Do you ever notice how different one visit to the same club with the same dancers can be on another visit? Overall money spent is fairly similar although probably a bit or quite a bit less, but the feels just aren't the same. The girls aren't as engaged or as playful or whatever. The mileage is a little different or the service/performance is more mailed in. A girl here or there might be better or worse than last time, but your regular or favorite girls (the main reason for visiting for the CF type crowd) that day are noticeably worse. I mean you have a great time on the previous visit and couldn't wait to do it again, but the next visit was more lackluster and less memorable and now you aren't in such a rush to do it again despite spending less.
Have any of you had this experience and if so why do you think this happens?
I was thinking of all the possible variables (and i had some in mind) but i guess you could compare it to any service like going out to eat which is an oft-used analogy.
Like any person, strippers can have good or bad days; this might be hard to notice in many other jobs, but in something so intensely personal where very intimate interaction is required, even a small change in attitude might be readily apparent. But beyond that, IME strippers are far more inconsistent than your average civilian. The way they live their lives, from crisis to crisis (often of their own making), they often have all kinds of drama at home, and they often have drama at work, they have very few coping skills, and often have traumatic life histories to deal with on top of all of this. You just can't expect consistency out of them, the way you expect consistency out of your coworkers
That said, perhaps because I tend to CF/ATF, and weed out super inconsistent girls very quickly, I usually don't find wild swings to be the rule. Once in a while, she'll blow me away in a way I didn't expect, or have a bad day where she doesn't meet expectations, but things with a CF tend to be steadier
In my view - if I’m not feeling it with one dancer - I’ll move to another dancer - and see if she will be the one (who gets me going).
Since dancers can be a bit less mature and emotional - it’s easy for them have emotional swings. Those swings can lead to some wild nights. But they can also cause lackluster experiences on off nights.
the last time i saw my CF, i experienced this for the very first time. i've known her for 2 years and some change and i always have a great time when i go visit her.
but the last time i saw her, which was the very beginning of this month, she wasn't the same. she greeted me a little bit after i entered the club like she normally does---but after that she never came back around to see me---which is odd because she knows i always buy dances from her. and she wasn't even busy entertaining other customers---she was just bullshitting by the bar with her dancer friends. it was strange. she acted distant and uninterested.
its not a big deal or something i'm worried about---i've just never seen her act that way before.
I tend do the CF thing most of the time so like Subra I think I'm a bit insulated from the worst of it as a result. That said, I do sometimes see variance in my experience even with her. I don't disagree with Subra, but I'm not gonna totally blame my stripper du jour, CF or rando, for all the inconsistencies. I'm a relatively stable guy, but I certainly have good days and bad moods and bring that in with me. I also tend to club after a long/shitty meeting/flight or something, or when I get some surprise time off, so I'm less stable in my mood than I would have thought before writing this post. In any event, my mood certainly affects the service as much or more than hers does.
The environment at the club also impacts things. When my mood matches the vibe, my enjoyment is maximized. When it doesn't, it can be a drag. Another thing, mother nature can fuck shit up. My fave us up front when I call her before I go, but if I didn't make an appointment I might get the news that she's down for maintenance that day which can kinda change things.
@Cashman Most of the clubs i go to have a decent to good selection of dancers and i'm alright with just one dancer being off one time. But when it's multiple dancers (@ $30 each or even $20) and multiple visits, i really start feeling like i'm wasting money and time. I can usually avoid this to some degree with the ATF (which is a big part of why she's the ATF) as Subraman related to, but with others it's more unpredictable.
I try to spot the flaky ones early so I don't have a consistency issue, but it happens. One dancer I contacted recently since I was back in town was lights out the first time, but not nearly as good the second time. Aside from putting on a little weight in all the wrong places, she was clearly burned out on dancing and not that much fun. That was enough to convince me to bag any more SC visits for the rest of the trip.
@ Dolfan Yes dancer moods and hormonal changes or female issues can have an effect. Apparently, so can the time of the month (in the financial sense as TUSCL would have you believe). But the last recent visit (near the end of the month) didn't seem to have any of these issues. Oh well. Maybe some aligning of the stars or something...
I’m not sure what you are describing in terms of being off. If it’s something that effects your enjoyment - I’d recommend being upfront with the dancer before taking her back for dances.
What I’m looking for is more mechanical - as I just want to cum hard. It’s easy to please a horny pervert like me.
If you are looking for a connection and her undivided interest - then it’s best to chat with the dancer and see how she’s doing. If she’s having a rough time - it might be best to find a dancer who’s more excited.
@Cashman If only dancers were truly honest sincere people... It is probably closer to what you say, more connection or engagement rather than just mechanics, but even the mechanics aren't as good every time. Sometimes i leave a lap dance thinking i could have left it rather than taken it. Not a good feeling to experience frequently. Something i've tried to avoid over the years, but still haven't eradicated.
Also sometimes a club will change their rules or policies or pricing or anything that could damper the experience. One club removed curtains from the lap dance booths and one dancer seemed all too happy to say that we couldn't do certain things. Yeah i bet she was happy when i only did one dance from her and never again and probably never visit that club again either. From the lack of business at that particular club, i bet many others probably shared similar sentiments.
There's a near favorite at the club my ATF works at. She's been there since i've been going there (so over 5 years and probably a few years before that) as opposed to the ATF who has been there about a year. In that entire time i've only danced with her a handful or a little more times. Every time i've done numerous dances and she's given great performances. She even gave me her number to text her when i'm visiting. But almost every time i see her, although she greets me warmly, she says she's going to drink with some other PLs or do something else but find me later. She almost never finds me. If she wasn't so flaky, she'd have been a long time regular. It's not as if she's busy doing dances either, as i can often see her across the club. I never did bother to text her. I just accept that some dancers just are the way they are. In the end, they just see us as a means to an end and vice versa. They're not going to revolve around one customer unless they feel that they're in danger of losing a very good customer or make a killing off of a whale, and even then. But what's good for the gander...
Because it's a room full of humans. That's why it happens. A lot of guys want strip clubs to be a a repeatable, almost vending machine experience. That's not realistic, *especially* in this industry. The dancers are (on average) quirky and unpredictable. Then again, so are the PLs.
I suspect we've all gone to the club on our regular night and it felt weird or off. Nature of the beast.
DirkDiggler - you make a good point. Dancers are there to market themselves - and they will do a strong sell sometimes. It’s important to try and see through the facade. It can be a challenge - especially if you’ve never chatted with the dancer before.
If she’s not totally engaged on the floor - she may be more detached in the back.
It's unfortunate that a strip club visits are inconsistent. I see a dancer as a salesperson and sales is very unpredictable. Sometimes you have that repeat customer and other times you won't be getting much business. We're all human and this uncertainty of income can put a downer on our emotions. It also doesn't help that stripping, in general, seems to attract people with a certain type of personality
Broadly speaking, there are 3-factors involved - the dancer; the club; and the PL.
Dancer: ----------- She could be having an off day and not feeling like being there (ho-ing yourself is probably not natural for many of them no-matter how they make-it appear for our pleasure) - in any job often times there are days when one mails-it in and just waiting for the hours to tick away - she could be having issues in her personal life - the management at the club may be acting like dicks and making it hard on the dancers
Club: -------- Perhaps the vibe is off for w/e reason - or the club is jumping and harder to get personalized attention (sometimes one is a big-fish and treated like one and sometimes it's as if one is invisible) - sometimes a jumping club feels like a house-party and seems some dancers wanna party more (dance and drink w/ her fellow strippers) than pay proper attention to the custies
PL: ------ Sometimes is could be us that is off - not as horny and thus not really enjoying the club as much - we may be tired or have shit on our mind - also expectations; I think it was TUSCLer "clubber" whom once posted he went into clubs w/ no expectations which I think it's good advice - I've gone into clubs w/ low expectations and have had a great time, and often times when I go w/ high-expectations it seems they are rarely met to the level of my expectations going-in
^ That is a very insightful consideration. The PL perspective. Many of these things can be in the PL's own mind or creation as well. I know that if i had even the mediocre experiences i've had occasionally in the last few years, say 10 or more years ago, i would probably be ecstatic or at least very pleased about what i received. Likewise if i only had the same experiences now that i had then (over 10 years ago), i would have quit SCing a long time ago, or at least it would no longer be a hobby/habit that i spend so much time, money and energy on. The PL perspective continues to evolve, but the SC experience may not at the same rate.
SCing is probably one of the harder hobbies one can have. I'm already feeling worn out from it. If one were to start feeling underwhelmed with each visit, I would recommend to take an extended break. Pick up some new hobbies to keep yourself occupied
I mostly think it's something up with me. I think it's mostly not wanting every visit to be the same. I might want extras, but not from the same girl every time. I will always want to play the field, but the field doesn't always want to play.
Yeah, the longer one has been in this game, often times the harder it can be to be impressed, kinda a been there done that thing, especially if one SCs often, it kinda feels/gets a bit diluted.
last commentThat said, perhaps because I tend to CF/ATF, and weed out super inconsistent girls very quickly, I usually don't find wild swings to be the rule. Once in a while, she'll blow me away in a way I didn't expect, or have a bad day where she doesn't meet expectations, but things with a CF tend to be steadier
In my view - if I’m not feeling it with one dancer - I’ll move to another dancer - and see if she will be the one (who gets me going).
Since dancers can be a bit less mature and emotional - it’s easy for them have emotional swings. Those swings can lead to some wild nights. But they can also cause lackluster experiences on off nights.
but the last time i saw her, which was the very beginning of this month, she wasn't the same. she greeted me a little bit after i entered the club like she normally does---but after that she never came back around to see me---which is odd because she knows i always buy dances from her. and she wasn't even busy entertaining other customers---she was just bullshitting by the bar with her dancer friends. it was strange. she acted distant and uninterested.
its not a big deal or something i'm worried about---i've just never seen her act that way before.
The environment at the club also impacts things. When my mood matches the vibe, my enjoyment is maximized. When it doesn't, it can be a drag. Another thing, mother nature can fuck shit up. My fave us up front when I call her before I go, but if I didn't make an appointment I might get the news that she's down for maintenance that day which can kinda change things.
Most of the clubs i go to have a decent to good selection of dancers and i'm alright with just one dancer being off one time. But when it's multiple dancers (@ $30 each or even $20) and multiple visits, i really start feeling like i'm wasting money and time. I can usually avoid this to some degree with the ATF (which is a big part of why she's the ATF) as Subraman related to, but with others it's more unpredictable.
Yes dancer moods and hormonal changes or female issues can have an effect. Apparently, so can the time of the month (in the financial sense as TUSCL would have you believe). But the last recent visit (near the end of the month) didn't seem to have any of these issues. Oh well. Maybe some aligning of the stars or something...
What I’m looking for is more mechanical - as I just want to cum hard. It’s easy to please a horny pervert like me.
If you are looking for a connection and her undivided interest - then it’s best to chat with the dancer and see how she’s doing. If she’s having a rough time - it might be best to find a dancer who’s more excited.
If only dancers were truly honest sincere people... It is probably closer to what you say, more connection or engagement rather than just mechanics, but even the mechanics aren't as good every time. Sometimes i leave a lap dance thinking i could have left it rather than taken it. Not a good feeling to experience frequently. Something i've tried to avoid over the years, but still haven't eradicated.
There's a near favorite at the club my ATF works at. She's been there since i've been going there (so over 5 years and probably a few years before that) as opposed to the ATF who has been there about a year. In that entire time i've only danced with her a handful or a little more times. Every time i've done numerous dances and she's given great performances. She even gave me her number to text her when i'm visiting. But almost every time i see her, although she greets me warmly, she says she's going to drink with some other PLs or do something else but find me later. She almost never finds me. If she wasn't so flaky, she'd have been a long time regular. It's not as if she's busy doing dances either, as i can often see her across the club. I never did bother to text her. I just accept that some dancers just are the way they are. In the end, they just see us as a means to an end and vice versa. They're not going to revolve around one customer unless they feel that they're in danger of losing a very good customer or make a killing off of a whale, and even then. But what's good for the gander...
I suspect we've all gone to the club on our regular night and it felt weird or off. Nature of the beast.
If she’s not totally engaged on the floor - she may be more detached in the back.
She could be having an off day and not feeling like being there (ho-ing yourself is probably not natural for many of them no-matter how they make-it appear for our pleasure) - in any job often times there are days when one mails-it in and just waiting for the hours to tick away - she could be having issues in her personal life - the management at the club may be acting like dicks and making it hard on the dancers
Perhaps the vibe is off for w/e reason - or the club is jumping and harder to get personalized attention (sometimes one is a big-fish and treated like one and sometimes it's as if one is invisible) - sometimes a jumping club feels like a house-party and seems some dancers wanna party more (dance and drink w/ her fellow strippers) than pay proper attention to the custies
Sometimes is could be us that is off - not as horny and thus not really enjoying the club as much - we may be tired or have shit on our mind - also expectations; I think it was TUSCLer "clubber" whom once posted he went into clubs w/ no expectations which I think it's good advice - I've gone into clubs w/ low expectations and have had a great time, and often times when I go w/ high-expectations it seems they are rarely met to the level of my expectations going-in