
Opinions: Dougster trolling vincemichaels because it was too close to home?

In a brilliant place!
Monday, January 22, 2018 4:30 AM
I don't want to relitigate the whole Dougster vs vincemichaels brouhaha, but Trucidos asked this question. I don't know how many people have Trucidos on ignore since he is a bit much so I thought I'd ask the question too. I've always thought that Dougster just enjoyed stirring the pot and didn't care what allegations he was repeating. To some degree he was testing whether folks ignored him, either figuratively by not responding or literally by clicking ignore. But it had crossed my mind that something had happened to Dougster or a relative or friend. Please ignore any responses that come from idiots wanting to restart the debate. I'm interested in responses people with at least half a brain. Be brilliant or STFU! Full disclosure: I largely stayed out of the fray because I just don't think vincemichaels was into what he was alleged to be by Dougster. You can never know anything for sure but I'm 99+% sure of this. His original comments were either ill-considered fiction or just one of those things that happened in the distant past. If the latter I'll say that it's fucked up. But if I thought for a minute it was an ongoing interest I'd say my piece, click ignore, and hope he goes away. I did have a good friend in high school that had something happen to him. It fucked him up seriously. So no jokes or idiocy. They aren't funny.


  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    I found Dougie to just be the type of nasty nothing person who's only cowardly joy in life was and is anonymous trolling. I agree on VM with the original poster.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    I think 4got that you are just being an apologist and looking for a way to excuse the inexcusable .
  • realDougster
    6 years ago
    Bad man hurt Dougster :(
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    It didn’t start over the remarks vm made ab underaged girls, it seems like it was mostly bc of the claims ab being in the military, to win credibility in a heated debate. I think dougster said in a thread that it was tittyfag who noticed a pattern of vm saying stuff ab girls anyways. I think vm probably makes stuff up. I don’t think he’s into little kids (except teen girls). I do think his lack of taste in expecting other guys here to be impressed or envious of what he claimed, is fucked up. Complaining that teen girls aren’t being made to wear swim suits so that he can leer at them, is also disturbing. It’s not that he finds them attractive; it’s looking for it that bother me. As a teenager (sadly even at 12/13 bc I was an early developer), I’d often get the same looks and the same vibe from grown men. It made me feel like crap to be seen as a sex object, and like I wanted them, when I saw grown men as adults, like my parents. Anyone with a teen daughter can probably relate to this issue. They want to wear the cool clothes, and to be pretty to kids their age, but grown men can’t help liking what they see. I understand that men can’t help being attracted to a womanly form, but they shouldn’t go looking for underaged girls to leer at, or glamorize it when it happens. Bragging ab it is sad and gross. I could in all seriousness try to explain this to vm, and he’d just call me a bunch of names and tell me to lick his ass crack; He just doesn’t get it. I tried telling dougster to be reasonable, and trust ppl to think for themselves.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    I think dougster’s main issue was always that vm lied to gain credibility in an argument, and he wanted others here to discredit vm bc of it. Frankly, that kind of thing does discredit someone on here to me, but it doesn’t make me angry or upset. Just makes me think they are full of shit. The stuff w the underaged girls just pisses me off as a person.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    Please @Bj99 do you think that this was his first rodeo, you are also just being an apologist for bad behavior.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    Do not call me an apologist. I’m only speaking as to my opinion of his battle w vm. It seems to have started over the stolen valor thing, and not the pedo thing. The rest in my opinion ab ppl who make crap up to win credibity, and of men to leer at younger teens women. I do not think dougster was reasonable in expecting everyone to do what he wanted concerning the issue, and I’ve said so.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    Trucidos. You are a such a silly dork! :P
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    You can dislike VMs posts and so can anyone I didn’t particularly care for them and there have been others which don’t need to be rehashed, but attacking me which that asshole did inexcusable in the way he went about doing just that. just because I am able to separate his stupid posts from him, does not make me a pedo or a sympathizer. I realize many don’t know VM so I didn’t say anything untill I was pressed if you go back and look at the record you’ll see I’m right. But thinking Dougster had an ounce of credibility is ridiculous. I still love you but I disagree.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    I agree that you are not a pedo sympathizer. You should have some confidence that reasonable ppl wouldn’t think that, just bc someone (anyone) says so. If someone does think that, then fuck them. Who cares what someone unreasonable thinks? It’s like when crazy strippers say, “if you are a real woman, you’d say it to my face, and not go tell management!” Umm.. no that would make no sense. Once someone has shown themselves to be unreasonable, there is no point in arguing/debating w them. You can only ignore, appease them, or use them for your purposes.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    ^^^ That I agree with
  • vincemichaels
    6 years ago
    As always, you 2 haven't a clue. You act on your fantasies, you don't know me at all. In Hj99's case, she's a hater, she just hates me, she doesn't know shit. Trucidos is a wack job, period. He has a continued pattern of hate, let's see what Founder chooses to do.
  • skibum609
    6 years ago
    The vast majority of you need to get a life. The idea there is something wrong with 25 because he knows Doug is a shithead is inane. Dougie's sole goal with all of his pathetic other nicknames was to bully and ruin the board. Every one of his supporter's is complicit. Trucidos isn't worth used TP.
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    Founder didn’t take any side. He asked ppl to stop spamming bc it’s bad for the discussion board.
  • twentyfive
    6 years ago
    @skibum the point that most missed about this whole episode was that Dougster was just a cyberbully so are his sympathizers. I hate bullying I think it’s ridiculous that anyone tolerated that stupidity @ Bj99 I really don’t give a shit what anyone thinks never did or I wouldn’t have spoken out the way that I did, just ask anyone who knows me personally they’ll tell you I am pretty much the same IRL as I am here.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Very good insights there 4got2wipe. SJG Jeff Beck ft/ Rosie Oddie [view link]
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    What was the argument that VM was trying to win when he pretended to be a veteran? He used this to win credibility in an argument but does anyone remember what the original debate was even about? I'm just curious. My apologies if this question has already been answered elsewhere.
  • BurlingtonHoFactory
    6 years ago
    ^^^ So no one even remembers what this horse shit was originally about? What kind of an argument would benefit from pretending to be a veteran anyway? I asked a question once about where the Stolen Valor accusation came from and I was given two brief vincemichaels quotes in which he did, in fact, claim military service and then contradict himself. But does anyone remember the context?
  • Bj99
    6 years ago
    No one has talked ab the context. I’ve never pmd dougster, but vm pmd me. I implored him to just explain if it was some misunderstanding, and he refused and called me names. After the other issue, I don’t have any doubts that he makes stuff up. Maybe he thinks it’s funny.
  • 4got2wipe
    6 years ago
    I would be interested to know the origin of the beef. I forgot about the whole stolen valor thing. Of course, I find it hard to get that worked up about anything anybody says on TUSCL. After all, we have a weirdo that claims to have caught HIV from a BJ that is now popping condoms to spread the disease. Kind of sick, in the fictional world where it is actually happening. In the real world where that same weirdo is sitting on the crapper with a laptop making things up it is more a sick attempt at brilliant trolling brought down by internal inconsistencies
  • vincemichaels
    6 years ago
    And the names are well deserved, Hj99, your history here is a Douchester supporter full of BS. I'm waiting to see when Douchester returns. :)
  • Trucidos
    6 years ago
  • ProudLiberalHusband
    6 years ago
    Very original post you got my trust
  • Trucidos
    6 years ago
    Thanks I appreciate it alot
  • Trucidos
    6 years ago
    Like really a lot
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