
Thankfully I am an old pro.....

It has been a long time since I broke some of my rules/habits, but a new dancer compelled me to do so. Saw her one afternoon after my atf sat, chatted and realized I had no plans to do anything for an hour or so. As per usual she said she'd talk to her other regulars and check back on me. After she disappeared I saw a "new" dancer. Total spinner and as it turns out some Japanese heritage gave her a unique look. She was busy, but so hot I actually got off my ass and tipped her at the stage. She came over after her set and to my amazement it turns out she is not only a skier, but a serious skier who knew a lot of local knowledge about area we've been out west. I then skipped my usual testing period of two topless dances and went straight to the CR. Nope. No negotiations, since I negotiate about .001% of the time. Great CR though with way more than I anticipated. Tipped her well and off I went after a pleasant 2 hours with her. Never saw my atf until I was walking out.

Fast forward a couple of weeks and I break another rule and go on a Saturday night. Awful decision. Big annoying bachelor party and the idea that some fat guy is getting hit with a belt by fake boob strippers on the main stage in this small club is borderline nauseating. I am just about ready to go after wasting 90 minutes when voila - there she is. Hi Mr. skier and she sits down. Seemed honestly glad to see me as I was to see her. Spent a lot of time chatting and having cocktails. Great affectionate time with kissing and cuddling. Off to the CR and the experience was unlike 99+% of what I have had. A true gfe, but gfe as in real life gfe. Amazing kisser. Beyond amazing. A Cr experience that most closely compared to real life enjoyment with someone you "loved". Afterwards and even though I was spent we cuddled for a long time as we watched the stage. I was the one who finally called it quits. I put this in top three lifetime experiences. The catch? It seemed really real. Not strip club real, but real life real. As I vaped some Guerilla Glue #4 on the way home I thought how glad I was that I have been doing this for a long time because it took me 40 miles to remember that she is a pro; it really wasn't real; and that I was glad I said no to her phone number offer. The best thing is it gave me an understanding of how guys can fall for a stripper, because 40 year old me would and 60 year old me would write this instead.

Final note. Saw the atf as I was leaving and it makes me wonder if I am still on her list lol.


  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    I’m sorry, but why would you not get her number? Is this just a rule you have imposed on yourself?
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    The best liars tell the truth.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    What’s wrong with falling in love with a stripper? They are real humans ya know. After doing their “job”, they like to enjoy life just like us PLs. Some “rules” are meant to be broken.

    Maybe some part of her passion was sincere. Maybe she’s looking for a solid, caring guy IRL. Maybe that guy is you.
  • Daddillac
    7 years ago
    And maybe she was just doing her job.... I'm sure that relationships are formed in strip clubs, but I sure do wish I knew then what I know now.

    Great to recognize when you broke a rule and take steps to avoid a greater disaster. Life guardrail, everyone needs them
  • londonguy
    7 years ago
    Having experiences like this makes our 'hobby worthwhile. It's great to connect with a girl like you did. It's happened to me a few times in the U.S. but sadly I'm never far off having to return.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Experiences like this represent clubbing at its finest. Unfortunately, they are also rare, at least in my experience.

    I think I understand why you don't take phone numbers. You have a wife at home and wish to leave your interactions with strippers at the club and away from your "real life." In this instance, however, I might have made an exception to that rule as she seems to have some real and unique OTC potential. Assuming, of course, that you would be able to keep your head straight after an unrestrained afternoon or evening in a hotel room with this girl.

    In any event, thanks for sharing.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    You are 100% correct Rick. I never make an exception. My parents have 5 divorces between them and except for one's death it would have been more. The fact that after 28 years with my wife every single time I see her my heart stops and she remains my best friend is not worth risking. No one ever got rich betting longshots. I don't give out my phone number or accept dancer's phone numbers for the same reason I work 60 hours a week and will work until 70: The only person on earth that I need to protect myself from is me. Free time means doing too much drinking and weed and I make bad decisions most of the time I have to make one. The way to avoid too much partying is to work too much since I suck at self-control and the way to avoid making a bad decision such as whether or not to start a relationship with a stripper is to simply never accept a number which prevents me from having a few beers and thinking that seeing her will be a good idea. For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, til death do us part. I meant it then. I mean it today.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Ski thats a solid workable means of self control to preserve a good thing. I respect that.

    Some of us dont have the ideal spouse situation which opens up other means to bring pleasure and balance in our lives. If I had that experience that girl would be a CF and likely in my hotel room on a regular basis.
  • max_starr
    7 years ago
    skibum, does your wife know you visit clubs and what you do inside? I'm just curious. I can't even go to a club without getting the third degree because my wife is distrustful and rightfully so lol...If I leave the GPS on in my car (onstar) she'll see where I go...If I disable it, she gets pissed.....its a lose-lose situation for me. My wife will never be able to make love to me decently...in fact she'd rather not at all. But she gets mad at ITC-OTC.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Know thyself, as the old saying goes. I respect skibum's self awareness and his understanding of what he needs to do to keep his extracurricular fun from getting out of hand. I think that most of us who are married and enjoy strippers set some sort of guidelines around our activities, even if they aren't quite as stringent as those used by skibum. I'll take phone numbers and see girls OTC, but that's not a problem for me as I'm not generally prone to getting to worked up over a stripper, even one with real GFE gifts. But my activities stop short of overnights and SB situations, either of which could lead to additional intimacy that would not be ideal for me. Like ski, I cannot imagine life without my wife and won't risk anything seeping into my real life.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    This is an old post from Ricky Boy responding to Skibum and being the judgemental douchebag he is.

    >Translation of skibum's swinger post: "C',mon now guys. Instead just find a woman who is just ok with it. After all, that can't be too rare, right? And then you can let other guys fuck her and don't worry if she's the mother of your children or anything, because that's ok too."

    Fucking brilliant skibum. But not withstanding that oh-so sage advice, I think I'll just stick to my double standard where I keep a little ass on the side while not having the mother of my children getting fucked by strange men. ;)<

    Typical Ricky Boy says one thing today and tomorrow he changes his tune.

  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    After you’ve been burnt so many times, has stripper drama (like them calling in the middle of the night begging for money) and so many shitty VIP sessions you become immune to the “sale” no matter how well it’s “sold.” Skibum is showing an example of how he didn’t fall for the sale. Who knows if she was really genuine or just being a saleswoman, but chances are she was just selling.

    Discipline equals longevity in this hobby.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I respect your decision to not take stripper phone numbers - and I respect the importance you place on your marriage.

    You definitely found a good stripper. It’s rare for a dancer to relax and make you feel like you are all that matters (a true GFE). It’s also good that you have the wisdom to know how to handle the experience.
  • DeclineToState
    7 years ago
    Sounds like you may achieve 2 ATFs at the same club at the same time though I suspect it may not be drama free. Look forward to hearing more of the story as it unfolds, sounds fantastic. Possible the GFE has a real component to it, though if age difference exceeds 15 years I suspect not real feelings but that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy your company. Enjoy while it lasts, skibum.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    Twenty, I thought you were bored with my posts. Boy, that didn't last long. ;)

    if you read carefully, I think you'll see that there was nothing contradictory in my posts here and what you managed to dredge up. They were two separate topics. Yes I disagreed with his notion regarding of how to get a green light to mess around with strippers. But that is separate and distinct from developing boundaries to keep stripper fun from bleeding into real life, which is the topic of this thread.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    My wife knows I strip club a lot. When we belonged to a group of swingers it was a running discussion. I do not go into details, unless asked. She has been with me to the clubs I go to around here and has been to the Inner Room in Cocoa Beach where she had orgasms with 2 different dancers. We swing so I have seen her fuck other guys and other women from a good solid 2 inches away. We also do separate room and play separately when we host parties. "monogamous" relationships have a 56% divorce rate. "Open" relationships of varying nature have a 6% rate. We try to make sex interesting between us and both were very promiscuous when young. If she told me she wanted to date and fuck some random dude, I would assent. If she told me she found someone she enjoyed skiing with more than me, or god forbid, made her laugh more than me, then my life would lose 90% of its' value. Cash I have had gfe before, but nothing like this in over 40 years. It was more real than 90% of my real life experiences. Huge age difference. My atf is 32 and I met her when she was 19. This dancer is 26. I am 60. No one believes I am 60, mostly due to genetics. Being a greaseball when I was a kid, means virtually no wrinkles at 60, smooth soft skin so I get my face touched a lot. I also smoke weed which the dancers love and as a bump skier who still picks up my golf bag and carries it I am in good enough shape so I can pass for 50 and under. My clientele is also uniformly middle class to poor and almost all are under 45. I represent 23 mothers right now under 24, so knowing a lot of young people I just appear younger than I am. Not sure if this is known but I am childless and that keeps me younger lol.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I'm guessing your ATF isn't your ATF anymore, from both perspectives...
  • gentleman6555
    7 years ago
    Wish I had your perspective. But I’m only 36 so maybe it will come with time
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    @skibum609 I can relate to a lot of what you say. My ATF DS gives me an incredible GFE relative to anything I've ever experienced with other strippers in 20+ years at this game. She flirts and teases me and lets me grope her all over as we small talk at the bar or tables. Then she gives very high mileage and sensual GFE "love making" style dances with full intention to make me LDK. They are not mechanical at all and she has tailored them to the things she knows I really like. And then in addition to all this physical attention, she shares a lot of personal information about herself too - her personal Facebook and Snapchat accounts and pictures and personal stories about her immediate family. It's personal stuff that no stripper or even past new girlfriends has ever shared with me at this level. I didn't know what to make of it at first because it was all uncannily personal. But what I never did was construe it to be anything more than her "sell" as a business woman. I simply enjoy everything she offers at face value ITC and don't assume it is any more than her "sales tactic".

    Honestly I know as well as anybody on here that a PL is prone to becoming an RIL, but if we use that same logic it *can* also apply to strippers. Not saying a PL will find and marry one because she falls in "true" love, but I am saying there is a possibility that true chemistry exists between a PL and stripper that can be simply an enhanced part of a standard stripper-PL business relationship. It's gravy when there is some actual chemistry. So many PLs are so negative and jaded about strippers not ever really "caring" beyond the money from a PL, so instead I say "pretend" with them that want to play the GFE card and enjoy it for what it is worth...ITC. Meaning, you can enjoy good chemistry with a stripper but it still can be no different than a 'mechanical' relationship that is still about money at its core. To be jaded about every emotional interaction with a stripper simply kills the fun. Enjoy the full GFE provided and then leave it in the club when it is over for the day.

    Also I too set my limits with her - no phone number exchanges and no extras and no OTC. I too am married and in love with my wife / best friend. We don't swing but she does know I go to strip clubs and get dances. She basically turns a blind eye to it because she knows my sex drive vastly outpaces hers. But it doesn't mean I have carte blanche sex with strippers.

    I actually think happily married guys are more grounded and realistic about the SS GFE "trap" from a stripper. We know and hold our limits better and we already know where our true loyalties are and where we go for true emotional support.
  • stripfighter
    7 years ago
    Married or not, any SCer should have his own rules... goes to show when you find a fave that's good, it can be really really good.
  • georgmicrodong
    7 years ago
    @skibum: I was gonna ask about the wife. I thought I’d remembered something about her being in the know.

    FWIW, even though my comment looks snarky when I look back at it, it wasn’t meant that way. I was simply curious.

    For *me*, the kind of thing you described could never take away from what I have with my wife (or at least, hasn’t so far), but your later elucidation helps me understand why you might not want to take that chance, especially given the likelihood that it wasn’t as real as it seemed at the time.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I appreciate your additional insight regarding your situation skibum609. It’s good that you use your years of clubbing wisdom when you are in a situation that is so appealing.

    I’m looking forward to hearing how things go the next time you encounter this new dancer.
  • realDougster
    7 years ago
    @skiblunt - amazing that she could overcome her natural revulsion and cuddle with you afterwards - and she made you think she liked you - give that girl a fucking Oscar!
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    I envy you guys who have understanding wives and girlfriends. my ex would never ever allow me to enjoy these other ladies... so I'm glad I'm divorced.
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