
Has a ROB in Tijuana ever had you beaten up?

Tuesday, July 3, 2018 9:17 PM
I’ve read about never prepaying, standing your ground if she attempts to charge beyond the agreed amount, etc. And if she insists on prepayment, ending the session quickly and leave. If she attempts higher charges, pay only what you agreed upon and leave. What if she falsely tells the bouncers or cops that you arent paying what she’s owed?


  • ToyChaser
    6 years ago
    lol, shes not gonna tell the cops you didnt pay for the pussy... She'd prolly claim rape, now if she tells the bouncer (pimp) you will get dealt with.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    I've had a couple of experiences with the ladies certainly due to communication mishandling primarily. but nothing big. maybe paid $100 total to get it settled. lots less than what I've overpaid robs and sharks in the usa. part of the learning curve.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    and certainly not beat up.
  • Tits510
    6 years ago
    Thanks for your input guys. @MisterWonderful Basically you cut your losses?
  • TJ Lee
    6 years ago
    Just tell her you have the negotiation recorded. Google translate also store conversations, thanks god.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    i paid her what she wanted. $70. not that i wanted too but easier to do that and be done with it. at least it was a fraction of what I've paid out for substandard 'rob' behavior here in usa. this occured a few years ago.
  • BigPimp69
    6 years ago
    I gots hoes at reasonable prices
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Have read some reports of some girls just going thru the motions where the $$$ paid wasn't worth it, but can't say I've read of girls ripping off custies - Hong Kong girls make extremely good $$$ compared to the avg Mexican so it's kinda a coveted-job and one would think the girls would not risk getting fired by getting a rep for ripping off custies - many of these girls work at Hong Kong for different periods at a time (work a while, go back home, then come back when they need an infu$ion of American dollars) - they depend on Hong Kong and it's kinda their golden-goose so one would think they wouldn't wanna risk it and the club would not wanna risk it being known as a place where custies are ripped off thus losing out on the American/tourist $$$.
  • Tits510
    6 years ago
    @Papi_Chulo Good to know. Hasn't happened to me yet thankfully.
  • Dblednmike
    6 years ago
    Only had two issues in TJ in the 25+ years I’ve been going down there. Once was when my friends and I had been CRAWLING in the line to cross the border (by car). We’d been there for about 20 minutes when we got pulled out of line by a traffic cop. We were directed over to an area where other cops were dealing with other poor bastards. We were told we had been speeding and we needed to follow him to the police station to see a judge... or we could pay the fine there. We went back and forth and paid him “all we had” (not even close). Then he escorted back to the line and put us back in well ahead of where we would have been. The other time we were walking in front of a bar and got suckered into coming in and having a drink. The minute we walked in I was telling everyone let’s leave. Well, everyone got that one friend that just doesn’t think. He followed the messero to a booth and sat down. Almost instantly two of the ugliest chicas I’ve ever seen were sitting next to him and a bucket of beers was there. It cost us some money to pay for the beers he had “ordered” and a tip, but we got out without further incident. One of my other buddies was pissed that we paid the money. He wanted to argue with them. Fuck That!!! Even as young and dumb as I was back then, I knew enough to cut my losses. I’ve seen what can happen if you cross the police in TJ, and I’ve always felt that ultimately if they have to choose between a Mexican citizen or an American tourist I’d lose.
  • loper
    6 years ago
    If you're stopped by a copy in Mexico for a real infraction, do go to the police station -- your fine will be half as much as paying the cop on the spot.
  • Tits510
    6 years ago
    @Dblednmike Informative stories. Thanks.
  • ATACdawg
    6 years ago
    A friend of mine was in the Marines in the 1960s before Tijuana was the PL paradise it is today. He had hooked up with a bordello whore and the had gone back to her "room" which was nothing more than an alcove with a curtain (gosh, sounds a bit like Detroit used to be, now that I think about it!) Anyway, she pulls out "Little Ben" and she puts a condom on him and starts to in her words do "sucky sucky" on him despite the fact that he had paid for full service. He says, "No. Fucky fucky!" To which, she replys, "No, sucky sucky." To which he replies, "Fucky fucky!" To which, she calls out, "JOSE!" At that point, the curtatin was yanked back by what Ben described as "the biggest, meanest looking Mexican ever" holding a baseball bat. At that point, Ben said, "OK. Sucky sucky," and the transaction was completed.
  • mrbasketball
    6 years ago
    The reason you pay after is to get better service from the girl. Some want the money first, so it is what it is. Some want it first, to ensure payment, and not get ripped off. If the girl demands money first, it may be a sign of a upcoming bad performance. Start to walk out. If she stops and says after, ok. If not, go find another chica.
  • BigPimp69
    6 years ago
    Mamison thinks she is a blow up doll
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    I'm sure that if you dig hard enough, you'll find some instances of a PL getting roughed up in TJ. I would expect that this is the exception, and far from the rule. The profit behind the entire enterprise hinges on things going smoothly for everyone. If PLs are routinely getting their asses kicked, then the business at places like Hong Kong and Adelitas would dry up.
  • Tits510
    6 years ago
    @mrbasketball Which is exactly why its good advice. I’m talking a case where you walk out because she insists on prepayment and then she tells the bouncer or cop “He didnt pay”
  • Tits510
    6 years ago
    @ATACdawg Wow what a scary story. Thank god for Tuscl and yelp these daya. Had I been that guy, I would’ve ditched immediately after the bouncer arrived.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    a lot of tj girls ask for the money first. i’ve paid them first many times and almost allways get satisfying service. (and even exceptional service.) sure. i’d rather pay after. but i don’t like to ‘ruin the mood’ with a hottie...
  • Nvr happened 2 me
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I won't give it to them first. But I will pull out the money count it and place it on the table. That way they know the money is there. But I agree with what was said earlier in this thread. Hong Kong is the golden calf for these girls. They are not going to risk getting fired. They probably want to know that they are not going to get "stiffed" themselves though. Now the street girls might be a different story. Some of the street girls go up to the hotel rooms as I have seen some guys take them up the stairs into Cascadas. But no way in the world would I go into one of those little street hotel rooms. No telling what tricks might be pulled there.
  • Tits510
    6 years ago
    @MisterWonderful I paid my girl first as well and it went well.
  • Tits510
    6 years ago
    @Warrior15 Thanks.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Being that the TJ clubs (HK, Adelitas) don't have a rep for ripping off custies, I would not mind paying upfront so the girl is at ease and things run smoothly (plus is not a huge amount of $$$ anyway) - it is in most US clubs where I have a "don't pay upfront policy"
  • Tits510
    6 years ago
    How is Tropical, Chicago and Las Chavelas?
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Have not been in Tropical. But I would skip Chicago and Chavelas if I were you. Or at least don't go into Hong Kong first. The talent level is just not the same.
  • Tits510
    6 years ago
    I went to HK first and then Las Chavelas. I loved how the LC girl really took the time chatting with me before asking to go arriba. I didnt have meseros hustling me every 5-10 minutes. And she gave me an excellent GFE.
  • Tits510
    6 years ago
    I still like HK and will go back, but the fast paced hustling gets overwhelming after awhile.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    tits510. How is Tropical, Chicago and Las Chavelas? all depends on the individual girl. sometimes a 9 will be there. my avatar girl was at las chaveles.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    My own view of this is that it is not just what girls work in these places and what they look like, it is also the choreography of preliminaries that the environment encourages, and then how easy it is to do TLN and to continue seeing a girl regularly. These are all circumstantial matters, independent of the girls themselves. I feel that if one learns how to work it, they can find ways to make it go in the ways they want. SJG
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