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Guns N' Roses' Slash wants to wrap up divorce: Details of the huge financial settlement
Guns N' Roses guitarist Slash and wife Perla Ferrar split more than three years ago in late 2014. But their divorce has yet to be finalized.
Now, the rocker is pushing for the court to end their 13-year marriage once and for all. "Perla has been slow responding, or has deliberately drawn out responding, throughout this matter," he explains in court papers, The Blast reports. "I want to move on with my life."
And he's prepared to pay her a pretty penny in order to do so.
The Blast has details of the financial deal Slash is proposing, and some of the figures are jaw-dropping.
He wants to pay Perla $100,000 a month in spousal support until she dies or remarries and also seeks to fork over an equalization payment in the form of a check for $6,627,352 within a month of a judge signing off on the deal.
She would also get primary physical custody of their sons -- London, 15, and Cash, 13 -- though she and Slash would share legal custody. The guitarist wants to pay her $39,000 a month in child support. The boys would also get 1.8 percent of Slash's income for the next 18 years.
In return, The Blast reports, Slash -- who said he earns $345,000 a month -- would maintain his interest in Guns N' Roses as well as his other companies and would also keep his residuals, trademarks, bank accounts, guitar collection and a 2011 Ford F-150 truck.
Perla would keep their 2014 Range Rover, 2015 Mercedes AMG and a 2015 Mercedes Benz GL 450 as well as a Los Angeles home, though both she and Slash purchased new houses with community funds in late 2017, The Blast previously reported. (His pad cost $6.25 million while hers -- which is just four miles away -- was $3.5 million.)
Though Perla has yet to file her monthly income, Slash told the court he doesn't need to see it because he's ready to make the divorce judgement final now.
In 2015, TMZ reported that Perla and Slash did not have a prenup in place when they married in 2001 and that she was gunning for 50 percent of his earnings.
last commentIf I even had half the money that Slash has, I would still not get married. I would just buy a lifetime supply of pussy.
Sadly - his ex is attempting to slash his wealth in half! That sucks. That GNR money is pretty impressive. Even many years after the band broke up -
^ lol
that lol was for Ironman
Marriage - just don't do it!
I think marriage is just a real bad deal, unless you really believe that it is necessary. But if you believe this, you are not playing with a full deck.
She must play a mean guitar.
This is why I monger and stay married. It's cheaper to keep her. Plus, I want someone to take care of me when I get old.
The contract is a bad deal. Marriage, when it is simply meant as “union” is not bad, obviously. It is still mind blowing to me that there is a contract involved. When does the signing of the contract actually happen? At the wedding ceremony? Honeymoon? Consummation? How does it go? “Oh Honey, thank you for marrying me and confessing your undying love. Please initial here, and here, and here, and sign and date on this line here.”
I can’t imagine myself going through with that and NOT feeling as if I was getting into bed with a shark, or doing a deal with the devil.
But in the case of dissolution, is it right to cut a spouse out of community property? I say no.
So the legal registration is really not the sole issue.
As I see it.
I for one will never live with a woman again. I am building an organization which will be polygamous. As I see it, the problematic issue is monogamy.
Robin Trower - Lady Love
Wow. What's crazy is that she's stalling, which might mean that she thinks she can get an even better deal if they go before a judge.
Anyway, I don't think I'm the marrying kind. It's a possibility, but it's not very likely. Still, I think these ridiculous divorce/alimony settlements are mostly a problem for very rich guys to worry about. Back in the '70s, '80s, and '90s, judges would go wild on guys asses, and you would hear about lifetime 50% alimony settlements even for average Joes, but I'm not so sure that this is common anymore for the average guy. Are there any family law attorneys on the board who can comment on how common this is nowadays?
I think guys get induced into marriage, shamed into it, pushed into it, believing they need to prove something.
We need to set up other options.
This what I am working on.
I've got to confess. I am Slash's dad.
If Slash contacts me, I have a friend that can get rid of her for $10,000
My client got slapped with perpetual alimony in a Tennessee divorce. Was extremely unhappy about it, as you can imagine. I can't believe perpetual alimony is even allowable, but I guess that's modern society.
Btw, who the fuck names their kid "Cash?" This apparently involved two supposedly functioning human beings agreeing that giving a baby that name would be a great idea.
Is your client very wealthy or just an average guy? Are there any special circumstances surrounding his divorce that would explain the lifetime alimony?
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i am ordered by the court to pay spousal support until one of us croaks. but it ain't nothing like what slash will be paying
Superstarslim - what’s wrong with being named Cash? It’s excellent in strip clubs.