Has there been a shift in stripper attitudes on sex?

Gynecology student
It seems like I’ve run into a couple of common stripper/escort views on certain activities and terminology in the last couple of years and I’m wondering if others are noticing this or if it’s just a few outlier experiences I’ve had.
First, even the most hard boiled seem to refer to “fucking” as “sex”, as if the less graphic description makes it more ok. In other words, even sex workers seem to have toned the talk down a bit.
Second, I’ve noticed more strippers that seem to regard HJ and BJ as perfectly fine but it seems like “sex” is a bigger leap for them than it seemed to be a couple years ago. I realize that what I think I’ve noticed may not be a trend at all but I’m wondering if others have encountered similar shifts in terminology or attitudes about sexual acts.
First, even the most hard boiled seem to refer to “fucking” as “sex”, as if the less graphic description makes it more ok. In other words, even sex workers seem to have toned the talk down a bit.
Second, I’ve noticed more strippers that seem to regard HJ and BJ as perfectly fine but it seems like “sex” is a bigger leap for them than it seemed to be a couple years ago. I realize that what I think I’ve noticed may not be a trend at all but I’m wondering if others have encountered similar shifts in terminology or attitudes about sexual acts.
She didn't even mention a condom (which surprised me) and I popped in about 45 seconds. She was a spitter, not a swallower.
When I was in HS (late 50's & early 60's), sex was taboo by HS kids. A childhood friend got knocked up & it was a scandal. Both had to quit school & get married. In college sex was more prevalent but talk with women was limited to "down there" and porn was seen on grainy 16 mm films for guys only ( in my experience). A good friend's GF got pregnant and she had an abortion (illegal) by a nurse for $300 (tuition was $100 per semester at a state college).
Over the past decade I've been amazed at women talking openly about their pussy, "only" giving a guy a BJ, watching porn with a BF or even in a group.
I personally think that the proliferation and ease of finding porn has been a major factor in allowing women to enjoy the freedom of talking openly about their bodies and enjoying sex without the guilt and shame which was there.
There probably are still a lot of girls that don't consider BJs sex. You can do it with all of your clothes on and kind of justify it as a weird type of kissing. Heck, i bet most guys don't consider DATY sex. They're probably definitely not going to say that they had sex after doing just that. The difference is that almost all guys want the BJ (especially if they're also DATY) and most girls are definitely a lot better at giving BJs than most guys are at DATY. Also a decent number of girls aren't very comfortable receiving DATY for whatever reason. So from the receiver's perspective, especially the guy, it probably feels more like sex and good sex. Actually, girls are probably more likely to get off from oral than just fucking/sex (no extra manual stimulation or toys) so DATY might be better for some of them...
i like his definition.
and gawker... in the sixties it was pretty much the same in my growing years in the socal suburb where i grew up. shit. i didn’t even see a porn flick until the seventies when i was in the navy.
I’ve had many a stripper tell me they won’t fuck because the don’t want to be cheating on their husband or boyfriend.
But these same strippers have no problem putting their mouth and tongue on a guy’s cock and performing what is almost universally (except in the bizzaro world of strip clubs) considered a “sex act.” But they will swear up and down that they don’t have “sex” with customers in the vip.
Yeah. Right. Whatever you want to tell yourself to justify it in your own mind girl.
The internet was a big game-changer in all-parts of our society including sex - all of a sudden porn was readily available and often free (no more going into a store, going inside the naughty-room, having to go up to the clerk w/ the box in your hand w/ the naughty images on the cover while others may be standing in line; and having to hide the tape from anyone at home) - so porn/sex has become desensitized to a larger extent (not as big a deal and probably way more young people including women are easily exposed to porn these days via the the simple swipe of their smartphone),
P4P has also become "more mainstream" due to the internet - where a girl can post an ad quickly/in-seconds, and cheaply, on a board (e.g. Backpage, etc) and make some quick $$$ w/o having to stand in a corner (custies come-to-her/contact-her w/o her having to go look for them by standing in a street-corner in an often bad neighborhood) - young girls that have become more desensitized may not see it as that big a deal (i.e. sex is more common among young people thus why fuck guys her own age for free where she can get paid and have $$$ for clothes, hair, the latest/best cell ph, etc) - so yeah, it seems sex, even P4P (sugar-babying, etc), seems less taboo than in generations past and it appears to the internet may have accelerated things via plentiful free-porn, escort-sites galore, sugar-babying, camming, etc).
A CBJ is often an easy way for them to make extras-type $$$ w/o having to fuck per se - and IMO w/ a CBJ she's really just sucking more on a condom than the actual dick - so it may not be as big a deal for them to do a CBJ vs BBBJ or CFS.
In the black-dives I hit they use the term "fuck" more than "sex" (e.g. dancer says "you wanna go fuck in VIP") - so it may be contingent on the type of club (dive vs upscale).
And IME, black dancers that do extras will fuck you a lot more readily than give you head.
Would your BF consider you giving another guy a BJ as having sex? as cheating?
What would you consider it to be if he went down on another girl?
I'm from a different generation. I have always thought or oral as sex. I never really thought about what would constitute "sex", but I guess I looked at it as an attempt to either get off or get someone else off by physical stimulation. Yeah, old-fashioned.
Cheating... I look at that as being kinda like harrassment. If someone feels that someone's actions constitutes being cheated on, they were cheated on. Something as innocent as flirting or ogling could be considered cheating by many.
Kinda like if someone is charged with murder, they might get convicted of manslaughter as a lesser included offense.
I don't look at a blowjob as a lesser act.
Personally, if I would perform oral I'd be equally as willing to have sex.