
ejected for a dollar

Avatar for s88
s88New York

A newbie dancer I know that does free OTC with me, told me to go check out a "bikini bar" for her she wants to work at but was scared to apply. I'd never goto this place based on TUSCL reviews. But I went. Worst dollar parade I've seen in my life. Russian panhandlers with tits. Island bar. No front row. Same girl comes back in 1 song asking for another dollar. If I give in, its $10/song all night to sit on a bar stool. I shoot down the ugly ones. Tell the hot ones to come to the other side and keep me company if they want a tip. Most dont. But one stripper, got so pissed, she said

her "come on"

me "come and keep me company"

her "I dont work for free, this is a gogo bar, you have to tip me"

me "come over [to my side] and lets talk"

her "where is my tip"

me "there is no cover here, but I bought a drink"

her "If you dont give me a dollar, I'll have security throw you out"

me "do it"

she stares me in my eyes and grins

She gives me the nastiest look and moved onto the next PL sitting next to me. Jesus christ. All in 15 seconds.

Nothing happened to me. It was an empty threat. I couldn't care less if I was ejected. It would make an interesting TUSCL or Yelp review. But all the PLs except me looked like they were stroke victims from a nursing home. Lots of walkers and canes in the club. Such PLs. Anyone gotten worse threats from strippers that fast?


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Avatar for impala

Same old stripper shit

Avatar for san_jose_guy

Gotta keep it all in perspective and not let strip club goings on get you exercised.


Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Yeah - some of the heavy-Latina clubs in Miami have a tip-parade on steroids - the dancers approach you as they are entitled to a tip and I've gotten nasty comments from "YOU HAVE TO TIP ME" and "then why do you come here for".

"Crazy and desperate women" = "a bad combo" - many a time I've been debating which club to hit and have taken some clubs out of consideration just to not have to deal w/ an excessive tip-parade.

And by excessive I don't mean a tip from every girl that gets off stage; which is bad enough - but girls that circle the club all-night just asking for tips even when they haven't been on stage - during one-song on a busy-night you can have 5 or more girls approach you for a tip to where you're reaching into your pocket every 15 damn seconds - and many guys are too big a chumps to say no and just pay-up all night long kinda emboldening the bitches and making the situation worse - and some chumps look at you as if there's something wrong with you if you don't tip every girll

I've read in reviews that the Russians in the NE are real-bad about the tip-parade in certain clubs.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I've never had a bitch threaten me w/ getting a bouncer for not tipping - but I would def not put it past some of these bitches to actually use that tactic - and would not put-it past some douche clubs to actually throw somebody out for not tipping although I've never heard of such an incident.

Avatar for Cashman1234

I’ve never seen that specific threat in a club. I’ve heard strippers use the - “Give me a dollar and I’ll go away.” - play many times.

I know the dollar parade is strong in many clubs. But it’s important to hold your ground. Not every dancer deserves a tip with each trip past.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Many clubs w/ a tip-parade the dancers will milk-it and abuse-it (particularly Eastern Euro and Cuban bitches)

Avatar for bang69

Usual stripper shit

Avatar for Jascoi

when asked “why do you come here” i try to remember and say “ i come for the fantasy “.

but usually i stammer “ i come to see the boys”. that allways gets a laugh from the ladies.

Avatar for vincemichaels

Coming from a better strip club location, I don't tip them anything. Let them eject me, they lose more.

Avatar for TheeOSU

Depending on how I thought about the other aspects in the club a stripper with the attitude of the one in the first post could be the tipping point on making me get up and walk out on my own.

Avatar for minnow

Maybe we need to make a sticky post: "Clubs that have the dollar tip parade."

Avatar for chessmaster

^yup. Or add it to the features on the club page. Although i havent experienced it before. Must be a regional thing.

Avatar for TFP

^^^^^This is actually a good idea. Add it to the description of the club where it tells the address, hours, drink prices, etc. I hadn't experienced a tip parade until I went to Oasis in Philly but from the reviews here I knew what to expect.

Avatar for Cashman1234

That’s a good idea. My clubbing experiences are primarily in the northeast, so if it’s regional, it might be less useful in other areas.

I would suggest having a drop down - to select from before starting the text of the review. It could range from Very Strong to Non-Existent.

It would give customers an idea of what to expect - and to bring a wallet full of singles.

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