

I entered the dragon and was never the same
To all you tj regulars what would be the best way to break down 3000 in 20's to 10's 5's and 1's or should i break it down to pesos for my 4 day stay?


  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    For $1000, I will take care of all your money for you.

    Seriously, you want to use US $, not those stinking pesos. I would take some 50's and 100's so you don't have too many bills.
  • FTS
    6 years ago
    I heard it may be better to convert to pesos. They may still charge the same fees in USD despite the fact that the exchange ratio has changed considerably in favor of USD.
  • WetWilly
    6 years ago
    Estimates from veterans day that you can get something like 30% more value by using pesos.

    If you're planning on trying to protect $3000 in cash while you're in one of the poorest and deadliest cities in North America for 4 days, you might want to think of some safer options for your cash.
  • rane1234
    6 years ago
    Yeah like a fanny pack...tj logistics dominating the discussion lol
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I wouldn't mess with pesos. I think you do get a better deal on some things. But you lose on the conversion to and from pesos. Then you have to keep calculating what you are paying. And I always tend to treat pesos like worthless pennies.

    No need for any $100s. Take most of it in $20. But you will need lots of 10s and 5's. I like to buy ficha drinks for the girls and those are $10 with tip. I might take at least $100 in 10s and 5s. I would take at least $25 per day in $1s. You will be tipping a lot of people. If you are the type that likes to sit at the stage, then maybe more than that. You get a lot of mileage for a single dollar at the shaving cream shows.

    The waiters can give you change but I would not give a waiter a $100 bill to break. He might decide to leave for the day and you $100 is gone. But that isn't gonna happen if you give them $20s. The front desk at Hong Kong can give you change. And the front desk at the hotel will do that also. All of the area restaurants and even the taco stands take dollars.
  • JAprufrock
    6 years ago
    Not sure if I'd feel comfortable traveling with and carrying that much cash in Mexico, especially if you run into corrupt cops.
    If your bank has a branch in San Ysidro, right near the border, would it be better to make a couple of border runs during your stay to withdraw the money in increments?
  • Countryman5434
    6 years ago
    My local ky bank dont have a branch in california im gonna take uber straight to border then taxi straight to honk kong and if i leave hong kong money will be in safe unless i get mugged on plane at border or honk kong ill be okay
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I never have any problems getting usa $ change with hk meseros and cascada. certainly $20s work well. and I've used $100s and $50s many times. do take a couple of fives and some ones to get started. keep it simple for this visit. you'll do ok with usa $.
  • TJ Lee
    6 years ago
    Walk back to the border is actually a good exercise, then use another bank and pay the fees. Or apply for the free checking now, Compass Bank is right at the mall.

    Having a lot of cash, you'll want to wear cargo pants that have many pockets, 8+. And don't let the girls drug.
  • Jdavid9806
    6 years ago
    I go every other month for at least a week. I also carry large amounts like this and even larger than this.

    First you will be fine. They don’t know wether you have 20 bucks or 10k if you are not flaunting the money. Just be confident and cab to Cascadas. Be smart and have your money hidden in your bags should you get stopped. Very very unlikely but still be smart.

    Second don’t carry large amount of money on you when you are switching clubs. I have no problem carrying some big money from my room strait to HK. It’s just downstairs...But not on the streets!

    For 3000
    ~ 1000 in 100’s. You will use less money in TJ than you think. These hundreds will probably be taken home with you. But 100’s take up hardly any space. If you do burn though your money and need to tap into them, HK can break them down easy. I wouldn’t pay on the floor with them and flaunt money around.

    ~ 1000 in 20’s this is what you will use for the girls the most. Also paying for drinks

    ~ 300 in 10’s drinks for the girls

    ~ 200 in 5s drinks for you and tips for the girls you take up.

    ~ 100 in 1s tips

    ~ 400 convert into pesos. It’s much better to pay for things in peso that are easy to convert and are not high pressure. Basically where you can take your time and count your change. For the first time going, paying for drinks which is fast paced, you can get hustled. Here is what you can easily pay for and save money. Your VIP card, all your meals, hotel room, cabs, bottles or liquor in HK if you do that.

    Have fun, be smart, walk like you are carrying 100 bucks and you are fine.
  • TJ Lee
    6 years ago
    I believe you can also apply for a totally free checking account at the bank at the border shoppings during biz hours.
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