
Dress codes

I entered the dragon and was never the same
What is everybody's opinion on dress codes at the clubs! I love to get lapdances with sweatpants on! It is way more comfortable during a lapdance with quick access to jr! Would you not go to a club with a dress code or does it make any difference to you?


  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    I only care about dress codes when they don’t let me in because of one. :)
  • houjack
    6 years ago
    I'm not sure if it's where I go, or that I go daytime, but dress codes are not enforced. I wear sweatpants or pajama bottoms. I've seen t-shirts and basketball shorts.
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    I onece went to s club just wearing a robe and loafers. I said I was Hugh Hefner’s son. They didn’t buy it.
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    What you want to get are walter hagan golf rain pants:
    ultra thin material
    no zipper
    the pockets have a passthrough so you can stick you arm inside the pants
    totally waterproof so no issues with getting fluids on dancer
    they look just like slacks
  • abqspencer
    6 years ago
    @pauldrake...don't you sweat a lot in golf rain pants? I've never had any that breathed worth a damn
  • Longball300
    6 years ago
    For fuck's sake, if we have one more "what should I wear to the club" discussion I think I'm gonna hurl.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Totally depends on the club and the time of year. I spend a lot of time in Florida. I wear soft cotton shorts. But then there are the Gentleman's Clubs where you can't were shorts. And in those higher end clubs, the girls won't talk to you unless you look the part. In those, I wear soft, thin dress slacks. A little on the baggy side. Lose enough for access but tight enough that they stay on without a belt.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    If the club has a dress code I don't go. Wonderland doesn't allow sandals and a t-shirt after 8:00 pm. This year I have spent zero there. Desires, 500 yards down the street allows me to dress how I please. Without an abacus I cannot figure out how much I have spent there this year. T-shirt, sandals, shorts commando in good weather. If I cannot get in I can dress like that and play poker in the casino.
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    ditto georgemicrodong.
  • Dolfan
    6 years ago
    I'm a tshirt, shorts, and flip flops kinda guy when I'm on my own time. I'm not gonna put something on specifically to go to a club, so if I know a place will have an issue with my attire I won't go there. I don't completely write the place off as a result, another day if I happen to be wearing something that will fly and feel like stopping in I will. But, like kinda Ski said, I don't need an abacus to determine which club gets more of my money. I'm much, much, more likely to goto the same place that lets me in wearing flips than I am to the place that wants me in formal attire, regardless of what I'm currently wearing.

    Oddly enough, I've never been denied entry to the higher end clubs over dress code. I've been to E11even, Rachels, Scarlets, all weekend nights, in flips. I've been denied entry to Club Lexx, The Body, Porthole, and probably some others as a result of my shoes or lack thereof. No one ever seems to have an issue with shorts or t-shirts/polo's in S. FL. When I travel I'm usually wearing business attire, albeit with my jacket & tie usually in the rental, so its never an issue.
  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Fucking dumb. I hate it
  • PaulDrake
    6 years ago
    @abqspencer - The rain pants I mentioned are REALLY thin single layer. Almost the texture of thin track shorts. I also use bit of baby powder (Pinaud Clubman Talc available at your local drug store) which helps reduce friction and absorbs moisture.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    Dress codes aren't enforced at most SCs I've been to. They won't even mention anything. I've been allowed in SCs that enforced dress codes based on being friendly with the bouncer
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    I don't want some of my more "upscale" clothing to get smoke on them
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I don’t know the dress code of any of the clubs I attend. I’ve not yet worn shorts - but I will see if any other customers are wearing them in the warm weather.

    I have been enjoying wearing golf pants to the club. They aren’t rain pants - but they are thin, stretch fabric - and they are water proof. I can wear them to the office - and go directly to the club after. They do have a zip fly - but I usually unzip them once I’m in the back room.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    Chessmaster - You changed our avatar. WHY ? You had the best one.
  • Warrior15
    6 years ago
    I meant "your" avatar. I loved the buxom blonde.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    After your front room makeout session and after inviting your girl to the back room, then take her home with you to continue. That way there is no dress code, and so you can just take off your clothes.


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  • chessmaster
    6 years ago
    Lol. I cant see the new avatar. I still see the old one on the discussions. It looks weird since founder changed the format again.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    The way I dress going to the strip club, I pretty much breeze through any dress code I've ever heard of, so it doesn't effect me personally. To the extent I care at all, I appreciate the extent to which dress codes seem to catch thugs and homeless (at least by the looks of the guys who end up at the front desk arguing about it). Although I don't wear such things myself, I obviously have no issue with guys in sweatpants or shorts -- if anything, I respect their dedication to the PL craft :)
  • KattyH
    6 years ago
    Wearing sweat pants is actually good and it's not only good for you but also for strippers because when she gives you a lap dance she feels comfortable. If you are wearing a jeans if might give you pain but it hurts strippers also during lap dance because of hard cloth. I'm not an expert but I do believe dress code is important to follow and it's for peoples benefit for example wearing open shows can hurt your feet badly with strippers high heels so proper shows are important. I'm not sure about the rules on place where you live but I do know that strips club in Vegas has some tough rules. It's all for the benefits of peoples I'm not fully sure because it's debatable. I think <a href="https://johnnyvegasclub.com/topless-nude… page</b></a> can help you in understanding dress code for each club but that is for clubs in vegas but it might give you an idea I guess.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    In general, I prefer clubs that don’t have dress codes mostly because they have a more laid back vibe overall.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    A couple of the clubs use a “dress code” to keep the thug factor down. At one of them, they’ve been accused of being racist because of it. I was outside one day when a couple of black guys who weren’t allowed in. Never mind that they were “dressed” in shorts with their ass showing, wife beaters with holes in them, rags on their heads and shoes that would make Belgarath proud, not to mention the choking smell of weed, they weren’t allowed in because the club is racist.

    The kicker? The manager and part owner, who *made* those rules, is black as midnight. Mid thirties, well to do, always dressed well and a nice guy. Actually talks to customers as if they were people.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    A zipper can be good or bad - bad b/c it can rub-up against the warhead and potentially cause some damage - good b/c it readily offers a hatch for the warhead to come-out or for the dancer to do an "inspection" of the warhead - these days I rather have the flexibility of a zipper that hopefully does not rub up against my junk since I practice the art of commando.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    In today's society most-people dress-down - the days of most-people wearing a tie to the office are long-gone - I think it's silly I can go into Applebee's for dinner in shorts but not allowed to go in a strip-club where women are selling ass and giving blowjobs in the back-rooms.

    People wanna dress comfortable especially when it's an activity where they wanna relax and just chill - I "think" clubs lose out on more good customers than thugs/lowlifes b/c of their dress-codes - it also seems that clubs that are uptight about their dress-codes are probably also uptight about the kinda fun they allow in the club, but it's not always a 100%-correlation.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    How other custies dress has no bearing on my clubbing - only thing that makes me SMH is the dudes w/ their pants around their hamstrings, whether in the club or not.
  • maho
    6 years ago
    I'm fine with dress codes. As a middle-aged business man who dresses as such when visiting a club, am completely fine with a dress code keeping away certain elements. These are the types of clubs I personally visit, but that's just me.

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