
Just the facts mam...

He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018 5:51 AM
This is what I prefer to hear from an unknown dancer when I ask her about dances. I’ve found dancers who don’t offer specifics to often be a let down. I understand that some dancers are hesitant to offer specifics if they don’t recognize you (as being a previous club customer) - that’s fine. A few months ago a dancer gave me a short menu - but then in vip - she told me CFS was available too. Do you have different experiences? Do you enjoy the strong sell approach - “I’ll blow your mind baby!”? I think dancers who keep it simple work best for me - as I don’t want to weed through hyperbole to locate the facts.


  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    I agree. I think a mutual comfort level needs to be established so she knows the customer is not a cop or too creepy and the customer has some confidence she will deliver. My guess is that how long it takes to reach that point will vary based on what the customer seeks and how readily available those services are. But, in general, I much prefer a straightforward approach from her and I try to be direct as well. No matter how strong the sell is, I’ve never found it to be worthwhile if it’s not pretty specific and clear.
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    It’s spelled “ma’am”.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    Keeping it simple and to the point works best for me. I've been going to clubs long enough where phrasing like "I'll rock your world!" doesn't really mean anything to me anymore. If anything, it feels like an omen of a boring dance. But yeah, I respect the reality that dancers need to be a bit vague with guys who are new. I had one dancer tell me that some of the customers who seem perfectly normal out on the club floor turn into scary/shady lunatics in a dance booth or VIP. So, she didn't like to open her entire menu until she'd had a chance to figure out if a guy was going to get his Mr. Hyde on or not. I've only heard that from one dancer, but it seems reasonable.
  • flagooner
    6 years ago
    I prefer to beat around the bush, I'm not a fan of fully shaved.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Thanks GeorgeMicroDong. It autocorrected my misspelling from mam to man - and I made sure to correct that! Lol!
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Ishmael - it makes sense - and it’s smart for a dancer to be somewhat vague with an unknown customer. I guess that can go both ways. Sadly, a wild looking hottie can be a bit of a dud in the back sometimes too.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    -->"This is what I prefer to hear from an unknown dancer when I ask her about dances." Cash, out of curiosity, how are you asking for her for dances? "What do you do in the VIP?" Some other way? For me, things are a bit cut and dry. In a no-extras club, no reason to ask about what she does. In the extras clubs in this area, there's no reason to beat around the bush, I just ask specifically, "do you do blowjobs?" (or whatever I'm after) and she says yes or no. The point is -- I never ask open-ended questions, and actually think it's a little unfair to her to put all the risk of offering an act of prostitution to a guy she doesn't know. And more importantly, there's no reason NOT to ask for exactly what I want, at least in the extras clubs here where everything is out in the open, no reason to be coy. So, all this leads to a question: are you guys asking open ended questions about what she does rather than specifically for what you want? And if so, why? Is that the safer route in clubs where extras are underground, or something?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    Subraman you make a valid point. I think that approach is more direct - and worthwhile too. Certain clubs that I parltronize are known to have YMMV extras (as they have a mix of extras and non-extras dancers). It would weed out dancers easily to simply be more upfront.
  • Subraman
    6 years ago
    Ya, I figured it might be a club culture thing. At least in SF, it's better to be direct and ask for exactly what you'd like
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    It’s a good approach. If the dancer doesn’t do extras - the interaction will be quick and informative (possibly a quick “No. I don’t do that.”) I can move right along to find a dancer to accept my offer...
  • georgmicrodong
    6 years ago
    @Subraman: “I never ask open-ended questions, and actually think it's a little unfair to her to put all the risk of offering an act of prostitution to a guy she doesn't know.” Exactly. Her risk that a guy she’s never seen before is cop is pretty high, compared to *my* risk that a naked chick I’ve never seen before, waving her pussy in my face, is one, which is as close to zero as it gets.
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    GMD - excellent observation! She would have very few locations for concealing her badge or weapon!
  • shailynn
    6 years ago
    You hit the nail on the head, the more vague they are usually equals disappointment. Looking back some dancers turn being “vague” into an art form. I personally like the ones that say “when we go back there we can do anything you want for $xxx” and I say “anything?” and she says “anything” then pauses and says “well anything except anal.” That’s when you know you’re going to have a good time, unless you’re REALLY into anal sex.
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    Where I club, all the clubs are known as non-extras clubs and they deserve that reputation. But there are exceptions to that general rule. Therefore, I’m not a grab and go guy. By necessity, some general conversation is necessary for both parties comfort. Once I think that comfort level is there, I’ll tell her what I’d like. I don’t expect her to blurt it out. GMD made that point well. Usually it’s “I don’t do that” for an answer but not always. And I’ve never had the impression that I crossed any lines by being direct once we’ve been chatting for a while. In fact, it seems like the opposite usually happens in terms of the stripper at least knowing that I can accept “no” for an answer. Whining and begging is never the thing to do, even in the desert that is most of the upper Midwest. I also agree that it’s really important to understand the norms for any given club. There are lots of clubs around here where it would be pointless to ask, so I don’t. But I might mention what I like outside the club and that can open doors.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Buying dances is a chump's game. Select the girl you want to be waking up in the mornings with, approach her yourself, start feeding her compliment money, and get a front room makeout session going. Get to know her as much as possible, and then when it is time for your own pants to come down, invite her to the back room. Then take her home with you for more rounds and continue to see her regularly. SJG NOLO, Chartres - Iberville, doesn't the black girl in purple look good? I think this picture originally came from Google Street View [view link] Chelsea Manning, running for the US Senate from Maryland, quite interesting [view link]
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Yeah - strip-clubs/strippers are often too-much of a crapshooot to just leave things up to chance and be vague - besides the ease of misunderstandings, the potential to be purposely ripped-off goes up w/ the amount of vagueness. I kinda have a small rotation of clubs (4 or 5) that Iv'e been hitting for a few years and kinda know what to expect - and these clubs have a small VIP charge of $25 so no biggie just going w/ the flow (sometimes I get specifics upfront; sometimes not; but usually works out in these particular clubs). If a club has a room-fee of $100+ then I def dot my PL-i's and cross my PL-t's. 4 of the 5 clubs in my PL-rotation are $5 or $10 per dance clubs, thus no biggie winging-it - the other one is $25/dance but I know the M.O. there pretty-well and it's rare it turns out to be a bust.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    But you can't directly talk a girl into GFE, into lowering her emotional barriers. What I learned in AMPs is that you just come on to her, which does not mean negotiating or trying to talk her into anything. Then the pivotal moment will be when I kiss her. Doesn't always work, but it does often enough and it is mind blowing for both parties. Some girls hold back until they are being fucked nicely and then they really let go. And remember, I would not even be in the room with her if I did not want her to open up to me and to have that GFE-FS experience with her. I window shop carefully and extensively. SJG
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    ^^^ moron ^^^
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    SJG - do you kiss the AMP girls after they’ve washed you down and stroked you off? Or do you do it as soon as you enter the AMP? Does the Mamisan know you in those places? I’m curious about your experiences. I’d expect many of the girls to have a minimal understanding of English.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I only deal with girls I like, window shopping, front room flirting. One has to form their own opinions. AMP girls are usually a great deal better than AAMP girls. AMP's are basically clean places, showers, huge piles of just washed white towels. SJG Most self-improvement teachings do come down to something similar to Scientology: [view link] Layla Album [view link] Deluxe version [view link] But both of the above have the Layla song blocked out. Here, original Layla [view link] Two NOLA AA hotties: [view link] [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    I only session with AMP girls that I would try to hit on if I found them in civilian venues. There is no real min looks standard for AMPs. It varies much from place to place, mostly how much LE pressure they feel. Over all I would say that 1/3 I would fuck, nice GFE session. About 1/4 of them would be welcomed to work in strip clubs. Usually with the wilder places the girls are better looking and younger. SJG
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