
I just can't resist asking...

Avatar for jestrite50

I check out the dancer directory every couple days to see if there are some new ones I would like to meet. However I am starting to see GUYS posting on the dancer directory. Are these male dancers? Or dumb ass newbies who are posting in the wrong place ?? Most have just joined Tuscl. recently.


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Avatar for shailynn

Dumbasses - sometimes I link their profile here and we make fun of them. Juice messages them to ask if they wanna hang out.

Avatar for April9424

Why are guys on here so interested in meeting girls from the site? I don’t list myself but still get messages from guys wanting to meet me at the club. Do they assume we do extras if we post here?

Avatar for anthony6613

Since most dancers in Detroit do extras, the answer is yes. I have no idea what your location is.

Avatar for Baller_Biggie_Playa_69

Why are guys on here so interested in meeting girls from the site?

Because they're lonely, socially awkward losers who think they've formed some kind of connection with you over a discussion board.

Avatar for jestrite50

Hey Zoey101

If we don't meet you at your club how can we buy dances from you ? If you are a dancer and don't want to meet any guys then you are in the wrong business. Why are you here ?

Avatar for April9424

I don’t need guys from this board to sell lap dances, thanks. I’m also nowhere near Detroit or Ohio and don’t do extras. The dudes who post here are not my target demographic. I’m not an idiot.

Avatar for jestrite50

Then why are you here ? Zoey101 ? If you don't want to associate with the membership of this board and think you are above everyone and wouldn't accept our money. You should leave this forum to those who find it useful. I asked a simple question here and instead of answering the question you try to turn it into another discussion. Go start your own discussion !

Avatar for whodey

Zoey, a lot of guys on here are very socially awkward in person and they think if they talk to a dancer on here first they have already broken the ice and will be comfortable meeting in person.

Avatar for April9424

Why do you care about what other guys are posting? Are you interested if they are male dancers?

I have plenty of useful info and have private messaged with guys who I might meet at certain clubs and they aren’t assholes like you’re being.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo


Meeting/interacting with dancers is what we do - obviously some guys like what they see per your avatars (or maybe it's your insightful posts - but most likely your boobs)


Feel free to post some pics to imgbox.com you know since we like your "posts" so much

Avatar for nicespice

Either they think they are being quirky and funny or they are just careless.

I remember logging in and finding out I was added to a directory. And decide sure I’ll put up a statement with photos. But then I got too distracted with the rampant trolling on the discussion board that my ADD brain got caught up with instead of marketing.

Is there anyone else who has been effective aside from LinzeeDet?

I’d imagine there would have to be some tweaks to the directory for it to be more effective and less filled with dudes.

Avatar for jestrite50

See there you go again. All I asked is a simple question as to why the guys are posting on the dancer directory. If they're posting in the wrong place or don't know what the dancer directory is then I would PM them and help them navigate to post in the correct place. Very simple. It has nothing to do with whether or not I care about what guys are posting. Instead you get rough with me and try to get the discussion to center on you. Well you got your attention now. You accomplished your goal. If know one wants to answer the question and instead only want to answer your questions while you resort to name calling so be it.

Avatar for shailynn

Good grief I thought all you ladies would love to be chloroformed and duct-taped by SJG!!!

Avatar for jestrite50

No one, damn spell check

And thanks Papi, I needed a hand !

Avatar for Baller_Biggie_Playa_69

So, jestrite50, let me see if I've got this "straight," - you're very interested in guys that post on the dancer directory, so much so that you want to PM them to "help" them out..I think we see where you're going...

...not that there's anything wrong with that.

Avatar for jestrite50


If you screwed up and put your profile on the dancer directory wouldn't you want someone to tell you ? I sure would instead of getting laughed at behind my back and becoming troll bait. I think with the demise of Craigs List and Back Page guys are coming here thinking it's a hook up site.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

FWIW, TUSCLers message each other from time to time - not to be confused with massage each other although there's nothing wrong with that (talking about you flagooner and twentyfive)

Avatar for jestrite50

Nice Spice

LinzeeDet is a real success in her career because she goes out of her way to keep and make new customers. Your listing is nice as well as several others. Just be patient and you will do well !

Avatar for ToyChaser

lol. yeah zoey I care about what you say because of your "post". You dont need my money, im not your target. lol, as if you strippers have a choice who comes in or not, sitting behind that computer of yours acting like you make $5000 a week. You've come in before and worked 12 hours day and night shift and have prolly left with $10 when it was all said and done. Don't act like you a boss.

Avatar for crazyjoe

Jestrite50 at work haha lmfao


Avatar for MackTruck

Jestrite is a gay bar homo supreme

Avatar for MackTruck

"Dumbasses - sometimes I link their profile here and we make fun of them. Juice messages them to ask if they wanna hang out."

Yep Shailynn gets a boner trolling dudes in the dancer section. He needs to come out of the gay boy closet

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Zoey101 said "Do they assume we do extras if we post here?"

Assume?... probably not. Hope?... almost definitely.

I don't mind interacting with dancers here. It can be interesting. But I know I'm not going to meet any of them unless they're in southern New England.

Avatar for Dominic77

Maybe it's a power thing? They see a dancer here, and they want to reach out and have it. Maybe because they lack the ability to do that in real life? Or maybe precisely because they can do it in real life and have entitlement issues are aren't used to being told no? That's just a guess.

Avatar for jestrite50


I PM'D one of the men listed in the dancer directory and found out he made a mistake and was confused on where to sign up for membership. He will make the correction.

Avatar for Estafador

I have never messaged most girls here (still reeling over the fact that the directory even exist) but I can see the appeal of wanting to meet a dancer IRL. It's always interesting to see who you're really talking to. Maybe see if she's as hot as she claims online. Or even just a new way to make personal friends whether it be a dancer or John. Plus there's the extra perk of saying "I personally know the dancer". For example I wouldn't mind meeting papi_chulo or shadowcat because they seem genuinely cool. Also, any female who's ballsy enough to regularly post on here AND lives within my distance I wouldn't mind sharing a drink with.

Human contact is much more fun than talking to a virtual identity.

Don't you guys bitch anyway how people never face to face communicate anymore?

Avatar for Estafador

What exactly is the point of dancer directory if we can't even talk to the person.

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