
Trump approval at 50%

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove. This is higher than President Obama was at the same point in his presidency.

This is as I predicted last Fall. Trump’s policies are popular. Tax cuts. Tariffs against China. The wall. The media’s attacks against him, all Stormy all the time, have begun to look petty and false. The Mueller investigation has come up empty.


  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Hallelujah!! I'm sure you'll be cumming in your pants all day long.

    Rasmussen has a C+ rating in terms of reliability:
  • rockstar666
    6 years ago
    LOL if Trump is at 50% than we have a fake news problem indeed.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    The disconnect between the media and the pulse of the population is mind boggling. They became so comfortable with 8 years of Obama that they now struggle to understand how things could have turned so dramatically. What they don't really get is that Obama himself likely wouldn't have won a second term if Republicans could have fielded anybody stronger than a timid left leaning Mormon whose most recent public office was Governor of MA, one of the most liberal states in the country. That same disconnect is why so many media types were shocked when Trump won the White House.

    This is what happens when our media is driven by urbanites from large left leaning cities and who cater primarily to other urbanites. It is amazing how blind so many people in places like NYC, Boston, DC, and cities in CA are to the fact that much the rest of the country doesn't share their worldviews. Hence their shock when a solid majority of states say no to a whack job like Hillary.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    "The disconnect between the media and the pulse of the population is mind boggling. "
    There's no disconnect, dipshit. Trump lost the popular vote and the very best polling methods failed to get all the quirks of electoral college correct -- the last 80K votes.

    This Rasmassun pole has a well-known GOP bias. Trump's moved up about 5% points since his low, but still the most unpopular pres in modern history.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Randumb, Rasmussen ended up being, by far, the most accurate poll in the last Presidential election.

    And as far as the popular vote, re-read my points above. Hillary won only 20 states and, digging even deeper, only about 16% of all counties nationwide. Again, urbanite vs. everyone else. Thank God for an Electoral College system, which prevents us from becoming a version of the Hunger Games, with a handful of Capital Cities dictating the course of politics for everyone else. Back in the day it was designed to protect less populated Southern states from being steamrolled by larger northern cities, but now it seems like a solid majority of states are benefiting from its protection.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    30 states to be exact. ;)
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Trump shit is the same as stripper shit !
  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    Ha! Of course he's popular. Major tax cuts and off the charts increase in spending. What's not to love? Everyone is getting a slice and the people who will be impacted most are not old enough to vote yet.

    Hell yes!! Credit is fun until it's not.

  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    Truly, if all this debt and deficit stuff doesn't really matter, than I wish they would write everyone a million dollar check and be done with it.

    If it does matter, all supposed Republicans should be pisses for ruining our country for the upcoming generations
  • GeneraI
    6 years ago
    Still is, and always will be better than Hillary.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    Exactly, @Lone_Wolf.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    But the tax cuts and resulting deficit will be used as an excuse to cut social security and medicare.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I’m not a guy who is deeply involved in reading about politics - but considering the partisan divide in this country - is 50% about as good as a president can expect?

    I’m guessing it would take a huge mess to move to 51%? Trump has changed how many folks view partisan media. Hillary seems to be able to do no wrong in the eyes of her supporters too.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    You can tell the far left ideologues.

    They can't find anything positive about Trump, not even how his economic policies are working out.

    Instead they resort to some irrelevant topic such as calling him fat. But if there is nothing else that won't get them laughed out of the discussion, I guess they gotta find something
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    It's funny how so many Dem supporters have suddenly become deficit hawks when it's Republicans doing the spending. Trump is budgeted for an $833 billion deficit in 2018. During his first three years in office, Obama was running annual deficits well in excess of $1 trillion. Hypocrisy abounds.

    Now to be clear, I agree that we need to get spending under control and am not remotely happy with this budget. In particular, I am pissed off with the Senate and am firmly convinced that we need more deficit hawks elected in the midterms - which will likely happen given how many Dem seats are up for grabs. But to hear Dem supporters try to use the budget against the sitting President it against him when their hero was spending like a drunken sailor during his first term kinda' comes across as ludicrous.
  • etsutwigg222
    6 years ago
    HAHAHA!!!! The fat guy is banging porn stars, strippers, and runway models. Wonder what his TUSCL handle is ??? Maybe, we can pm him for some advise !!!!
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    His economic policies are great for the Trump Organization, other than engaging in self dealing. having the US taxpayers paying for his weekly golf excursions to his own properties,and engaging in twitter campaigns against the leading companies on the stock market, he is doing his best to rewrite history, and make a jackass out of his administration, The damage this fat fuck is doing to our country is unbelievable.
  • Lone_Wolf
    6 years ago
    @Dugan - the hypocracy is constantly rationalizing corrupt behavior by demonizing the other party. Crazy.

    The debt is so far gone now, hawks will do no good. There are just too many zeros for people to comprehend. Only thing we can do now is party and rearrange the deck chairs while the ship sinks. Damn shame really.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Lone, calling out hypocrisy is just that and nothing more. Dems watched Obama slam over $9 trillion onto the national debt, almost doubling it, and all the while didn't so much as squeak out a mild objection. Now that Trump is adding another $833 billion, the sky is falling. It is not "demonizing" anyone to point out this textbook definition of hypocrisy.

    Right now our national debt is about 105% of GDP, which is high, but not the highest of the industrialized nations. I am pissed about this and was pissed all throughout the Obama years and even GW years for the same reason. But all is not lost.
    Continued GDP growth will help a lot. Remember too that we can print money, though this has to be done sparingly to avoid inflation and dollar devaluation against other currencies. But before we can right the ship, we need to stop growing the national debt yet more. However, between the Dems and "moderate" Republicans, along with a President trying to stake his legacy, we don't stand a chance. A good start, however, would be to get rid of some more of those Senate Dems and replace them with Tea Party Republicans.
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    @Dugan have you ever taken a macro-econ class? Obama inherited an economy headed toward full-scale depression. Government spending is needed when the economy far from full-employment. Fiscal and monetary policy during the Obama years is what got us to this thriving economy.

    The Trump tax cut came at nearly full employment. It's an unneeded giveaway to the top wage earners.

    As I said, the GOP will soon use the debt and deficit to argue that entitlements need to be cut.
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    You know President Trump is doing a great job by how ratcheted up the left gets on anything he does or says!

    Someone should create a President Trump "Hysteria Meter" to display the left's hysteria.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    The Trump defenders get so rattled every time he does stupid shit, that's essentially indefensible, the only answer they can come up with is to attack anyone who points out his stupid behavior.
    Defending the indefensible, is really dumb, but as a Trump supporter we wouldn't expect any more from you folks .
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    What say you is this stupid shit of which thou doth speaketh?

    Thy jealousy burneth 'neath thine bosom.
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