Another Hong Kong Question: How much would you tip a mesero for finding you a da
Pizza (hiatus)
$1.00 seems like the standard tip for most services offered at Hong Kong, but if a mesero went out of his way to find and bring to you a particular girl--or at least a girl who came close to matching your specifications--how much would you tip him? Also, would you tip that amount per girl he found for you, or would you tip him a certain amount upfront for his services for the night?
You guys spend all this money to come down here and then you’re worry about spending an extra two dollars for a guy to track down the girl of your dreams?
For those who have asked a waiter to find you girl(s), what did you tell this waiter?
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however once in a while a mesero will bring one by usually hopeful that i will like her. usually i pass... but i do tip her a buck. but there is one mesero that knows what i like. afterall he has seen me hundreds of times. the one girl that i tipped him five dollars for was the girl that i wrote about in my review ‘ zero to one hundred in 5 minutes ‘ she was most EXCELLENTE. and i had not seen her that day UNTIL that mesero brought her up and presented her. he saved me the possibility of NOT enjoying her. her beauty, personality and passion would make it difficult to grab her otherwise because some whale would spend hours with her... (as that was the situation the night before when my amigo and i first saw her...)
I would also be concerned that he would be just repeating what he was told directly to the girl.
Does seem like if you want a quickie, that could be one girl, but if you want TLN, that would be a different girl.
Maybe if you have checked into an overnight room, maybe purchased VIP membership for that, used the VIP Room? Not really sure how it all works.
But about looks and personality type, what to say?
For me, a lot of which I would go for comes down to how they are dressed. But I would not think it likely constructive to talk about that with a mesero.
Its also just seeing how the girl handles herself. We all are going to have feelings about people, ways we see them. Not only subject to a formula.
Also, if you see and approach yourself, then the girl knows you like her. She knows your motives. She will feel it. That is better.
Its just a really primal thing, it does go back to when hairless apes lived in caves.
Am I correct in suggesting that DV TJ could be good for early in the day, still too early for TLN? Hotel nearby though? Rules for getting a girl outside?
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And do you think this would work better than you just picking for yourself from what is visible?
san_jose_guy - commonly referred to as SJG this member is generally considered a troll and comments from him should not be taken as serious advice
If you select and approach yourself, I feel that it makes it go much better with the girl.
@SJG - Sure if I were to go I would prefer to not deal with the meseros and on that point we agree. But you can't always play around the system. Squeaky wheels need to be greased and there may be far more going on behind the curtain than what we can see. However I disagree that "it's better for the girl". That is getting into your normal delusions and twisted worldview. As always SJG best of luck being crazy!
PaulDrake, strip clubs are fine tuned and well oiled machines designed for separating marks from their money. This era's version of the carnival freak show. If you can see that the women are exactly what they appear to be, but that you don't have to take them quite the way they are being offered, you are miles ahead of the other chumps. And there is nothing the least bit delusional about that.
Go back to sucking on your lemons dickhead!
So those who have had waiters bring them girls, what did you tell the waiter?
I suspect that the waiter just repeated to the girl whatever you told him. Not good, makes it sound to the girl too formulaic.
Now ideal screen the girls would be good. Live in TJ? TLN ready? Unattached? And then how they are dressed. But I don't think it will really work. Might get some to alter their manner of dress, but then if you don't accept them, bad vibes again.
So I still say approaching then yourself is best.
For Miami VIP Room, if you enter, do they send in a batch of girls? Or is it again the waiter supplying you with a serial line up? I see why some people would like that, especially coming from other continents into TJ's airport. But still I don't think it is good.
Need to learn more about this before formulating a real opinion.
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