
Plz be my male escort(austin texas)

future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Really want to go to perfect 10 on fri night..but idk if this dude is going to go with me. If he does not, would anyone want to accompany me (doubt it but why not try)? Inbox me of intersted lol..just looking for escort/strip club buddy and must not be weird or creepy in any way and we will chat before we meet up to ensure that. I say that not to assume men are weird, but obvi cuz id be meeting up with someone i barely know. Cool.


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
  • ^inbox me if you"re interested, and if you dont think im.real , that wont be a problem for you bc ill skype u for five mins face to face.thx.
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    CMI +1
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    Interested in what a troll Skype session would be like, but not interested enough to engage in the experience
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    Someone already suggested that you take a picture holding up a piece of paper with today's date and TUSCL written on it. So why don't you do that and then make that your new avatar for a few days? No one is going to skype with you.

    Personally, I'm a little skeptical that there are any real strippers who regularly post here - strippers tend to be busy, you know, stripping. They get paid to be surrounded by strange men all night, they're not going to come here and be surrounded by strange men for free LOL. I could understand once in a while, if they have a work-related question, but not every day. And I've only met one stripper who claimed to have been in law school before - that's a stretch if you ask me. But you're going to need to work on the English language if you ever expect to pass the bar.

    And there's no way that you've never seen a dick in all your time working a pole. That's not just bullshit, it's not even creative. Either that or you're the world's first virgin stripper.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I’m guessing an imaginary girlfriend - or a troll girlfriend - would be right up SJG’s alley...
  • Im.not a stripper 2 begin with. and i fucking dont have time to take pics on my already shitty phone that i cant type on .if requires looking good.etc. i mainly post on here when im on a break or on the bus to.get.home nd have questions abt industry bc it had a lot to.do with what im.studying and like to talm about in regards to policy and gender norms. much easier to login to skype and say hi.if yall dont want to pursue that legitimate option it is really not my problem lmao .

    Also.wtf does go.stag mean..
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Nicely said BurlingtonHF. She won’t post anything to prove her status as a non troll.

    I’m guessing that she is the wrong pronoun anyway. I’m guessing this is a Nick - not a Nicole.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Saying she’s never seen a dick - is akin to me saying I’ve never seen a troll...
  • @tx if it means what i think it means then my response is that i cant get into clubs without a guy obviously. And i already asked guys at the bar my age last time and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't bc not all of them come alone, too drunk to talk to, etc. So im just asking in case that doesnt work out first..
  • Again, it would be irrational (explained further on in this comment).to take a pic instead skype which is why im not gonna do it. I already did my part which requires no effort from u if u already have skype. If not, it is easier for u to set up skype account than it is 4 me to take pic.why would i do something that requires more effort on my part if same goal can be achieved with less effort from you. If u think it takes less effort, then u dont know how long it takes me to take a good pic nor do u know how shitty my phone as...neither of which i can do anything about so sorry lol
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    In less than the time it took you to write your last 3 posts you could’ve posted the avatar pic that Ho suggested. troll troll troll. Not an unpleasant one but still a troll
  • I mean yall.are just some bitches. ..no i could not cuz i said i get on mainly when in bus or on break.literally jus got off bus and walking to apt and when i do im abt to study and cook. Nexy yall gonna say oh ..nvm im dpne typing abt to.be home too much to say.i dont even need to justify not taking pic.its enpugh tp say i i dont want to.i.jus prefer skype (which is trrue even tho i did provide justififcations which i didnt need.to.). I offered an option.yall dont wanna talk it and wanna be bitches to me instead? Shiit ok then lol..not like it is anything new.peace untul the next time i post or have somethinf to say lo
  • Lord_Cthulhu
    6 years ago
    Male escort...isn't that juice's job?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    She can’t post a photo to prove she’s real because she’s either on the bus - or on break. However she was getting off the bus to go to her apartment? I guess her cell phone’s camera doesn’t work in her apartment? Very odd - for someone who isn’t trying to claim to be a female - but who is actually a guy trolling a strip club discussion forum.
  • abqspencer
    6 years ago
    Make it further west and I’ll go...I’m heading back to NM from Houston and stopping in Austin would be too short of a drive Friday.
  • April9424
    6 years ago
    if you can’t take pics what’s with all the Snapchat screenshots you’ve put up?

    I usually ignore internet trolls/drama but this one pisses me off because they’ve made up stories about one of the clubs I work at and if they’re using some girls pics from her fb and snap that’s disturbing.. Ugh
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago

    I'm not even convinced that you're real either LOL. At least you're more convincing than she is though
  • NinaBambina
    6 years ago
    Guess I'm not real either, despite several tusclers having met me and me having worked with one of the other girls here...
  • TFP
    6 years ago
    I'm convinced Nina and Zoey are real. Zoey that's an excellent avatar switch btw
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    How much will you pay me? I’ll accept trade in lieu of cash, but you’ll still need to buy my plane tickets to Austin and back.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    What are these made up stories zoey?
  • wallanon
    6 years ago
    Don't know about Nicole. If she's real maybe rogertex can get the goods on that.

    NinaBambina is a real person. I met her at Legends in Detroit last year, and she's hot enough to back up *most* of the smack talk she posts here. So let's put that speculation to bed.
  • likes2look
    6 years ago

    “must not be weird or creepy in any way”

    Boy, are you in the wrong place!
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I think there are quite a few members here who find something trollish in Nicole’s discussion posts. Her posts appear to be attempts to get a response.

    When reading the posts from other dancers, they provide insights that customers may miss. Nina, BJ, Eve, Zoey and Poledancer speak from experience. Their opinions might spark debate, but that’s different. They don’t post to get a reaction, the way Nicole does.

    It almost seems that Nicole is conducting research - for a thesis or study.

    Her posts sound like opinions of a spoiled college girl - who is highly entitled - who looks down on everyone. She thinks she’s doing us a favor by enlightening us with her opinion - and gracing us with her presence.

    If the other dancers look down on customers - that’s fine. But it’s far less obvious in their posts.
  • April9424
    6 years ago
    mmm.. @chess she said she went into a club and was offered a job without even asking for it. my attractive friend with experience was turned away from the same place recently bc it’s slow season there. then she described the “manager” who offered her a job and it’s a guy who works there but isn’t a manager. sounds sketchy to me but who knows.
  • Wow.so many rude and assumptuous comments made abt me. I want to respond to respond to them on wknd or def by nxt wk at latest when i have time

    And thx so much 4 offer to the guy asking me travel futther notth/west! I cant travel that far so thts why i was asking just austin.but i think i may have found someone on campus who wan ts 2 come
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    I Skyped w her. She showed me her lady penis. It was meh.. not as adorable as George’s, or as handsome as Flag’s. Kinda disappointing.
  • founder
    6 years ago
    I'll go
  • Um.no.bj we never skyped..and if we did then obvi every one else would see it too or h able to tell i have one just by lookin at me
  • @founder thx!! I.think i found someone..i will msg u if they bail or smthng
  • Longball300
    6 years ago
    And yes, there are real dancers on the board; I personally have met two Tuscl dancers who work in The D and we have compared notes about other members..... unless those VIP sessions were just a dream.
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