
Economics and adult entertainment...

Thursday, July 12, 2018 9:36 AM
The adult entertainment business is filled with people (primarily women) that are working in the industry directly because of the lack of money in the private market or more importantly because of the potential abundence of money in the industry. I am willing to bet that there is some sort of correlation with high economic times and a lack of dancers in a club. No one grows up thinking I cant wait to become a stripper.... Desperation breads invitive ways to make money IE adult entertainment. The point of this is to consider the importance of our leaders and the decisions they make. More and more towns and states are becoming poorer and restricting the club and dancers ability to make money. Restrictions of alcohol sales, contact dances and increased regulation of dancers and clubs causes a lack of ability to make a solid income. Conversly some laws meant to protect dancers actually turns them to the darker side of illicit "entertainment" to supplement the income they have lost. A prime example of over regulation leading to increased problems much bigger than those the original bill was meant to solve. So how can the entertainment industry more specifically the club scene be saved? Fight to support the dancers. Not regulate but support. Protect the clubs from unneccesary regulations as well. Consenting adults that come to work and visit a club do so with and understanding that it is a highly sexual environment. If i know my customers cant drink inside the club or i cant take all of my clothes off i know that im not going to make the kinda money that i once did. This hurts the community because less clubs and less revenue equal less tax profits but it also hurts me and the industry. Elect leaders that are motivated to protect women and their rights. An of age woman that wants to make her money working in an office building should have the same protections as one making her living in the pornography or stripping business. The more the men and women that utilize the services of the adult entertainment industry look out for the industries well being the more longevity it will have overall. I long for the day when adult entertainment is looked at on the same field as other jobs and careers and while it probably never will it doesnt mean we cant fight for equal protections.


  • pistola
    6 years ago
    I'm confused. Elect leaders that allow poonanny to be freely bartered for?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^nothing confusing about it,the leaders that have been elected, have their own agenda, and as long as the voters continue to be uninformed these leaders get away with whatever they want. In other words, if I’m not bothering you mind your own fucking business.
  • poledancer83
    6 years ago
    yes the agenda often doesnt relate to those that voted for them
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    The real problem with our elected leaders, they forgot the part that included the consent of those that they govern, they do a multitude of shit that is not consented to, and the worst offenders, seem to be completely oblivious to the wishes of the American people.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    In my opinion, it’s a bunch of propagandists who managed to convince a bunch of people that sex work is trafficking. And statists smile and nod at the excuse to justify getting more power to control the internet as they see fit. And I agree “no one grows up wanting to” is a stupid argument from them. Children generally don’t grow up wanting to be anything that’s not an astronaut/president/veterinarian/teacher/a couple other jobs. I haven’t heard a child say “investment banker” for example.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    For a “free country” the USA has significant restrictions on sex work. I think those restrictions are based on the puritanical early leaders. When politicians decide to protect folks by removing sexual freedoms - we lose. In my view - we need less regulation of sex work. I think prostitution should be legal - as it is a legitimate form of commerce. Obviously it should only involve consenting adults.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    I'm sorry but the problem isn't with our elected leaders at all. They can lier, cheat and steal, because we, the ignorant american voter refuse to vote them out of office. In a country where 50% of the people claim to be anti-incumbent, 95% of ALL incumbents er re-elected. How is it their fault we're morons? How many of you voted for Gary Johnson 2 years ago? I did. How many of you write in candidates? We claim we care about corruption yet Barrack and Michelle Obama bought their house for about 60% of fmv from fucking Theodore Rezcko? Democrats are willing to call Trump the dirty, rat fraud he is but lionized t he criminal thug clintons and the obamas. That's the problem. Dirty little secret: There is now "United" States any longer, just competing special interest groups. Not one politician in office today will ever change this. Too bad you never met my younger brother Spice. From age 10 he wanted to be a "venture capitalist". Funny thing is when he attained his goal, he lasted 6 months, because he hated it.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    "I am willing to bet that there is some sort of correlation with high economic times and a lack of dancers in a club." You'd lose that bet. If you had spent a lot of time in the clubs in the mid to late 90s and during the mid-2000s, you'd understand that clubs were drawing more girls and had the ability to staff with hotter talent, not less. The same thing has actually been happening over the last few months in my local area, which is experiencing both population influx and an economic resurgence. The reason for this is simple. Strip clubs are fueled completely by discretionary income, which means that the girls who work in them make a lot more during good times than they do during bad. It is when club spending drops off a cliff that they start wondering if taking off their clothes for money is worth it. This is especially true for girls with modest job skills. An extra few bucks per hour, one way or another, is not likely to change whether she chooses to take a vanilla job over dancing or vice versa. A difference of a few hundred per shift one way or another, however, is much more potent. The ultimate issue is not really whether strip clubs pay more than vanilla jobs. Even in slow periods, there are plenty of girls who can make more in clubs than they can in low skill vanilla jobs. The question is whether they can make enough money in clubs to overcome their aversion to taking their clothes off and giving contact for money and the pendulum swings much more favorably to strip clubs during boom times. Now yes, there are some guys around here who are complaining that there clubs are still dying and/or talent is getting worse. I would bet that these people live predominantly in areas with population and/or shifting of higher income residents to others states. CT is one example of a state where the strip clubs are becoming worse, where even a place like Beamers (Stamford) is a shadow if its former self. Over the last few years, companies and high income residents have been leaving the state in droves for better situations elsewhere. There are several other states where this is happening too, including MI, IL, NJ and others. Conversely, right now many parts of FL, TX, AZ, and others are experiencing much different phenomena.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    ideally sex should be free and mutually enjoyed. but with all the prudes that are in power and strict regulations that have been put in place... what a absolute mess we have here in the USA. (and most definitely some other countries.)
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    as I said before sex should be free. but certainly there seems to be a lot more horny guys than horny girls. so most definitely in a better society it should be absolutely no problem for sex to be sale for a price.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    example is my latest experience. keep in mind I'm 68. and yet my desires are still mostly the young spinners. I know in real life the chance of a young spinner actually being attracted to me physically mentally and spiritually in so many ways is an impossibility. it's nice to have a venue where I can enjoy my fantasy.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    strippers go into stripping because their desire to buy worthless shit is insatiable. it has nothin ng to do with economics or the job market for them sucks. its not equal to men going into drug dealing because lack of opportunities. its completely different, women dont want to rely on a man so they strip. women can easliy go into less prestigious jobs like janitorial, construction, manual labor but they choose not to. Poledancer go through your closet and see how many luxury ideas you have purses, shoes, jewlery, the car you drive to see my point
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
  • GACA
    6 years ago
    There is not as much exploitation of minors on strip clubs than prostitution; where there is definitely a serious problem. The problem with strip clubs is they don't do a good enough job at making sure pimps stay for the most part. But yes theoretically, in a situation of consenting adults there shouldn't be as much regulation. But I would argue the stripper age should be raised to 21 across the country. If you're too young to drink you're too young to strip.
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Salty.Nutz 1) What's wrong with aspiring to have quality possessions instead of all-cheap-everything? Why the fuck would I want to be a janitor when I can make thousands a week stripping? 2) High end luxury bags are certainly NOT worthless. If you take care of your bag, the same Chanel bag you bought for just over a grand in the 90s could be sold for triple that amount today. Buy a Chanel bag for $4,000 today, and in 10 years it might be worth almost double that. Same for the Hermès Birkin. While you'll have to pay almost 15K for one, they only increase in value over time. Since buying stocks, gold, etc is a gamble - because the worth fluctuates - these iconic brands' worth only increases, therefore it is only a stupid purchase if you cannot financially support the purchase. 3) What is "worthless" to you is not worthless to everyone. A nice car is a nice car (while I can understand how stupid buying brand new can be because of depreciation simply from driving it off the lot). If someone has the means to buy the car that they want, and it happens to be a luxury vehicle, loaded SUV, or fancy sports car, good for them.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    Agree^^ because in the majority of those exploitation cases theres no victim. its an adult posing as a child.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    I am more against regulation than almost any person you will ever meet... BUT, I also think the strip club industry only exists in the first place, in large part, *because* of a certain regulation, namely the laws against prostitution. If those laws were repealed, the number of strip clubs would probably decline by 90+%. Also, don't take offense, but I think you have a slightly naive view of public policy. For starters, everyone has a different opinion about what's best for women (and for men, children, etc.). But more importantly, we have a unitary head of state and a single representative in each Federal district, which means you can only choose one person for each seat. So what should you do when a candidate agrees with you on one issue but not on another? You're forced to prioritize. You always have to compromise your values whenever you vote. You have to decide what's most important to you, and what's less important. And even if you do all your homework and make all the necessary compromises, you're still left with the reality that your individual vote has almost no power to change the outcome.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    maybe the legal drinking age should be lowered to 18. or maybe even 17. 16. in my experience it doesn't seem to make a difference if it is legal or not.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Dont think she has a naive view of public policy, I think it’s more about leaving us alone to make our own decisions good or bad, these fuckwads that createpolicy are a bunch of shit, deal with public items like roads,schools, policing, not with what a woman does with her body, or what someone chooses to smoke.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Is it possible that if prostitution was legal - the overall prices charged for sex work would drop? Porn is largely free now. There are many sites offering enough free content - that paying for it seems odd now. Strip clubs can be expensive. But if dancers could fuck customers - since prostitution would be legal - then the lines between dancers and prostitutes would blur. If clubs posted prices for sex acts - then the main variable would be tipping for better service. So there would be less mystery about who does what - and less mystery about who charges what. I’m just trying to see if this has an merit - or if it’s just my bizarre thoughts.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    If the stigma attached to stripping decreased significantly or went away completely, then strippers would make less money overall. This is even more true for providing extras. The taboo of stripping and the illegality of extras is why strippers can command such high prices for what they do. Without the taboo, then the average stripper would face a lot more competition from younger, hotter women, and would be forced to drop prices to keep getting paid anything at all. We're seeing some of that happening already with Seeking Arrangement. It's the Uberization of the sex industry.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    GACA said "But I would argue the stripper age should be raised to 21 across the country. If you're too young to drink you're too young to strip." I agree with this.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    hence it should be 16 which is the age of consent in many states and countries.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I agree with the age point too. 21 is fine with me. Sadly JohnSmith would feel some pain if that happened.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    @twentyfive, I agree, and I'm not saying she's wrong. I'm just saying that "vote for people who promise to leave women alone" is too simplistic an answer. What if the candidate is bad in other ways?
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    Cashman1234 said "Is it possible that if prostitution was legal - the overall prices charged for sex work would drop?" Not if it's heavily regulated. See northern Nevada, for example.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    nina--> have you ever owned a mercedes/bmw/audi? im talking a GL450, M3, A7, well they are shit but they will cost you about 65K. does the price tag make them quality possessions? NO, i would rather uber my ass. Also, if youre as sweet, hot and charming as you say you are, you should not have a problem finding a man that will pay your rent and buy you shoes and purses. but hey keep grinding away.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    BurlingtonHF good point. That would make sense too - as a business involving sex work would probably be heavily regulated - to protect us (from us).
  • pistola
    6 years ago
    +1 ski bum well said - truth!
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Salty.nutz, I'm not going to tell you what car I drive, I have enough weirdos here following my posts who probably know where I work. I've never had a GL450, M3, or A7. I much prefer the Audi A8 and the starting price on a newer model for those is around 80K. I really don't think 65K is too much to be spending on a car. My cap is around 80K, anything above that I will only own if it's gifted to me. And what on earth makes you think I haven't already had guys who buy me shoes and handbags? Just because I don't make a post every time I get a new one? I have a rule on that, too. I won't spend more than $2500 on a bag or a pair of shoes. If I get one that is over that amount I spent someone else's money or was given a gift. I don't have an arrangement with a dude to pay my rent each month, I pay my own, but I've gotten moneygrams and Western Unions in the past for my rent amount from regulars several times. At this point I'm more interested in a man who can buy me cars and condos/houses than just bags and shoes. We can throw in Rolexes, too, because I don't want to pay 6k or 30k for my own watch. Same for Cartier bracelets and $5K Versace jackets.
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    I suspect culture is more important than the law with how much sex is provided. Japan is going through a weird cultural change where their sex industry is focusing less on contact, by consumer demand: [view link] In Australia, there was a stripper there who works in a club where dancers openly speak about extras, who charge more than the working full service females in the brothel nearby. And also in that same club there are non-extras dancers who still make money too. At first I suspected that if legalized, the US would be similar to Australia. However, if the white population keeps shrinking, then maybe not. Hmm Maybe if Nicole1994 gets that cabana with me, we could write a thesis on how culture affects the demand of what type of sex work is offered. I kinda want to do research too. @salty nuts How budget minded are you?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @skibum Nice! Interesting story on your brother and I hope he found a career he likes better. @gaca Many clubs already have this policy cause they don’t wanna deal with underage drinking liabilities. But not all
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^is budget minded a euphemism for cheap ?
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    No, salty nuts, made a dig on dancers just being materialistic instead of getting lower paying jobs that can suit personal needs just fine. And using money stupidly buying consumables. So I’m just going to dig on salty. See if there’s a 40k truck purchase or a huge home entertainment system. Certainly he buys dancer services or why else would he be here :p
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    NiceSpice - interesting insights. I guess customers have odd desires? Paying more in a strip club vs a brothel (for a similar service)? I’m sure there is an odd motivation there. The strippers aren’t a sure thing - so maybe it’s more exciting to try to entice a stripper to do extras?
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ That was a dig maybe you didn’t get it, I think maybe salty is showing his true colors, I have called him out before. That is the difference between misogyny and boys fooling around in the locker room
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^That was to nice spice
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Just to clarify - I’m not cheap - I’m frugal!
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ I was commenting on salty You always ninja me ya fucker;)
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    "No, salty nuts, made a dig on dancers just being materialistic instead of getting lower paying jobs that can suit personal needs just fine." i dont think dancers are materalistic but ALL women are like that. its not a dig, but your true nature as women. i like gold diggers, and strippers. so do strippers like customers with or without money? geeze very sensitive around here
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    @25 hmm, you are most likely correct.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^ Im usually correct, I thought I was wrong once , but I was mistaken. ;)
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Our timing must be similar. Lol!
  • Smalltowncpl
    6 years ago
    I'm sorry that I didn't read all the comments and forgive me if I'm repeating anyone. I think that the economy is the thing that almost drives the SC industry and both helps and hurts it. When the economy is good and more people have a little more disposable income they have obviously have more money to spend in the clubs. In turn the dancers have more money to spend and it goes right back into the economy. When money is short and times are a little harder people cut back in spending but also still need that escape. They need to go out once in a while and still blow off steam ( don't we go to SC to blow off steam and forget about life for awhile ?) Therefore we might not go as often but we still go out,we still spend some money . The dancers Wii still have to spend money . Going to the SC is a great way to stimulate the local economy. As far as passing more law that hurts the adult industry I'm not really sure who wins from that. I do understand they are trying to cut down on human trafficking bla bla, but I'm guessing that more of those girls are sold into prostitution more than stripping. I'm not sure who wins.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    ^^^nope women getting married and having kids stimulate the economy. when women get pregnant and have kids it takes them out of the workforce, so theres less people competing for a specific job, as a result raising the wage of that job because theres fewer applicants. this gives men more money to spend on their families, strippers and misstresses. Everybody wins
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Salty.Nutz - that might be one of the more convoluted economic explanations I’ve ever heard! It’s almost laughable. Wow!
  • nicespice
    6 years ago
    Lol, one major difference between now and the 1950s is modern day appliances that made a lot of the time consuming chores of a housewife’s day dramatically cut down. Make a woman barefoot and pregnant with extra free time and she will better be able to anticipate the extramarital activity and proceed to blow the would be mistress funds on a six pack pool boy stud. And a handbag.
  • JimGassagain
    6 years ago
    I think everyone who scrolled though this, wrote on it, or red this thread got stupider for doing so. I’m sure it was only 69 seconds lost on my life that I’ll never get back, and not once did anyone utter anything redeemable or useful.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Salty.Nutz said "strippers go into stripping because their desire to buy worthless shit is insatiable...women can easliy go into less prestigious jobs like janitorial, construction, manual labor but they choose not to." Flipped on its head: Guys go into strip clubs because their desire to get their naughty bits rubbed is insatiable. PLs could easily fuck less attractive women if they'd just go to the gym, learn some social graces, and practice a little hygiene, but they choose not to. Everyone in a strip club is (to some degree) lazy and greedy simultaneously. It's only the motives that change. Anyone who pays women to touch their dick shouldn't lecture or criticize anyone else about the decency or value of their motives.
  • grand1511
    6 years ago
    This whole discussion just made Adam Smith LDK in his grave.
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    true CIM, All the rivers flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full, the eye is not satisfied by seeing or the ear filled with hearing. i was not taking a dig at strippers but yall are sensitive. only labeling womans nature. and CIM you accurately labeled a mans
  • Salty.Nutz
    6 years ago
    Also, i never have asked a women to touch my dick. when i say women it includes strippers too. they do it on there own
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I think paragraph breaks are free.
  • ^^You're up early, old man. What time do they serve breakfast in the home?
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    Strip away the coarse language, and I actually think everyone here and Salty.Nutz would be in agreement. His main contention seems to be that some strippers claim to strip because they have no other choice. I believe this to be true. His secondary contention is that strippers strip not to fulfill their needs, but to fulfill their wants. This is also true in my observation. I think everyone here is actually in agreement with that. It seems like the main argument is whether that is right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy.
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