
Thank You TUSCL

To all the TUSCL Members and Founder
Though I am not on as much as I once was I have been doing very well and for the most part (Health not included) my life is and has been freaking amazing. My friend has really turned me into a new person and got me thinking about the positives in my life rather than the negatives because no matter how much you or I may get down and feel bad and or depressed about something if you think about the positives they always outweigh the negatives.

A few weeks I spent the day on the Riverwalk looking at the boats, listening to the birds, and people I ended up staying until the sunset and I found myself writing. I wrote 3 stories that day and never even realized it. Last week I also had an amazing week when my friend asked if I could go talk to someone that she loves dearly. I felt amazing afterwards. I felt like I was on top of the world and that day and the rest of the week only GREAT things kept occuring in my life. Though I can't work due to being disabled with my Brain Tumor my Favorite Club asked if I could help them during the Appreciation BBQ and I got to hangout with a very cool girl who decided that in the future we make a GREAT Tag Team because we sold over 30 tickets in the 2 hours. I won't tell you which of us brought the sex appeal while the other handled the business end. But after I was done working my friend told me "I am very Proud of You for working so hard today"
We are getting ready for her birthday and I can't wait to surprise her with her gift. I pulled some strings and worked extremely hard getting it for her.

Anyway I wanted to say Thank you everyone I am doing great and I hope all of you are too. Enjoy your clubs and tip your Waitress.


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