
Tips for finding a new CF

Off again on again PL
So my CF has been working a lot less and it is time for me to find a backup CF. I have been getting a lot of single dances from new dancers and stopping by different clubs I haven't been to in a while. I tend to be a total non-variety guy, I prefer to see the same dancer every week or alternate between two.

One thing I have been playing around with is being honest about the fact that I am looking for a new CF. Sometimes this works incredibly well as I can see the dancer perk up to the opportunity to steal a regular. Other times nothing.

What has worked best for me is in response to the "So how often do you come into the club?" to say something to the effect "Actually I have been coming here every week for the past few months, I normally hang out with (insert dancer name) who is a total sweetheart but she hasn't been working much recently, so here I am."

So thoughts or tips on finding a replacement CF?

@Subraman - What are your thought on my level of honesty? Any reason to think this is playing with fire?


  • Liwet
    6 years ago
    I'd really try to get dances from multiple girls until you find one you click with. I wouldn't bother mentioning that you're looking for a regular just yet. Let your money and continued business show the girls that you're a regular customer.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Liwet said it well. Don’t bother with the explanation of looking for another CF.

    I’d recommend trying to get an objective overview of the dancers out there (working the clubs you enjoy). Then step back and decide who offers what you want - and who you want most. Then you can make your decision and enjoy.
  • jackslash
    6 years ago
    I also like to have a CF. If you're seeking a new one, you may want to try going to the club on different days or different times to see some new dancers. As for being honest, I believe you should be as honest with strippers as they are with you.
  • stripfighter
    6 years ago
    Before anyone can give you a good answer, gotta ask, what makes a good CF for you? What are your criterias?

    As long as you don't across as creepy, needy, stalker, letting them know you're looking for a favorite can't hurt. But it doesn't sound like you're looking for a new fave per se, but more so a backup fave. Unless you know why your CF isn't around as much looking for another fave in the same club might not be the best option for you. (Can you handle what happens when they both show up?)

    I'd end your response with "she's not here today" or "she hasn't been around recently"
    If smart is one of your criteria, she'll be able to put 2 and 2 together, and let's her know you're looking for someone more regular without making a commitment to it.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I, too, enjoy spending time with my fav, but I always save time during my visit to cultivate the backup squad. Afterall, my fav won't always be there.

    I never mention to anybody that I audition. I think doing so would be douchebaggish (if that's not a word, so be it). It's manipulative and just playing games.

    The girls are pros. They know you spend time and money on a fav, who she is, and her working situation. If they are interested in stepping up to the vacated position they will make their play for it.

    If the object of your affection is new to the club you can always approach her and give her a test run.

    Also, dangling the carrot out there often leads to a performance that won't last if she is looking to be your girl.

  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    All I can say is when you look at her and your dick tingles, you know you’ve found your new CF.
  • JohnSmith69
    6 years ago
    Finding a new CF is similar to falling in love. You can’t script or plan it. It just happens. Just go clubbing, have fun, and she will show up when the strip clubs gods ordain it to be so.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Flag summarized it well.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @flagooner - One thing that is tricky in my situation is that I am not recognized as being a regular. The club I frequent is super high volume and I go super early when it's dead and I normally rent a cabana (think of a booth with no curtains) and spend all of my time with my CF in there. So most dancers I run into have never seen me before. A few of the dancers who do recognize me they are circling like sharks, unfortunately none of those are girls I am interested in.

    @stripfighter - Regarding what I am looking for in a CF. 1. Looks 2. Style of lapdance: LDK capable grinding 3. I prefer having a normal civilian non-sexual conversation with minimal SS. I don't want a dancer to pretend to want my dick or that she is attracted to me. I almost want more of a friends with benefits-esque relationship.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    I wouldn't tell a prospect that I'm looking for a new CF. As flagooner said, if you tell her that you're looking for a CF, it could lead her to believe that she can reduce her effort, once she gets the gig. Likewise, it could lead her to believe that you plan on becoming overly needy.

    I find that it works best to treat every visit as a clean slate while between CFs, and if a dancer comes over and is pleasant company on more than one visit, a CF thing could be budding.

    Part of the CF thing for me is that she was inclined to come over and sit next to me on a return visit. It's OK to approach her once, and maybe twice if she is new and may not remember a particular customer in a sea of new faces. It's hard to beat the feeling when the dancer I most want to sit next to me on that visit picks up on it and sits down next to me, though.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Let me tell you how I found my ATF:

    I went to a strip club, and there she was.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    So the consensus seems to be to not explicitly tell a dancer I am looking for a new regular fav. Makes sense.

    I can't see any downside to saying that I come to the club weekly. What about saying "I normally hang out with (insert CF name) but she isn't working this week."
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^Why bother just go a few different shifts and see what’s available, eventually the right one will fall into your lap, and in the meanwhile you’ll get to experience a whole bunch of new girls.
  • theDirkDiggler
    6 years ago
    I wouldn't bother trying to manipulate girls based on the potential of becoming their regular. No matter what you say or do, you probably won't get the desired effect you want. You "might" get more feigned effort or interest but not an actual good new favorite. Either a girl is favorite potential or she isn't. You're pretty much back to where you were before you had a favorite and have to get a new one the same way you got one before. You don't have any backup favorites?
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    When I'm CF hunting, I usually don't tell them I'm in the CF market... it's easy to over-think this, but I do think some more seasoned girls sometimes think you're trying to manipulate them, and even the less-seasoned ones, if you don't end up CFing them, tend to think in retrospect that you tried to manipulate them. I'm not entirely sure this isn't overthinking, because there have been times I've just outright said I'm CF hunting, and didn't notice any obvious difference in treatment, positive or negative.

    I do tend to otherwise send signals that I'm a high-value customer though, and worth her time investing in. Why yes, I AM a regular, thankyouforasking, I come in as often as weekly when I find a great stripper
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"What about saying "I normally hang out with (insert CF name) but she isn't working this week.""

    What is it you're trying to communicate with her? That you already have a CF so she shouldn't get her hopes up?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    If you are in the club weekly, the dancers should know it already. A weekly customer - who spends well - will be a known quantity to the dancers.

    In my view - when you say “I’m looking for a new favorite - because my current favorite (dancer) isn’t around much anymore.” Can be perceived as submissive - or dependent. You want to appear strong and in control.

    So I’d keep going regularly. But - I’d allow the determination of your new favorite occur more organically.

    You don’t want this to appear to be a job interview. Where the dancer is on her best/hottest behavior - then drops off after she lands the job.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    Yeah, I think the less said, the better. If you tell the girls that you see someone, that might put some off, for fear of being seen as “poaching”. If you say you’re looking for a new favorite, you run the risk of getting a sales pitch that doesn’t represent what you’ll get going forward.

    Just go to the club, enjoy the girls, and don’t overthink things. It’s not like you *need* a “favorite” after all. There’s a plethora of girls in the club. Enjoy them.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    BTW, when I have decided to elevate a girl from the bench to CF status I tell her to feel free to come over and see me anytime, even if I am sitting with someone else.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Wear a sign around your neck that says "CF wanted. Apply here"
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > What about saying "I normally hang out with (insert CF name) but she isn't working this week."

    A stronger approach would be to ask (insert CF name) for a jar of her urine and dab some on your neck and behind your ears before entering the club.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    My CFs and ATFs (and the other strippers on the same shift) find out that I'm exclusive to her by noticing over time that I'm only there to see her. No need to discuss it. Just let it happen and eventually it is understood.

    I kind of like that initial "honeymoon" phase where she's surprised to see you come back just for her and when she doesn't know she makes it a point to try to keep you preoccupied with her.

    But LOL I also like it even better when she knows you are only there for her and she makes you her #1 priority until you leave. That's how it is with my ATF DS and her backup CF right now. Both of them know to make me a priority and get all other customers out of my way as soon as I arrive since they both know I'm waiting for her only. And I've never had to tell either of them what I'm looking for. The relationship just became understood after a while.
  • houjack
    6 years ago
    Lots of good advice here. Not much to add. I agree saying so much is unnecessary and may be taken as manipulation by unpicked girls.

    Just browse at various clubs and shifts until you find one that is what you want. Then pounce, lol.

    You never know when it'll happen either, don't force it. Just try to enjoy variety even if that really isn't your thing.

    I've gone multiple months without a fav, and then other times had multiple girls I wanna see on a regular basis. You just never know, turnover is high.
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    Finding a CF is a crap shoot. There's no winning formula. You just never give up the search even when you have fave(s). Try a new club or shift every so often.

    For me I'm a nitpicky motherfucker in the looks department. I just don't get excited unless she's an all natural 8+. So for me I always just go after these types and I can tell after one dance if she's good LDK material. If she is good, then the relationship continues until she does things I don't like and then I will move on. As long as she's good and I don't get bored she's going to have me for a long time.

    Also I am always lining up future prospects that I have never gotten dances with but intend to if things with current faves wears off.

    Bottom line: never stop lining up and searching for future CFs. Keep a pipeline going through the ongoing search. For the last seven years I have always had at least one CF that I could go to and a queue of potential CFs. Even now with my ATF DS and backup CF I still have a queue of potential faves lined up.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @sirlapdancealot - So if you show up just to see your ATFDS how do you go about prospecting new talent? On a separate visit?
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Buying dances is a chump's game.

  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @PaulDrake if I'm showing up to see my ATF DS it doesn't mean I'm not paying attention to the other dancers for a future dance when my ATF DS is not working.

    As an example, the Saturday before last I was in the club to visit my ATF DS and there happened to be an entirely new dancer there that was sexy and hot as fuck. A definite 8+ all natural brunette in a pink bikini. As I sat with my ATF DS I did scope the new prospect out and saw her flirting and sitting on the lap of another customer and also giving good grinds to PLs at the stage. She's totally earmarked as a future CF but I wouldn't dare pursue her when I'm there to see my ATF DS. At the same club I have two other potential futures but again I don't actively pursue them.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    So as always thanks to everyone for the good advice (well except for SJG). A few weeks ago I hit up a bunch of clubs on one day to try and find a new CF with no success and I had a total bust today during dayshift. I decided to go out tonight and try early nightshift and ran into a smoking dancer who gave me the best LDK of my career. I used the tips from this thread and hinted that I was a regular customer without giving anything else away. Afterwards I was super excited and pretty much said explicitly that I was looking for a new weekly regular arrangement. Unfortunately this girl doesn't normally do dayshift. She seemed willing to adjust her schedule to meet me one day a week but she doesn't give out her number easily (I really prefer to make appointments). So definitely potential there!

    @SirLapdancealot - My question is more how do you plan on getting dances with those other girls? On a day when your ATF isn't there?
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    my goodness. seems most you guys are such woosies. grab him and go.
    maybe it will last a week.
    (or two) if yer lucky.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    this is fantasy land.
    good luck if fantasy land lasts longer.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    sometimes i frikin hate seri/auto correct. I'll swear it changes my word after i correct it.

    HER. not him. thank you.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
  • SirLapdancealot
    6 years ago
    @PaulDrake yes I would only get dances with them when my ATF DS isn't there.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Tell her to get a Google Voice # that way she doesn't have to give out her real #
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    Promise you will shower before going to the club next time.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @Papi - I thought about that and might have quickly mentioned it. But this girl was seriously dumb. Like really seriously not smart, or a combination of that and really high. I also thought about after I left showing her the text message history of the other dancer I have been seeing so she could see it is strictly business.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    I have given it some thought overnight and I do think I am going to try and make it back to see this new girl again a few times. It is hard for me to go during night shift but not impossible. Given that this girl already expressed willingness to work a dayshift for me it is totally worth cultivating the relationship.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Pulling the petals off of a daisy, "She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me, she loves me not ...".


    Schoenberg: Verklärte Nacht, Op.4 - Boulez.
  • ppwh
    6 years ago
    > I also thought about after I left showing her the text message history of the other dancer I have been seeing so she could see it is strictly business.

    And she would also see that you would be willing to show her text message history with you to the competition if you thought it would forward your immediate agenda.

    > Given that this girl already expressed willingness to work a dayshift for me it is totally worth cultivating the relationship.

    Yes, if she follows through, it definitely sounds worth it. It's generally a good idea to not get too excited over what is said during a single visit, though, but rather let her demonstrate some level of follow-through before putting too much stock in anything she says.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    It says here that DV has the Bucks Cabaret in Dallas, but just Dallas.

    They have many more clubs which are unbranded and which no one knows they own. They own or have owned some of the most off the hook and extreme places in the country. But just no one knows this.

    If they could get away with it, everywhere in the US would be like in Tijuana.

  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    DV has also re-branded most of their stuff in San Francisco, which is nearly everything. So now it lists on their corporate site, where it had not before.

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