Has a ROB in Tijuana ever had you beaten up?
I’ve read about never prepaying, standing your ground if she attempts to charge beyond the agreed amount, etc. And if she insists on prepayment, ending the session quickly and leave. If she attempts higher charges, pay only what you agreed upon and leave.
What if she falsely tells the bouncers or cops that you arent paying what she’s owed?
What if she falsely tells the bouncers or cops that you arent paying what she’s owed?
Basically you cut your losses?
Good to know. Hasn't happened to me yet thankfully.
Once was when my friends and I had been CRAWLING in the line to cross the border (by car). We’d been there for about 20 minutes when we got pulled out of line by a traffic cop. We were directed over to an area where other cops were dealing with other poor bastards. We were told we had been speeding and we needed to follow him to the police station to see a judge... or we could pay the fine there. We went back and forth and paid him “all we had” (not even close). Then he escorted back to the line and put us back in well ahead of where we would have been.
The other time we were walking in front of a bar and got suckered into coming in and having a drink. The minute we walked in I was telling everyone let’s leave. Well, everyone got that one friend that just doesn’t think. He followed the messero to a booth and sat down. Almost instantly two of the ugliest chicas I’ve ever seen were sitting next to him and a bucket of beers was there. It cost us some money to pay for the beers he had “ordered” and a tip, but we got out without further incident. One of my other buddies was pissed that we paid the money. He wanted to argue with them. Fuck That!!!
Even as young and dumb as I was back then, I knew enough to cut my losses. I’ve seen what can happen if you cross the police in TJ, and I’ve always felt that ultimately if they have to choose between a Mexican citizen or an American tourist I’d lose.
Informative stories. Thanks.
Anyway, she pulls out "Little Ben" and she puts a condom on him and starts to in her words do "sucky sucky" on him despite the fact that he had paid for full service.
He says, "No. Fucky fucky!"
To which, she replys, "No, sucky sucky."
To which he replies, "Fucky fucky!"
To which, she calls out, "JOSE!"
At that point, the curtatin was yanked back by what Ben described as "the biggest, meanest looking Mexican ever" holding a baseball bat.
At that point, Ben said, "OK. Sucky sucky," and the transaction was completed.
Which is exactly why its good advice. I’m talking a case where you walk out because she insists on prepayment and then she tells the bouncer or cop “He didnt pay”
Wow what a scary story. Thank god for Tuscl and yelp these daya. Had I been that guy, I would’ve ditched immediately after the bouncer arrived.
Now the street girls might be a different story. Some of the street girls go up to the hotel rooms as I have seen some guys take them up the stairs into Cascadas. But no way in the world would I go into one of those little street hotel rooms. No telling what tricks might be pulled there.
I paid my girl first as well and it went well.
all depends on the individual girl. sometimes a 9 will be there. my avatar girl was at las chaveles.
These are all circumstantial matters, independent of the girls themselves.
I feel that if one learns how to work it, they can find ways to make it go in the ways they want.