What if he was from Jamaica and live in Denmark? Would Caribbean European be the politically correct name for his race or would it still be African American?
Movie has been selling tickets like hot cakes. Marvel is pretty good with their movies. I haven't seen a marvel movie yet I haven't liked. I'm glad to hear they have another good one.
"Anxiously awaiting skibum's and clubber's reviews." Not gonna happen. I refuse to pay for the crap coming out of the indoctrina... err, "entertainment' industry.
Marvel movies that were below expectations: Iron Man 2 and 3, Thor 2 and 3, Captain America 1, and the first Hulk. I'm not including the Sony or Fox studios films since they've mosty fallen outside the MCU.
Did you go see it, realIntoDougster? Were you hoping to meet dougster there? I can see how the title could be a bit misleading, but it’s not that kind of movie.
^ yeah, but how many of those viewers were guys like, realIntoDougster, who were expecting a gay porn? Look how easily he gets confused, when it comes to men in tights. I’m so glad he enjoyed it anyways.
What if he was from Jamaica and live in Denmark? Would Caribbean European be the politically correct name for his race or would it still be African American?
And the answer is simple.
Fuck you jackie - stop patronizing my posts
It's a good movie. Not your typical superhero movie.
Martin Freeman works his way into yet another franchise (H2G2, Sherlock, LOTR, Dr.Who) as the token white guy.
Dont patronize me!