
Another mangina intimidated by a ROB in a g-string

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
From a recent review of Platinum Plus in Allentown, PA:

"... First of all the location of the club is kind of strange.. but most people have given details about locations and layout.

Most customers go to strip club for one reason - girls! Today there were about 5-6 girls... one black, one mother/daughter team (really.. this is what I was told), one heavy thick, rough on your eyes (who hired her?) and then there was a spinner type tiny white girl and then there was a Russian looking girl..

Nice girl behind the bar...good service and pleasant!

Now the rough part..... sat down with the Russian looking (I think actually Romanian she told me .. name escapes me) girl..certainly speaks with some accent...

Talkative..asked me all standard stuff and then asked for a dance in less than about 5 minutes offered a drink.. she said after we come back from dance..her dances were actually not bad.. you could touch her pretty much every where.... and you know standard stufff .. she had small boobs , but a nice toned ass. And she certainly knows how to grind and rub her head !!

After 4 dances, she said do you want one more.. I said yes... thinking that that would be a even 5!
Nothing special during the dances as for as extra except as I said your hands could wander ..

But then came the surprise.. she wanted 400 saying she had done 6 and her prices were more than others.. plus tips..

She seemed hellbent.. it seemed like this was her standard way of doing business..knew all the right things to say in broken English... instead of arguing .. paid her and decided NO more Russians / Romanians for me.. got one more cocktail to cool off and then left..

FEBRUARY 27, 2018
That was an egregious mistake on your part. $400 for 6 dances is $66 a song! No fucking way should you have paid her. Dancers charge their own rates here but most start at $40 for a nude dance/$30 topless and maybe you can negotiate a deal for multiple dances. But no way should you have paid more than $240($40 per dance). Tell her to kiss your ass for $600 next time!!

FEBRUARY 27, 2018
^"tell her to kiss your ass for $400 next time." For $600 she better be DTF.

Always best to ask their prices upfront at these clubs where dancers charge their own rates, to avoid any confusion. Although this is bordering on ROB territory.

FEBRUARY 27, 2018
Agreed on all Points... I hate to get into a fight with these types.. it was clear that this might be routine for her... live and learn!

FEBRUARY 27, 2018
You paid too much as chessman said. $40 per nude dance is the peak for cost of a song.Beyond that is atrocious. You should have called the bouncer and manager.you paid more than $300 as extra. Every time you ask how much is it per song before you go for a dance.

FEBRUARY 27, 2018
I know.... but that girl was like soooo rude..... and demanding... any way thanks..I wish I had remembered her name...

FEBRUARY 27, 2018
John...John...John you rewarded her unacceptable behavior. So what if she wanted $400? You never agreed to it. Plus your count was 5. $200 max, take it or leave it. If she wants to get the manager involved fine. He might be interested in her tactics. If she wants to get the bouncer involved fine. You never agreed to $400, if he wants to kick you out fine. Grow a set.

FEBRUARY 27, 2018
I guess it's clear which of you two had the bigger vagina, hint hint it was you.

You can't let yourself be intimidated by a chick in a g-string, if you club with any regularity you can expect this to happen again - you are aiding and abetting her to keep on ripping off other customers - you gotta grow a pair and stand your fucking ground.

And don't count on a manager, and especially a bouncer, to have your back, at best it's a he-said she-said kinda thing plus bouncers get tipped-out by dancers so there's a conflict of interest there, that's why you have to stand your ground and best to leave the club if they take the side of a ROB but don't pay-up and allow yourself to be ripped-off ..."



  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I have to wonder if there isn't a correlation between these rookies getting ripped off and the last time they got laid by a civie or pro?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Good point Shadowcat. Reeks of desperation.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Rookies and/or non-TUSCLarly educated PLs are easy-pickings for an experienced ROB - kinda like a newborn calf not having much of a chance against an experienced hyena
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I can't get over $40 lap dances. That's usually what feature porn stars charge per dance at clubs they feature at. Are they at least full length? Not that an extra minute, if that, really makes it that much better. And strippers still try to mark them up?
  • gentleman6555
    7 years ago
    Sounds like my old OTC girl may have moved out to some different pastures
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    A total rookie. He probably thought he was a big man - getting a sexy Russian dancer in Allentown!

    Sadly he made a litany of errors, and he paid for them. Its always best to ask the price before agreeing to get dances. Now he’s complaining about getting overcharged - and not speaking up!

    The dancer knew this dude was squishy. Her confrontational approach worked perfectly - as he paid all that she wanted.

    I’ve been to that club. The parking and location are fine. It’s in a strip mall (no pun intended). The layout is fine too. It’s not a club I’d frequent - as it’s too nice for me.

  • FTS
    7 years ago
    Yea that’s a bunch of bullshit. I recently got a dance from a girl there, and I was smart enough to ask the price first. She said $50 for a nude dance, and I was like, what?! I negotiated and settled on 3 or 4 for about 100. Still expensive. The standard there has been $40 nude $20 topless for at least the past 3 years.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Even this guy’s replies to your comments (on his review) seem a bit squishy! He might fare better at that glory hole in Kutztown - Cupid’s. I’m sure he could get some action for about $12.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago

    I agree, except that she does kind of have him over a barrel. If, as you say, he can't count on the manager and the bouncers to have his back, then he can probably count on them to kick his ass if he tries to leave the club without paying what she wants.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    BurlingtonHF - it wouldn’t take much to bounce his skinny jeans and fitted T-shirt out of the club. They might bounce him right over to his stylish Fiat -
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Buying dances is a chump's game.

    Identify the girl you want, the one you would like to be waking up in the mornings with. Then you approach her and start feeding her money and turn on some charm and get a front room makeout sessions going.

    Then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room, and then after take her home with you and continue to see her regularly.



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  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago

    LOL. If he gonna act like a bitch, somebody gonna fuck him like a bitch. That's the law of the jungle.

    In fairness, I've also been ripped off three times in strip clubs, but it's never based on the price per dance - it's always based on the mileage. And who can you really complain to about that?
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Getting ROBed in SCs is fairly-common, IME when I haven't paid up the dancer hasn't done anything about it even if threatening to get the manager or bouncer, IME less than 20% of the time they've actually gotten a manager or bouncer and every time I have not paid up once I explained my side (in large part b/c I like variety and getting lots of dances with different dancers, so I just say "I've been getting dances all night long with different dancers and none of them have complained").

    What I meant by not counting on managers, and specifically bouncers, is that it's a crapshoot whether they'll take your side or hers, sometimes yours, sometimes hers, and many a manager/bouncer can be a douche, but some are good guys.

    Very rare the staff will physically assault a custy for supposedly not paying, that's a felony and clubs usually would not want the scrutiny and getting LE involved and having a record of LE calls.

    Paying up b/c of fear is exactly why ROBs do it and why they threaten with getting the manger or bouncer even though they often don't b/c the dancer may start getting a bad rep with the staff or already have one.

    At worst they make ask you to leave which I rather do than pay the ROB.
  • vincemichaels
    7 years ago
    Reading this review makes me want to vomit again. $66 a dance. Damn, her pussy must be made of solid gold !!!
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Agreed. And some part of me will always wonder what would happen if I complained to the manager that some dancer promised to blow me and isn't fulfilling her end of the bargain ;)
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    ^^^ Sorry, last comment meant for Papi_Chulo.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    She knows how to "Seduce and destroy" weak minded men. She must have read the "Ho" book.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    One needs to be aware of the difference b/w the "real world" and strip club "bizarro world" - too many PLs treat strippers as if they were courting the bitch and their niceness is used against them.
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    I don’t know if customers are caught off guard by the audacity of ROBs or if they think the bouncers are going to beat them up for doing nothing wrong and risking getting themselves and the club sued. Whatever it is, the fear of a lot of strip club customers makes no sense but it must be very prevelant because there are plenty of guys that seem to cower before young women in their underwear.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    "Although this is bordering on ROB territory."

    Bordering? That guy got completely bent over.
  • scgato
    7 years ago
    Only got robbed once. Second time in a SC and some random dancer decided to grind on me in main room. Not my type and was trying to push her off without having to throw her. Unfortunately she has strong thigh muscles and a big behind. Finally got her to stop and she said that will be $30. Grabbed some singles , maybe around $20 and told her that’s all u getting. She took it and left.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    According to him he got 5-songs and pussyfully gave her $400 - so mangina-guy seems to have paid $80/song
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    It always amazes me when I see reviews from usernames that I've never seen on this discussion board. I realize they could be reading without posting, but it does seem like lots of reviews are written by people who have NEVER read a word over here.
  • Bavarian
    7 years ago
    When I was a newborn calf at the club, I only got ripped off once.

    Dances are $20 at Baby Dolls. I got 3 dances and the ROB wanted $100 because I touched her boobs. It was settled for $90 because that’s all I had on me.
  • Cheo_D
    7 years ago
    Hold on... he paid 66-80 per song in ALLENTOWN?

    Fuck, I've some business proposals to present to this dude...
  • orangepicture
    7 years ago
    $40 is the normal asking value for a nude dance here, but most girls will take $30 as there is no club standard and girls set their own prices. My buddy paid $42 for (1) nude dance last fall. I quickly informed him that was way too much. This PL should have gotten a manager. This club as a guy that walks the LD cubicle room with a clip board noting which girls are in the room so he can relay that to the DJ to not call them on stage. It would of been pretty easy to come to a verdict that he was only in there for 5 dances based on the name order of the girls on his clipboard.
  • K
    7 years ago
    This is why i skip private dances in clubs without set prices. I also try to avoid clubs that go by song counts instead timed dances.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ most clubs have set prices but this doesn't stop ROBs from intimidating newbs and ROBing them - they'll either over-count the songs or tell them they charge more per dance and to pay up or else - and the newbs often do
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