Strippers and their friends

avatar for theDirkDiggler
taxi_driver made a comment in the Do Dancers compare notes on PLs discussion that made me think of a situation i've had more than a few times. That is the stripper and her "friend'. Sometimes there's even more than one friend. Almost always, i like one a lot more than the other. Sometimes it's kind of close (and that can be an expensive situation), but usually, i can take one and leave the other. Nowadays, i don't get "ganged up" by groups much (and i don't mean the stupid double team hustle), but when i did, i usually ended up spending more money than i had cared to that day. In hindsight, i would have rather spent the money i spent on her "friend" on the favorite instead, or if she wasn't a favorite, but just a regular, maybe not at all (similarly expounded upon in my onegina article). These days if the friend asks me for a dance, i demure or occasionally just get the one. Do any of you come across this and how do you handle it?


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avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
I simply get dances with the stripper that I want dances with. If it is her, I ask her to go get dances. If I like her friend more, I ask her. If I want dances with both, I do that instead.

Stripper jealousy and guilt tripping is nothing but SS to me. I couldn't give a rat's ass if my choice of who I spend my money on affects another. Not my issue. It's just business.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
I just prefer to avoid any stripper politics or drama if i hurt one friend's "feelings" although i've never actually gotten the cold reception from the preferred dancer if the friend was rejected and having a bad day which often happens. These girls often go to the club together too and one of them almost always wants to leave earlier and can mess with the other girl's "game" almost like a wet blanket. Again not my problem unless it affects the other stripper's interactions (concentration) with me, particularly during dances. Fortunately, for the most part it hasn't aside from a few comments about feeling bad for her friend.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
-->"I just prefer to avoid any stripper politics or drama if i hurt one friend's "feelings""

That's what the girls are depending on :) There's no stripper politics or drama or anything else at work here, it's all in your head. To me, like almost everything else, just be direct and clear and above-board (rather than sneaky), and you're in the clear.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
I never double up, unless the customer wants multiple girls. I introduce my regulars to girls I think they might want to try. I’m confident in my dances, and in my ability to keep customers, so I think it’s an overall plus for them to like multiple girls at one club. I do try to pick girls I have decent working relationship with, but I also think of my cistomer’s preferences. Some customers won’t hear it, and like having one favorite, but that’s going to always be their call. There’s no sense in being possessive. Guys who want variety won’t be happy without it.

I also like when my regulars don’t mind a friend coming over and chatting w us now and then. It can suck when it’s slow, and boring, so I appreciate when I can be the third wheel sometimes too. I don’t expect anything from the customer, andy friends don’t either. I know it’s not always the case tho.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
I'm not talking about doubling up (which i think is a stupid strategy in general). I'm talking more about sitting with a girl, her friend joins her. They both stay with me seemingly forever until i wise up and ask the one i'm interested in for a dance. Later on the friend approaches me thinking i'm cool with her, and for the most part i am, but i usually don't like her as much the first girl.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
^ I also like having conversations with my ATF DS and any of her friends that stop by when it is slow. It's like being in the stripper dressing room. Plus I can simply focus on massaging and spooning my ATF DS and just listen with a rock hard boner while she's "distracted" in conversation.
avatar for PaulDrake
7 years ago
At the club I frequent the cuban girls like to double up and run some really aggressive hustles. It's pretty annoying.

The other day I was getting a dance with one of them. In the middle of a song she completely stops and brings her friend over and trys to talk me into a double with both of them.
avatar for Eve
7 years ago
There is only one girl I've worked with in my whole history dancing that I could be trusting enough to call a 'friend' and we hardly work together anymore. And even then, there was only one time where we 'doubled' or started off working single before the other walked by to say hello. But we did our thing solo for the most part.

Other than that, I'm greedy as hell at work. I don't want the other girls to even THINK about joining me when I'm already talking to a custy on my own unless he wants me to bring another girl or invites her himself. Because 98% of the time, the girls that just came to my table uninvited only did it because they had the worst trouble selling dances on their own, so they'd come over, give this spiel to the guy about a double dance, and if the guy rejects the offer, then she said she'd be back after I 'warm the guy up'.
I try to come off as low pressure when I sit with a guy, and another girl just joining in to immediately do her sale (thinking it'll help me too) just ruins said low-pressure.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
-->"I'm talking more about sitting with a girl, her friend joins her. They both stay with me seemingly forever until i wise up and ask the one i'm interested in for a dance."

I love when my CF's friends come join us. I will happily buy the friend drinks, but all my dance money is going to the CF. The friends almost always know the deal, but not difficult to make it clear if I need to ("I'm spending all my dance money on Porsche, but you're totally cool and I'm happy to buy you drinks if you hang out")
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
^ im sure your cf appreciates that. It’s a graceful way to handle it, and takes any pressure off her. I notice that guys who do that also benefit from having a friendly relationship w several girls. If their credit if away, or still busy, other girls will happily keep them company just for a drink and maybe stage tips. Makes your cf look good to the other girls too.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
“If their cf is away”
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
BJ: exactly! That was my theory but it's nice to hear someone else say that out loud. I genuinely enjoy having a table full of girls, and I believe that as long as I'm direct in my intentions ("no dances, drinks only"), there's little that can go wrong But, it makes my CF look good that her walking wallet is buying other girls drinks, and it is absolutely positively the case that the other girls will often come by and keep me company for just drinks. It's just win-win-win across the board, to me.
avatar for Pyroxl
7 years ago
How are doubles? Doesn't seem like there's much room for a 2nd. Do they take turns or try simultaneous?
avatar for Dolfan
7 years ago
I don't have a problem when a fave's friends join us. We're usually sitting there drinking/talking for a few hours and we're probably gonna disappear in the back for an hour or so too, so if they want to talk to her that day they're gonna have interrupt. Might as well be friendly about it. I get along with most of her stripper friends, I'll sometimes hang with them if she's running late or busy. I rarely do dances with them and they never ask.

Other strippers that aren't really her friend will occasionally join us as well. I take those on a case by case basis. If I want them to hang, I'm friendly and inviting. If not, I'm distant and dismissive. If they persist, I become increasingly direct until they move on. I'm generally much more likely to be nice to a friend than a random. If I'm unsure if they're friends or competition and I don't have a strong preference, I kinda follow her lead.

In either case, I do what I think will make me happy. I have no problem turning down dances, refusing to buy drinks, or just moving on if the situation no longer suits me. If I'm having a good time, I don't mind springing for a few extra drinks or dances. I don't do the double dance thing, but that's just cause I'm not into it. In cases when I don't want to hang with her friends, either she'll understand or cease being a fave. I've never had an issue with a girl being upset that I shot down her friend.

avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
I don't mind friends at all. I also buy them drinks on occasion. When my ATF is away I don't mind having a girl come and chat me up and get a drink....Now a few time I had to laugh because honestly I don't count dances any more with her....I more or less throw her 150 - 200 an hour give or 4-5 drinks at $10 a she often does 2-3 dances, gets up, does a partial dance, fucks around doing whatever....I mean no one is counting right? Anyway last time she did a partial the girl next to me told her, "do you mind if I finish that dance for you?" I think she's just a touch jealous that my atf has a "sure thing" when I come in. I know too that some of the girls come and spend time with me just waiting for that moment when I might get tired and want a change.....So yes it is all friendly but there's some competition going on at the same time too. And don't get me wrong, I don't get a big head over it, but it tickles me to be fought over a little...I know its just the money...
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
and forget about double dances, I don't even know what that's about... other than straight wasting cash.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I had an odd experience last week.

I knew one of the dancers, and the club wasn’t busy at all. She saw me during her tip walk, and gave me a big smile. That was nice. However, there was a nice dirty looking dancer who looked just my type - right behind her. The first dancer came over, and I tipped her. She wanted me to take her for dances. I declined - and she saw I was looking at the other girl. So she says - that’s my cousin - I’ll get her for you. She wants to do a double - two Brazilians and me.

I’ve got the two of them rubbing their tits all over me at the bar. I keep saying no. Finally the girls relent. I take the nice dirty cousin in the back room. She starts grinding me standing up. She got a nice thick Brazilian booty - that makes for a nice cock grind. I’m enjoying it - and I’m getting really hard.

I lean back into the seat. She pulls it out - and I start really enjoying her. Then the other girl pops in! She looks at it and leans in to start sucking. I quickly work to compose my thoughts. I say no - no double! She looks at me - my cock is throbbing - and I say no again. I grab her hips and turn her - slap her ass hard - and say no! She finally leaves.

The other dancer has now pulled the crotch open in her lingerie - and is in the corner masturbating - watching this shit. I look at her - she’s not sure what I’m going to do to her now. I say - suck it - now! She crawls over - gives a nice sloppy blow job - and makes me cum hard.

She jumps and cleans me up - with her wipes. I ask her how much she wants after all the craziness - and the price is now lower. I add the difference to her tip. She then asks - if I would smack her ass hard - like I did to her “cousin!”

I obliged - as she had a great thick booty -

I don’t like getting the two on one dances. I can control one dancer, but I’m leery of taking two on at once. I don’t trust the pricing - and I tend to think you don’t get double - but you usually pay at least double.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Lol cashman. You should be a naughty writer! You could write the next 50 shades of gray, and get rich!
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
Cashman1234 fucking great story!
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
That’s funny! I did have a good time remembering the experience.

I was a bit more stressed trying to keep that second dancer out of the action. She wouldn’t take no for an answer!
avatar for max_starr
7 years ago
Well, they have an excuse, they are brasilian
avatar for SirLapdancealot
7 years ago
I once had two Vietnamese strippers try the "sisters" hustle on me. I didn't bite.

The only two stripper lap dance I want is with identical twins. One on one suits me fine.

@Cashman1234 ROFLMAO.
avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 years ago
Too funny. From the girl peeking in to trying to suck it to you turning her ass and slapping it hard and yelling no and go, to the other girl in the other corner masturbating and then the sloppy bj and then the jump to clean when she finishes... Man you can't make this stuff up. Of course you remember it; it was only last week.

I do agree about the double being only about paying double for splitting your attention.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’m sure it’s easy to get talked into two on ones. With the pretty persuasion - and a few drinks - one’s judgement can get clouded.

In my view - it’s not worth it.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
I'm always a free agent at the club. Even my ATF knows to ask if I am sitting with anyone before sitting down. Of course if she is busy, I respect that, wish her good luck in her earnings and see her another time.
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