Why is SJG spamming? And are front room takeout sessions even allowed?

avatar for Mtent

He posts random links with descriptions that look like they lead to viruses or something and it's like 10 lines minimum of crap.

And he diverts any conversation into something about "front room takeout sessions" - that's never even allowed at any place except really gross places where the while place probably smells


last comment
avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

Front room makeout sessions occur, allowed or not, though the regularity varies widely. But there are numerous accounts of places where girls lead with DFKing. How better to lock a guy down and get him into the back room.

Most guys are chumps when faced with beautiful women. Buying dances is how girls take advantage of this. A club which tries to force it to go this way is the modern version of a clip joint. It sells more fantasy than delivery. If you 'buy' the dance, the girl has not psychologically opened up to you, and then there is the house cut.

You can feed her money in the front room, you don't have to go with her to the back room. But in the front room you are much more likely to be able to lead it.


avatar for Uprightcitizen
6 yrs ago

Poetic justice...

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

If you civilianize the relationship, stop treating her like a vending machine or a fembot, anything can happen.

Just look at what happened to GACA, sleeping on a huge wet spot each night. :) :) :)

Lap dancing used to mean lap sitting. What else went along with that varied widely.

Booths and back rooms were added after some legal battles were won. Mostly they just increase the house cut, not the mileage. And for high mileage you want a girl who has fully opened up to you.

Both parties need to have shifted from the sympathetic nervous system ( fight or flight ) to the para-sympathetic ( feed and breed ).


avatar for jestrite50
6 yrs ago

There are all kinds of clubs on this forum. Not just the flashy neon high energy music blasting clubs. Some clubs here are more laid back where there are guys and gals sitting out in the front room watching the stage from a distance. Gals are sitting on laps and DFK is prevalent. Not at every table but some of the gals use this technique to get guys to the back room faster.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
6 yrs ago

Mtent and SJG.

It's like "Alien versus Predator", but with idiot trolls.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

^^^^^^ THE EXPERT!


avatar for FTS
6 yrs ago

Somebody needs to try SJG’s “front room make out” theory...

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

This should be titled - the troll trolling the troll! I love it! It’s a meeting of the mindless.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 yrs ago

Let's just make it all crystal clear: SJG has NEVER had an actual front room makeout session in ANY strip club. This is by his own lack of admission to it as a real life example in any of his posts.

All he is doing is projecting a delusional fantasy in his own head. He likes to think he has the actual "game" to get a stripper to DFK with him and eventually make her a GF that wants to fuck him IRL. He wants it to be true but he can't and hasn't actually done it, so the next best thing for him to do is post and preach about it ad nauseum.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
6 yrs ago

"^^^ SLD, you are correct but you have to agree that I sure can talk a good game?"

^ @L1oydSchoene I do agree that you can talk a good game. If not enlightening it is always entertaining.

And then when you use your san_jose_guy alias you change your game and start sounding like a blathering idiot instead. Hilarious!

avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

It’s like being in a parallel universe - watching SirLDAlot having a discussion with LloydS - lol! I think Lloyd might have a bit of game with AMP whores - but those girls have minimal grasp of the language - and they may see him as a CaptainSaveAHo?

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

It is well documented about Mexico and some shithole clubs in the US that the girls in these places lead with DFKing.

And if you just think about it, if you are nice to the girl and come on to her verbally and try to kiss her, she has basically two choices, comply, or decline and give up the chance of a back room session. So of course the smart ones take the initiative themselves and select the guy they want and make it happen.

Anytime sex workers are interviewed, what they always say they want most are safe venues for them to be able to select and decline who they want. If they can do it this way, it really is not work for them.

AMPs are not that good as they are not hang out places, so there really is not much front room fraternizing. Strip clubs are the best.

There is also a monkey see monkey do aspect. The more done in the front room, the more that loosens everybody else up. And there are a few guys who do really just know how to get along with the girls. And within reason, I do count myself as one of them. Mostly its because I've never gone along with the Good Girl vs Bad Girl divide, as it is based on a very unfair double standard.

The reason some guys never see this is, as I see it, that they treat the girls as vending machines, rather than as ordinary girls.

This is not really a theory, it should be obvious. Say you met the girl at a college party, and you decided you wanted to skip the telephone number and car keys and wallet date step, and just make it happen with her. Is it possible? Depends on the situation, but often it is. In a college environment the people are to a degree all pre-screened. Often ambitious college girls don't want relationships. But they do like to be fucked. So often it can be made to happen.

And I can attest that in some other situations it can be possible to just walk up to a girl and maybe just tell her your name, and then start DFKing her.

And then even in our very strict no touching clubs, there are sometimes times when girls will start DFKing guys, going completely over the limits. Seemingly what they want is immediate OTC, and their motives are not primarily financial. Mostly I think they are just bored.

We had a front room FS place, underground. They were busted, and by LE who took full advantage of the situation, bringing their own condoms and collecting a paycheck. The core group of girls had to plead guilty to prostitution 647B, and that consisting only of touching and being touched. This is the standard the DA's office has insisted on upholding.

But even after all that, the basic front room $5 air dance still got one a kiss on the cheek. There was also one girl who would offer her cheek for a kiss.

Our DA's office is real tough. They know that one lost court case and it becomes just like San Francisco. So they hit people with a mountain of charges and intimidate them into pleading guilty, so that no case ever goes before a jury.

So the really good places are not in the Bay Area, except for maybe San Francisco. But San Francisco has been taken over by the chickenshit operation Deja Vu, that enforces rules not legally necessary, just to control the interaction and keep it more in the realm of fantasy instead of delivery, and to collect more money.

This is not really a theory. Obviously you have the most power when you can just feed a girl money in an unstructured situation and get her to cross over the line into a makeout session, than you do once you have agreed to a fixed time and money formula and "bought dances". So you want to hold off on that until it is necessary, like when it is time for your own pants to come down. And you want to be the one who invites her.

And this probably does not lower the cost, it likely raises it, because of all the front room time. But well worth it because the girl is already opened up to you and so the whole thing will be mind blowing, and likely you will be waking up in the mornings with her on into the future.


Lady Fantasy - Camel


Old Days (Remastered)


avatar for vincemichaels
6 yrs ago

Think of it this way, if SJG didn't ramble on about front room mind games, think of what he'd be doing at night again with unsuspecting victims.

avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

And if Vincemichaels simply got some good front room makeout sessions going, he'd probably now be spending his time bedding dancers. Think, what would we do without him.

:) :) :)


avatar for san_jose_guy
6 yrs ago

More info about the front room, and replying to a dancer



avatar for Cashman1234
6 yrs ago

This is crazy! I actually lol’ed when I read SJG’s comment about monkey see - monkey do - that was great.

avatar for vincemichaels
6 yrs ago

Coming from SJG, it reminds me of the Wizard of Oz. PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE TROLL BEHIND THE CURTAIN. LMAO

avatar for vincemichaels
6 yrs ago

Oh foolish one, I've been clubbing for over 40 years now, I know my game. It works very well, thank you, you fraud. Do us all a favor and jump off the great and mighty bridge spanning the 2 peninsulas.

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