stripper phone issues

avatar for max_starr
Cleveland, Ohio
@rh48hr mentioned "She also had the stereotypical stripper flakiness and phone issues which made it easy to not get attached." My experience has been good so far. Current friend is very polite and considerate and texts my burner #. We knew each other several weeks before even exchanging numbers. Past friends also no problems...When I text I don't expect her to respond right away, I know she could be busy doing anything, including other guys lol....What is your experience with giving CF your phone# ?


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avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Precious few have had reliable phone/communication habits from the start.

Of those who were some variation on shitty, about a quarter to a third improved dramatically when I explained that I would give my money to another dancer if they didn't sort themselves out.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
@max give it time grasshopper !
avatar for dancewdcpa
7 years ago
My experience is exactly as Ishmael stated. Common courtesy does not seem very common...
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
As far as my favorites, they usually respond in a timely manner. I had one fav that would never respond to my texts, I subsequently dropped her.
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
LOL are you saying I'll get a crazy one sometime....?
I'm happy with the service I get now...:)
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
Stripper phones seem to frequently experience melt downs. I’ve seen dancers attempt to check text/email while on stage - by reaching into their purse - taking a quick look at the phone - then quickly dropping the phone in the direction of the purse. It’s similar to Curling in the Winter Olympics - as the phone has a tendency to miss the target...
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^You aren’t an experienced monger yet grasshopper, when you can snatch the phone from her hand it will be time for you to leave.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
Or just get her snatch in your hand.
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
My weirdest experience 10+ years ago happened at the Columbia Platinum Plus. I had been seeing a lot of a dancer named Rita and she said that she was ready to take it to the next level OTC. She lived in Aiken SC. She was going to have to move out of her apartment for 2 weeks while her landlord brought it up to code. She planned to go live with her parents in Richmond VA during that time and suggest that I fly up there to meet her. She gave me her parents phone number. So when the time came I called her at her parents house. I talked to her father. He had not seen or heard from her recently. WTF? So I called her cell number and got a recording "This is Rita & Randy. We can't come to the phone right now, etc.". Another WTF. I didn't leave a message.

I ran into her about a year later at the same club. She didn't even offer an explanation. Just asked if I was still pissed and I said yes. Never saw her again after that.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
Lifetime o=tc contact with strippers = zero.
avatar for JohnSmith69
7 years ago
If you deal with a stripper long enough, there will eventually be some type of cell phone drama. Always. The details vary but the practical result is that her communication will at certain times be somewhere between sporadic and non-existent. Even the DS went thru these stages. They all do.

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