
Has TUSCL changed your strip clubbing ?

Anywhere there are Titties.
Friday, March 9, 2018 5:36 AM
This question has probably been asked before, but I'll do it now again. Has this website changed the way you go to strip clubs ? A- Do you go more ? B- Do you go less ? C- Do you spend more wisely ? D- Do you try new clubs ? E- Do you get more action now ? F- Other ? I have definitely been motivated to try new experiences. I had never heard of the almighty Hong Kong before joining this site, much less had any desire to go to Tijuana. When in no-touch Orlando, I now know to take the little drive our to Cocoa Beach. How has TUSCL changed your clubbing habits ?


  • max_starr
    6 years ago
    A,C,E Thanks to this website I have tons of #'s.....one ATF DS who I see OTC at least a couple times a week. I have an account on SA, mostly chatting women up so far...making contacts for the future....:) Before TUSCL I'd go 3-4x a year maybe, no OTC for the last 20 years....when I was young OTC was easy and cheap and I didn't really need it...so I wasn't fixated on it....I don't really need it now I guess, but I really like it...
  • Huntsman
    6 years ago
    No on A and B. Yes on C,D and E. Mostly TUSCL has made it easier to know what to realistically expect from any given club when making mongering choices.
  • rickdugan
    6 years ago
    Yes for C, D & E. Probably a mild Yes for A as well, but only because the clubs were much harder to find and get decent intel on pre-tuscl. I was using tuscl as a resource through it's various infancy iterations and it was a game changer. I first started traveling for work in the mid 90s and finding clubs was often a pain in the ass. I used to have to piece together options through a combination of yellow pages, hotel concierges, cab drivers and local adult newspapers. Then I bought a book of Internet sites (imagine a book for that now, lol) in 1998 and, lo and behold, tuscl was provided as a site for strip club listings - the only one in fact. I was amazed to find that there were often clubs I never knew existed within blocks of hotels that I previously stayed at.
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    A) Def a bigger hobbyist as a result of TUSCL C) in the sense I know what I should be getting for my $$$ - and also much more keenly aware of ROB tactics (how to spot them and how to deal with them) D) exposure to more clubs either thru reviews, or other TUSCLers (probably never would've known about Inner Room in Cocoa Beach nor Follies ATL if it wasn't for TUSCLers talking about it) E) didn't really think so much action could be had in clubs
  • shadowcat
    6 years ago
    I was around when TUSCL was in it's infancy. When there were no user names. Back then and up to now it has been a great resource for finding clubs in cities that I was not familiar with. Back then I would not have called going to clubs a hobby but today with all of the participation on the discussion board and the articles, it has become a hobby as well as a source for finding strip clubs.
  • Darkblue999
    6 years ago
    A C D E
  • Clubber
    6 years ago
    F: Now, no. But 18 years ago, A LOT!
  • Jascoi
    6 years ago
    A- Do you go more ? B- Do you go less ? C- Do you spend more wisely ? D- Do you try new clubs ? E- Do you get more action now ? F- Other ? A. i go less. it's a money issue. B. it is a money issue. C. i spend more wisely... I'm learning... D. rarely now. see answer of A&B. E. action? YES!
  • RandomMember
    6 years ago
    TUSCL has had no influence at all, although it might if I traveled more for work. There's not that much to it: you pay money and pretty girls pretend to find you interesting. Emergence of sugaring has been a game changer, though. Much better, hotter, and safer choices out there.
  • galiziabob.sabbatical
    6 years ago
    A. Yes I go way more, and it's a direct result of learning all I can from this site and all of you on it. C. Yes I spend more wisely, mainly due to learning the tricks of the game. No scamming, being taken advantage of. Going to the right club vs the crappy ones. D. I tried a few clubs here in town before getting put in my place for "club ads" because I had no clue about the better clubs. Any naked chick made me happy at first. Then once I started to really read every review and take some local tusclers advise, I then went to Bourbon Street. Now it's the only place I go, hands down the best, currently. E. Yes I get more action. My first review I raved about an air dance haha. Now I am sucking on tits and getting handjobs in Mexico. I just started clubbing mid January!
  • crazzybowy33
    6 years ago
    C, D and E. Although my frequency hasn't changed a bit, I now know which clubs to avoid like the plague itself, so the experience post TUSCL has been quite less-nervy. C- money is usually tight for me, I spend a lot on food and entertainment (other than clubbing), so yeah, TUSCL has helped a bit. I probably would have quit clubbing after the initial few rip-offs if I didn't come across this site. D, E- I usually scout and go to the high mileage clubs, so the LDs are pretty good, although I'm an OTC virgin.
  • bubba267
    6 years ago
    For more when I first discovered the site -CDE
  • DeclineToState
    6 years ago
    TUSCL has not altered A-E for me. It has definitely influenced F (Other), including: -Eliminated all tendency of being a little bitch, with assist from Subra's rules: [view link]). -Nearly eliminated tendency to fall in like and be an RIL - not a stalker, but a tendency to develop feelings for a cool girl who also happens to be hot, and this site slaps much needed post-clubbing sense into me. -Great help in targeting out of town clubs when I'm traveling. (Yelp is garbage for club intel, and it took a while to stumble onto this site because it never came up on google 1st page when searching for club recommendations, and now I don't bother with such internet searches.) -Immensely tempting me for OTC and TJ. -Appreciating people's perspectives (there's actually some pretty interesting shit posted on here - ethics, gun control, etc.). -Hearing some damn good stories, even if some of it might be fiction.
  • larryfisherman
    6 years ago
    I wasn’t going to strip clubs before I got to TUSCL A,C,D,E
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    6 years ago
    C and E. I'm not great at trying new clubs. I find a place that works for me and tend to stick with it. Probably more a function of habit than strategy, really. I've picked up some good tips for OTC as well. Both negotiating and the actual encounter.
  • Longball300
    6 years ago
    Of course, I use TUSCL just like Tripadvisor or Expedia to read the reviews and plan my trip. Save money, save time, save yourself the disappointment of going to a shitty club. Thank You TUSCL..
  • Dominic77
    6 years ago
    C-I no longer spend like it's '90s boom times anymore. It warped expectations to come of age in the middle of that era. F-I'm an odd ball here in the forums that I still use strip clubs for their legal and legit purposes (to quote Juice). I remember from my younger days how common free hookups between young guys and dancers were. I didn't know how common p4p was among customers, particularly ones a couple decades older or more. Though I always suspected it was there. I mean how could you not. If it's one thing Tuscl and StripperWeb has thought me is that I shouldn't worry too much what the dancer's think about being touched by customers (ie if they don't like it) or being solicited by the customers (ie is it degrading). I was thinking about it too much or making it too moralistic than it needed to be. If anything I should be perfectly set up for extras or p4p OTC once I feel the need to move to the next level.
  • PeterEaster
    6 years ago
    @Dominic77 - fellow odd ball here. Not interested in extras or OTC. Do visit regularly to tip dancers on stage, have drinks and chat with a fav,and get a couple of lappers (and get walked to the door afterwards). And yes, on TUSCL that makes you a weirdo, lol.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    TUSCL made strip clubbing more accessible. I've never really gone to a strip club prior to joining TUSCL. I prefer to spend my money wisely and get the most value for me. I'd rather not spend any money at a poorly reviewed club and save that extra cash for a club that is well reviewed. My view on a strip club is still relatively the same but I've found that it is actually pretty laid back and you can treat it like a bar if you wanted to
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    It has had a huge impact. Before I came here I would actually speak to other customers in the club. After coming here I realized it was a mistake.
  • lolruned
    6 years ago
    ^ Why is speaking to other customers a mistake?
  • Cashman1234
    6 years ago
    I’d say B, C, D and E. I actually go less. I’m able to focus my efforts on getting specifically what I want. I also spend less - and I’m able to get more. I will read numerous reviews before making a decision to go to a different club. I know the clubs that provide what I want. Since my wants haven’t changed, I don’t change clubs often. I hate to use this characterization - but TUSCL has helped me to club smarter.
  • mjx01
    6 years ago
    C, D, E. I go less because I don't have a CF at the only club in my town, and I've become too used to better mileage at clubs which require substantial commuting.
  • rh48hr
    6 years ago
    A - I have gone more since I started regularly using tuscl. C -I spend more but it is used wisely. I spent less before but didn't get much out of what I did spend. E - I get way more action
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