Are noses sexy?

avatar for MackTruck
What would you tell a dancer of her nose is bigger than her boobs?

I definitely could not marrybher but I my get a dance


last comment
avatar for MackTruck
7 years ago
If she ran into a wall she may break her nose. If her boobs were bigger she would havesone padding at least
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Noses are definitely sexy.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Yeah I’m into noses, can make or break a face so they’re an important feature.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
Q. Why are West Virginian strippers' noses so pretty?
A. They're hand picked.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
Side note: strippers really can’t do cocoaine without good, strong nostrils!
avatar for ToyChaser
7 years ago
Big noses are only sexy on certain Hispanic faces
avatar for ToyChaser
7 years ago
You guys don't tend to like my fetishes, but I have had a girl...

1 Recieve MY load in her mouth
2 Gargle it
3 Put it back on my Dong
4 An as she was slurping it up to do a final swallow.
5 The air pulled it and it got on her chin, above her lip a little got into her nose
6 Instant erection.
avatar for Spillthebeans
7 years ago
Nothing like a nose poking you rear as she swallows you in 69.
avatar for ToyChaser
7 years ago
^ damn bean I forgot about the nose ok the Anus before eating
avatar for BigPimp69
7 years ago
Is she look like Tucan Sam?
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