How many days in a row can you go before you lose interest?

avatar for Mtent
Can you burn out? Psychologically the thrill isn't even there if it's the same every day and your body figures out that it doesn't lead to sex so the fantasy is killed. It almost becomes both sad and boring doesn't it?

I'm also not someone who can really LDK the way some of you describe.

How do you keep going?


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honestly... what can possibly be better than a close encounter with a beautiful girl???
I tried to be a banker but I lost interest.
A teacher once told me that there's no such thing as a book that is boring or uninteresting. It's the person that's uninteresting. The kids in school who had more going on in their life other than just watching TV after school tended to enjoy reading more. I think that the same goes for the SC. If you live an interesting fulfilling life, a night at the SC enhances it quite well. But if you are generally a hermit and you look to the SC as your only source of interaction with other people, then yeah, you can lose interest. It's much like losing interest in McDonalds. As a kid it was the most exciting thing in the world but when I became an adult and ate there every day, it eventually got old.
Back in the old days, when clubs were stage show oriented and OTC, if it could be had at all, was brutally expensive (I grew up clubbing in the northeast), I felt the same way. In fact, clubs and the girls were still like that, I would likely club much less frequently.

What started me down the rabbit hole of more frequent clubbing was a 1-2 punch of ITC and then OTC sex. After clubbing exclusively in the northeast, my first business trip to Miami opened my eyes to expanded ITC fun, though I am sure that I overpaid by a small fortune. Then, a few years later, I took my first OTC girl out of a club in Queens. It all snowballed from there, hand in hand with the need to find secondary outlets as my real life relationships progressed and as I continued to gain more experience in dealing with these girls.

So mtent, if you keep using clubs as a spectator venue, then boredom will come easily. However, on the flip side, frequent visits due to expanded activities have serious life drawbacks too.
Jack have her read Hillary's last book, she'll change her mind.
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