Austin Bomber is Dead

avatar for Salty.Nutz

He blew himself up, anti gay marriage, know


last comment
Does this mean I can finally pick up the 3 packages on my doorstep?
Go right ahead, shailynn.

Pay no attention to the wires attached to the packages. :)
I read the Fox news article and determined after reading it that the original poster is a d bag.
Good. Fuck that guy.
He looked clean-cut and seemed from a good-family - wonder what possessed him to do this
Papi - I have a lot of male clients under 35. Years of feminism infecting the schools and job markets have left them with no hope at all for the future. People with no hope do such things. Look at terrorism around the world - it isn't people with a rosy future committing the acts.
@Skibum609...why em i a douche? kidding i know guy has very interesting point of views if you do some research.
Naw Sally I regret commenting at all and retract it.
I haven’t read much of anything about his backgrounds, but I did read he was “fired” from a job recently, the employer didn’t give a specific reason.
I'm not with the "good, fuck that guy" crowd. It would be better if they could catch him and learn why he did it. Then fry him. There are just too many unanswered questions about random violence in the world. If you leave a note saying "ISIS forever, Allahu akhbar", at least we have a motive. This guy, the Vegas shooter, the pilot that crashed the plane in the Alps... If we can learn why they did it we can better predict and intervene before the next tragedy. Speaking of which, was there ever a definitive conviction and case study done on the Anthrax mailings in 2001?
Why doesnt matter. Humans are unpredictable. you can be happy today, tomorrow who knows. knowing why wont bring the person you lost back
avatar for rogertex
7 years ago
gammanu95 - " It would be better if they could catch him and learn why he did it. Then fry him."

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