Dancer warning

In the VIP, surely this has happened. She's grinding away, it's feeling better and better and she makes a sudden outcry and has a bout of diarhea (sp) on your cock. What a turnoff, unless one is into these kinds of things. Has this ever happened to you or one of your buddies ?
last commentAre you sure it was a girl experiencing her first period?
oh my lol
No flagooner, you've had the experience with that, tell us about it. :)
Damn I hate it when that
Wow VM, something must be turn your dancers’ stomachs badly.. maybe try brushing your teeth before you hit the club.
Or possibly quit driving this to the club.
^ yeah. That’s pretty scary.
No, but the women I like are old enough to not shit themselves anymore.
Then again, I know your preferences trend younger than those of most guys here...
I’ve never experienced a dancer taking a wet shit on me. It should be a somewhat rare occurrence.
Unless you are getting dances from dancers who dine with Juice. Greasy buckets of KFC and Waffle House coffee - can cause excessive flatulence - and leakage....
^^^ Brilliant!
vincemichaels, are you sure you weren't getting a lapdance from crazyjoe in drag?
For future reference, crazyjoe lap dances = non-brilliant!
I don't think I would ever be able to got to a strip club again if that happened. Never be able to get that image out of my mind.
Got to love when the trolls slither out of bed.