
Writer Looking For Info

I'm writing a story that involves a strip club, but I'm having trouble finding basic information. Short of going to a club, I'm running out of options. Hope some of you here can help.
1.) At a club, how many on-stage dances can a dancer expect to perform per night?
2.) At an upscale club, what is an average amount a popular dancer could get in tips during one on-stage dance?
3.) In regards to the previous question, what, if any, difference in that amount would there be between a female stripper and a male stripper in a gay club? Would the men make more or the women?
Thanks in advance!


  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Me too. I'm writing a story that involves having sex, but I'm having trouble finding basic information. Short of having sex, I'm running out of options. Hope some of you here can help.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    Go to a club for yourself. That's the best way to find the information you seek.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    1) IME, most dancers are on stage for 10-20 minute sets, every hour. The duration varies depending on how busy the club is and how many other dancers are working per shift. During a slow shift in the middle of the day, I've seen dancers on stage for 20 minutes. During a busy shift in the evening, they may only be up there for 10 minutes. In most clubs, if a dancer is in the middle of a VIP dance in the Champagne Room, she won't be called up on stage until she's done. But the overall length of a stripper's shift varies greatly, anywhere from three to twelve hours.

    2) I have no idea. It depends on how busy the shift is and how the club is laid out. Some clubs do not have a layout that is conducive to on-stage tipping. Remember, the stage-side tips aren't how they make the bulk of their income. Most girls I've spoken to just want to earn enough singles from tips to cover their house fees and tip-outs at the end of the night. The real money comes from lap dances, VIP rooms, and various forms of covert prostitution.

    3) I would guess that the male dancers actually earn more than the female dancers because of scarcity. There are fewer males who are willing and able (and qualified) to dance on stage. Then again, there is probably also less demand for their services, so perhaps it all balances out. But I once spoke to a female dancer who told me that she was amazed that her friend, a gay male dancer, earned much more than any female dancer she knew. I told her it may have been because he worked at the only male strip club in a 40+ mile radius.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    I really hope theshygirl is a troll. Otherwise, this is embarrassing. Ever heard the phrase “ write what you know ?”
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Mark has a point. You could prolly find out a lot more on stripperweb. There’s a lot of variation, but it would be obvious to anyone who knew, if you just made stuff up. If you go to a club, Go early on day shift. Girls will have plenty of time to talk to you.
  • TheShyGirl
    7 years ago
    Not a troll. It's called research. I don't have extensive medical knowledge either, but plotlines often involve people getting hurt, so I talk to doctors and nurses to get information. To be fair, I could just gloss over the details and the readers probably wouldn't care as it is not the main plot point, but I prefer to be accurate. An article I read said this was a good place for information.
    Thank you, BurlingtonHoFactory and BJ99, for the info. It was definitely helpful.
  • PaulDrake
    7 years ago
    Also songs are 3-3.5 minutes long. So you can work out the number of songs from that and the info previously posted.

    For stage tips unless your dancer is black an in an urban club it is most likely she is not making a ton off stage tips. Say 0-10 on a stage shift normally and in the case of one guy 20-50 making it rain (which is not an everyday thing). Instead the money is made selling lap dances. However there are clubs where this is not the case.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Why can't you go to a club - are u underage?
  • crazyjoe
    7 years ago
    Try shitting at mcd's
  • TheShyGirl
    7 years ago
    Thank you, PaulDrake.
    Papi_Chulo, I can go to a club and have been, but only once when I was in Tulsa. At the time, I wasn't a writer so I just enjoyed the experience rather than ask questions. :) Thanks to the info and advice here, I decided to look around and found a place I feel comfortable going to in order to learn more.
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    "Not a troll. It's called research. I don't have extensive medical knowledge either, but plotlines often involve people getting hurt, so I talk to doctors and nurses to get information."

    And that is exactly why you should just go to a club and do your research there with strippers not with online customers.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    It’s important to talk to someone who has worked in the part of the country where your story will take place, and the same level of club. There’s a lot of variation, regionally.
  • TheeOSU
    7 years ago
    "what, if any, difference in that amount would there be between a female stripper and a male stripper in a gay club?"

    Regarding what a gay male stripper makes, send a PM to sanjoseguy. That's his field of expertise, he knows everything there is to know about male strippers. ;-)
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Theshygirl if you aren’t a troll than you must be a plagiarist, unless when you write your story you are going to tell the readers that the experience is someone else’s not your own. Don’t be so fucking lazy get out there and do your own research.
  • TheShyGirl
    7 years ago
    It's a fictional story. The plot and characters are my own. One of the characters had worked as a stripper and I wanted to be sure I presented that character's work and financial situation in a way that was accurate. The info I was looking for was very general, not specifics about someone else's life.
    I understand that this was obviously not the place for info that I was led to believe. Thanks anyway.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago
    Guys, chill the fuck out, it's just a few questions. Even if she is a troll, it's nothing compared to the epic trolling that we've witnessed here in the past. And if she's not a troll, doesn't it make sense that someone who's doing this kind of research would come to a website like this to ask questions? It's no different than the people who came here looking for advice on buying a strip club - maybe they were trolls, maybe they weren't, but if they were for real, then where else could they have gone to get the ball rolling on their research?
  • bvino
    7 years ago
    What article said this was a good source of information? Everything on here is fiction. We also tend to crack wise with outsiders who only poach on our hard earned experience. I agree that your questions are better answered through direct experience and not second lies told by anonymous web crawlers. As an editor and former English teacher i would call this lazy.
  • Liwet
    7 years ago
    1.) At a club, how many on-stage dances can a dancer expect to perform per night?

    Between 6-8 on a typical 8 hour shift, so probably once an hour. If there are a lot of girls, usually additional stages will open or two girls will go on stage at once.

    2.) At an upscale club, what is an average amount a popular dancer could get in tips during one on-stage dance?

    I only know of one example, but one of my favorites (7.5 in looks, can't do pole tricks but is very sensual) made about $67 after my $7 tip, mostly in $1 bills. Club had about an average amount of people but the stage was pretty full of patrons.

    3.) In regards to the previous question, what, if any, difference in that amount would there be between a female stripper and a male stripper in a gay club? Would the men make more or the women?

    Don't know. I don't go to gay clubs.
  • DeclineToState
    7 years ago
    1.) At a club, how many on-stage dances can a dancer expect to perform per night?
    Depends on the club and number of dancers on shift, of course. At a busy club on a 7-8 hour shift with 15-30 girls on shift, each girl will appear on stage 3+ times for a 2-song set. At clubs with short songs (3 minutes) will get on stage more often than at clubs with longer songs (4-5 minutes). Girls who have lots of regular customers they're giving dances to or going into rooms will get on stage less than other girls.

    2.) At an upscale club, what is an average amount a popular dancer could get in tips during one on-stage dance?
    An upscale club is typically a non-extras club. Not taking Vegas into account, during weekday a girl who's shakin it good and making good eye contact with customers and interacting will get $20+ in $1 bills per set. Weeknight shift, $25+. Weekend night 30+. When club's packed or some dummy's making it rain, difficult to predict and sky's the limit.

    3.) In regards to the previous question, what, if any, difference in that amount would there be between a female stripper and a male stripper in a gay club? Would the men make more or the women?
    Thankfully I have no fucking clue.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Shygirl, there is no way to get info about what it is like in strip clubs, without going there and going there often.

    Here is a great novel:

    written by the same guy who wrote Leaving Las Vegas.

    And about the legal, social and political history, this is a must read:

  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    7 years ago

    The first novel you linked to, Stripper Lessons, looks interesting, thanks. I think I'll add it to my reading list. O'Brien seems to have been obsessed with sex workers. It's too bad TUSCL wasn't around in his lifetime.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    O'Brien wrote a third book, Assault On Tony's.

    But remember, he killed himself while the Leaving Las Vegas movie was being made.

    I think he just lived in that realm of desperation and fatalism. In the Leaving Las Vegas movie they focus on the two characters. But in the book, Sarah's pimp, Uri, was a co-equal third character.

    They give you more insight into Sarah's character. And of course she is the only one of the three who survives, and she leaves to return to Los Angeles.

  • Chrisjenk94
    7 years ago
    If your looking for fiction ask for stories from JohnSmith69 and desertscrub they have the best fictional stories. From what I can see they should be fiction writers with the horse shit they write in their reviews...
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