Miss the TOP 40 list, I was a TOP 40 reviewer and miss seeing that status. Along with TOP 40 clubs, anyone have thought on the importance or interest in this function?
You can create your own top 40 by individually going through each state and then city. I'd imagine that would take hundreds of hours so I have no idea why top 40 was removed
You can create your own top 40 by individually going through each state and then city. I'd imagine that would take hundreds of hours so I have no idea why top 40 was removed
There were several lists. The rankings of clubs was debatable, but there is a discussion topic in itself. Then there were lists ranking the posters. Most reviews, etc. I was pretty amazed at how many Reviews some of the members had done.
I imagine that this feature along with the articles feature is on hold until Founder has the time to redo them the way he wants them. This is just a hobby for him.
I totally agree. Bring them back. I know I would have never gone to Hong Kong in Tijuana if it weren't for that Top Club list. Now, I'm being told that I"m in the Tijuana Clique.
I also recall a recent discussion where founder said that the Top 40 lists will return.
If that's a fact we won't get the top 40 lists back for a while. It's like auditing Hillary's "missing" emails.