time with women, that kind of arrangement goes very very well, and the second meeting will be awesome and she will be at full throttle.

And so you see, always best if you pick the girl and are prepared. You identify the one you want to be waking up in the mornings with. Then you approach her. You don't pressure her, but you have no reason to hold back. And she feels this right off. You are ready for it to escalate so that you are waking up with her, maybe even by next morning.


The book of R : a first course in programming and statistics / by Tilman M. Davies (2016)
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice there is a correlation between hotness and #of assholes that hit on you in a nightclub. That it drove you to strip clubs is telling.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
@DC To be fair though, even though I’m not fond of most younger customers, I’ve met enough that I can’t write them all off. I have a current regular who is younger and also hood and he’s great.

It’s nice you seem to be an exception too.

And I think a lot of it is personality. Some people are extroverts and just simply like the atmosphere. Or some are genuinely good dancers and like to show off their choreography.

But I’m guessing that’s not you. It’s definitely not me, lol.

@SirLap :p
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice & DC TBH after mongering 20+ years now in my 20s, 30s, and 40s, I would say in my 20s and early into the game that I wasn't any less disrespectful of strippers as I am now in my 40s. For the most part, I have always approached it as in a customer's best interest to treat the stripper he is with respectfully and make it a mutually good time together. It's just like what you want in a nightclub. In fact, I would say that the strip club is the perfect fantasy nightclub evening. Guy goes to a club. The hottest chick at the club wants to party and dirty dance for him and possibly go somewhere private with him. And he doesn't even need to fucking dance! All he has to do is treat that hottie like a queen and he has her to himself for an hour or so. Now what guy, no matter what age, doesn't want this fantasy at a nightclub? Even if she didn't give him her number most guys would still enjoy the evening. And at a strip club he can have such an evening with sometimes the ultimate sexual fantasy woman of his dreams.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Not far from.gettijg in .I have two yrs before I do that and not gonna apply to anywhere below top 20 law schools while you will.either still be a paralegal or a graduate from.a.shit law school. Good luck.shit heard you will.need it more than i do lmao that's all.i habe to say to you. When it comes to.replying to.you i barely do and even the few time i want to (i.e abt legal.careers)even that is selective. Ohh. Sorry, you will either be a paralegal still, graduate from.a shit law school, or on here letting ppl get the best of u by replying to every one who says something against u.

Nina =dumbass wanna be lawyer who who lacks intellectual horsepower and ability to.argue substantively

@spice ok sugarbby

avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
And you're still a crack whore with no job or education, just an unhealthy obsession with my legal career.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
Oops I meant to say less respectful earlier.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Lol you mean your lawyers bitch aka paralegal career? Which law school admissions officers would not value more highly(based on it title alone ). than my internship with my state senator who chairs a large committee ? That's exactly why your bark is louder than your bite bitch. Haha.

No education? Oh. Getting into an ivy school with parents who where nowhere close to getting in in their youth or have the wealth to.provide me "extra help" to have gained admission is not only something only the very few can achieve and I think a high academic goal in itself, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, I'm only 2 years away from.being a Ut Austin grad..id rather be 2 yrs away from.graduaying here then straight to law school than be a graduate from a lesser school working as a lawyer's bitch (like urself ).
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
You realize there's a law school in Michigan that routinely ranks higher than UT Austin, right? And you don't really even go there, it's your troll persona, and a week ago you had completed 30 credits before trying to change your story and got double the credits + an internship overnight, which you had never mentioned earlier. You got caught up, troll.

You talk all the time about some shit law school I'm attending, when I've never even revealed it here. So please point me in the right direction and tell me what school do I go to? What schools was I accepted to?

You're still a crack whore. So what else is new...?
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
I repeat, i would rather be 2 yrs away from.grauduating UT Austin and getting into a top 20 law school close to that date as opposed to having a compromised education with a degree from a lesser school(let alone tier 1 research school ) and work the same job i could easily obtain once I get into a top 20 during my first year, when the experience would be equally if not more , relevant.lololol
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Lol it's all in your head.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Top 20 is in my head but top 10 a reality . Can't wait to.see what will.happen in two years. Nicole out.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
@Sirlap Hmm maybe there’s something self selecting about being a discussion board poster. Maybe a more thoughtful attitude?

Looking back, the first time I set foot in a strip club, I don’t remember being as bad as a typical female customer. I smiled and was friendly as I would be to any person I’d meet at a party. I didn’t tip anyone, but I didn’t do the hypersexual expecting free for all groping nor being condescending towards dancers either. And this was three years before I started dancing and before I knew any dancers.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Nice spice can we cuddle together in my dreams
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
Since Idk.if I would cuddle with u in person bc i dont fuck with ppl.who.are not genuinely my friends lol.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
I thought you were out, Nicole1994? Or did you snort some powder or hit a crack rock to bring yourself back to life?
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
No, nicole out =Nicole done responding to nina..but available for most others unless they respond in a similar ignorant way as u have

This response clearly doesn't count(altho u can think it does and u prob will to make urself feel better and more superior when in reality you.are inferior since u won't grasp.what actually happened or was meant to happen ) , as I had to xplain what Nicole out meant in that particular context since it was unclear and my own fault 4 that.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@DC good stuff and I agree. To me I've become really simple in my mongering ways. A stripper just has to have a good time with me and show my dick some good teasing in advance of dances ending in LDK. Basically act (and do it well 'cause I can tell fake SS) like I'm that super big dicked stud that walked into the night club and I will treat her like a man should treat a beautiful and sexy woman. It's not complicated at all and I will pay fairly (but I won't be hustled) and not take advantage of things. I also will never push a stripper beyond her limits. And LMAO ultimately it is now super easy for me because I can give a good massage that makes strippers melt in my hands.

@nicespice For sure there is some self selecting going on online between those of similar thoughts.

Also Nicole's cuddles wouldn't stand a chance next to my massages. I know exactly where to massage a stripper now. FYI.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@DC If you learn to give a legit good massage it will do wonders in building a good rapport with a stripper. It is a highly physical job, so massages are of high value to them. But you gotta do it right. LOL every single one of my four faves are hooked on mine now. LMAO as my dick is raging hard between their ass cheeks at the same time I'm massaging, they tell me that I spoil them!
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@DC I just cultivated a new favorite, a hot 22 yr old perfect 10 in my book, and locked myself in as her regular in two visits. And both times she was completely receptive to getting a massage. And LOL on the second visit yesterday we sat and I did it for 15 min and when she had to go on stage she wanted another 15 min of it after she was done before we went and got dances. Cost me nothing and she even declined when I offered her a drink. We had a great time during dances (LDK and mileage not an issue) and as I left and I was paying her I suggested to her that I would come in to see her regularly if she would come down on her rate for me and she said no problem. That made her a lock because I'm pretty she will come down to the current rates I'm paying my other faves.

And to sort of reverse the convo, I usually don't go for being a regular to the younger ones just because the generation gap makes conversation more limited, but this girl was awesome. She listens to the same 80s alternative music that I like and she had a serious Filipino boyfriend once so we hit it off with a lot to talk about in common. She is also mature for her age. So all this combined with being hot as fuck I am locked in with her and for sure will alternate between her and my ATF DS regularly.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Yes! I used to have a regular who gave good massages and got into the knots.

He was low value but that definitely made up for it.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice FYI I'll do it better. And I'll stop whenever you want. :p
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Killing me here
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice LMAO and touche. Although I know a lot of this is likely just boards banter back and forth, I swear I'm an awesome fair value customer (at gwapo ako talaga). My faves love me for the consistency of my visits, my massages, and my low maintenance. I bring zero drama and they love it. And my MO is to make my stripper truly feel good when she is with me. The mutual enjoyment of each other's company is actually part of my personal enjoyment. And it has to be genuine on both parts or she has to be a good faker because as soon as it feels like either one of us is mailing it in, I'm going to move on.

So when we finally get together when you come to Portland on a working vacation, you can expect the best massage ever, getting complimented on your beauty constantly, and having conversation that will be fun and can go any direction. The only think you will probably have to "put up with" is a mini banana inside my pants rubbing on you often. But if you can put up with that, I'm an awesome customer!
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
That sounds fun, lol believe me I’ve had plenty of LDK warnings I wouldn’t mind.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
I'm dying here.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice in my experience what strippers don't want are

- a whiny and emotionally needy customer
- a customer that can't respect her personal boundaries and wants more than she's offering
- a customer that doesn't pay/tip for services rendered
- a customer that is physically unappealing for whatever reason
- a disrespectful or rude customer

And so these are my golden rules of what to avoid whilst mongering. And they really aren't that complicated. If I address all of them, I get great interactions and have fun times with my strippers consistently. I know the business is geared toward serving a man's hedonistic needs, but there's another human being on the service side and to get the best service you need to reciprocate a little. To simply expect whatever you want because you have money is simply an unrealistic expectation.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^Get a room guys ;)
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ LMAO I'm working on it!!!
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Hm that list is very true. I’m indifferent to looks (unless they have a swastika tattoo or something extreme like that) but it would be more useful, for example, if clubs turned away smelly customers rather than gym shorts wearing customers, lol.

The former regular who was annoying but would give good massages would try to kiss me on the mouth and ask for OTC. All while also blatantly trying to maximize the amount of chit chat possible before dances. And try to take “breaks” between every couple of dances.

But on the plus side, he took it nicely when he made an appointment with me and I was tied up with a baller who kept handing me money at random intervals just for hanging out on the floor and only giving two dances. I apologized to him, but he saw the several hundreds I had and just shrugged, lol.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
@nicespice by physicaly unappealing I lumped in things like having jizz outside pants and being smelly.

And I totally understand having time constraints and that money can establish higher priority. My faves have always made up with me for lost time on the rare occasions where they are preoccupied with a whale. I know I have kept them from potential customers many times. It happens.

Also I understand the mindset of that regular and have definitely tried to extend time with my faves as much as possible too. But LOL I'm more tactful. The longer I have a boner during my visit, the better. But that said I have learned to be flexible and never push the chit-chat and flirt time together. The only successful way for me is to just keep massaging LOL to the point that she's lost track of time. That's why I say I'll stop massaging whenever she wants! LMAO and it's never immediately.

The only other thing I do for extended flirt time is simply tell her as a regular I would appreciate just sitting together through a minimum of one stripper's stage set and then go. That is 2-3 songs and is not an unrealistic amount of "free" time between a stripper and customer. Typically when a stripper is switching between customers there is 1-2 songs of transition anyway except for the super busy nights. So usually this is not an issue and I can for sure get a raging boner during that time.

And so now it is to the point that time with my faves is never an issue. Plus, in my experience strippers are like cats - you really can't and shouldn't try to train or force them to do anything they don't want. Even with a lot of money it doesn't always pay off. So it is best to pet the kitty nicely and do the things that make her purr. Once you learn those things, kitty is rubbing up to you and you get to pet kitty to your heart's content.

And kissing on the lips is crossing my boundaries. I'll kiss tits and asses and stomachs but on the lips is for my wife and I only.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
Yeah 2-3 songs isn’t a big deal at all. I will hang out that long without thinking. This one liked to push the envelope though.

Which, if dead, I’ll happily oblige.

Like it’s fine to not be a big spender, but it’s just the toying.

But on the main point, yes a good massage will allow more leeway with bullshit and it’s an excellent skill to have. SirLap’s strategy is smart.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ I usually get over an hour of flirt time with every fave when it is dead. LOL once I feel her getting goose bumps, hear her moan, and she can't talk much because I'm working on those knots in her back perfectly (yeah, you know the ones...the ones all those other PLs seem to miss...), I know she'll "put up" with my "bullshit" and I have a keeper. Like putty in my hands.
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Hopefully our US Strip Clubs will someday be able to get beyond the 'extras' and 'buying dances' mentality, and become more like all that is written about Tijuana.

There are clubs in the US which actually are under the surface much like Tijuana. We have had one locally.

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